🐍 Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Chapter 11 🐍

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"That will be all for today," Kalim announces to everyone in the courtyard. "Tomorrow morning, we march to the eastern oasis, where I will put you through your paces!" He walks off, leaving everyone groaning and panting from the training session.

"My arms and legs feel like noodles..." A student says while panting.

"Water...Need water..." Another student groans.

"And we have another day of melting in the desert head ahead of us tomorrow. Uuuugh," Another student groans while trying to stand up.

"What's come over the housewarden?" A student asks. "He never used to be like this." Jamil only look at the group of students in concern.

Grim pants. "Finally, it's over," he says as he lays down on the ground and Angel follows. "He was all smiles and sunshine before. What's the deal with the sudden one-eighty?"

"I imagine when we placed last in the Spelldrive interdorms, and then Scarabia collectively scored at the bottom of exams..." Jamil explains as he approaches the two, holding a hand out for Angel to stand up with, which she takes. "He must have felt personally responsible. He's had terrible mood swings ever since."

"That ain't a mood swing. It's like he's a totally different person!" Grim exclaims as he tries to sit up.

"I've known him a long time, but that volatile temper has left me stumped as to how to approach him," Jamil says in concern. "He'll say one thing, then do something else the next minute. The way he goes on these power trips without warning is out of control. The whole dorm used to look up to our housewarden, but this odd behavior has us all scratching our heads. He's been making unreasonable demands, as you just saw..." He looks at where Kalim left, then looked at the students. "I fear it's only a matter of time before the students reach the end of their rope. I've done what I can to smooth things over, but this has gone beyond my ability to handle alone," he sighs.

"Yeesh. Between you and Trey over in Heartslabyul, you vice housewardens have it rough," Grim says as he crosses his paws.

"Ah!" Jamil exclaims, getting their attention and smiles. "Of course. You two are diamonds in the rough!"

The two look at him in confusion. "Huh? What're you talkin' about?" Grim asks.

"Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and even Octavinelle," Jamil lists. "Rumor has it that you two are outstanding students who have solved problems with multiple other dorms."

Angel looked at Jamil in shock while Grim only smirks. "Heh heh, we sure have," he says proudly. "Be grateful, peons, for the omnipotent sorcerer Grim walks among you!" Angel just looks at Jamil. It couldn't be...

"I bow before you, Angel" Jamil says to the two, bringing Angel out of her thoughts while ignoring Grim. "Please, I must ask: could you find it in your heart to help Scarabia as well?"

The two look at each other in concern. "Uhhh..."

"Our chance encounter in the cafeteria must have been guided by the hand of fate," Jamil says. "Surely you two can find us a solution using your sparkling intellect!"

"Yeaaaah, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you," Grim says with uncertainty in his tone. "Sure, I'm a big deal, but that ain't got nothin' to do with what we're talkin' about!" He climbs up on Angel. "Hey, Angel," he whispers. "Let's pass on this and keep our noses outta other dorms' business. I've still got a headache from the LAST time we meddled."

She looks at Jamil, thinking about Grim's words. It's not a lie to say that she really didn't want to deal with Scarabia's problem during winter break, but she was a bit worried about Kalim. She remembered how earlier, Kalim was just smiling at them, giving them a tour, and taking them on a magic carpet ride through the night, talking about his problems. How could someone change so much in so little time? However, there was another thought in her mind. That familiar headache she had earlier, it wasn't a mistake, it felt like what happened to the others. Could be another case of overblot? Jamil notice the look of thought and smiles at her, something waves over her as she looks at him. "You...will aid us, won't you?" Jamil asks.

"I will," she says, shocking Grim.

"MYAH! Are you serious?!" Grim asks her in shock. "You're agreein', just like that?!"

"You will? Oh, thank you, Angel," Jamil says with a slight bow, leaving her a bit confused. "With that matter settled, why don't you stay in Scarabia as out guests of honor?" He asks as he claps his hands, a group of students approaching the trio.

"You called, Vice Housewarden?" A student asks.

"Show our guests to their quarters," he commands.

"Yes, sir!" The students respond, looking at the duo, making them flinch. Angel and Grim only looked at each other, knowing well enough that they could only follow the students before anything else gets worse.

The students led the two to an empty room, or at least as empty as it can be. Though it's not as well- decorated as the rest of the dorm, it did have some basic amenities: an armoire, a bed with an open canopy, a nightstand table, a mirror, and a dresser. The two only walk in and look around at the room, seeing that there was a window, but the 'window' was blocked by an intricate design, only small enough for a finger to go through. Once the group of students have decided that the two are situated, they called out to them. "Have a pleasant evening," one of the student says as the door closes, leaving the two alone in the room.

Grim jumps off Angel's shoulder and look at her with a glare. "Maaaan, I TOLD you not to fall for Jamil's ploy!" Grim angrily says to her. "You know this is gonna be a whole debacle, Angel. Why'd you have to sign us both up for it?!" He crosses his paws. "This is Scarabia's problem. They can take care of their own business."

Angel just looks down at shame. "I found myself agreeing before I could think better of it..." she says quietly.

"Sheesh. You can't say no to anything!" Grim states. "You're a real sap sometimes, you know that? Then again, when you bare your teeth it's no joke..." He mumbles. "Anyway, I've had enough of getting' dragged into shenanigans. Let's give 'em the slip while we can and head back to Ramshackle Dorm!" She nods.

After waiting a while and listening through the walls, thanks to Grim's sense of hearing, Angel cracked the door open, looking around for any signs of people in the hallway. Once the coast was clear, the two carefully stepped outside the room, closing the door behind them as quietly as they could and walked the hallways. "Okay, first we gotta get to the mirror connected to the school..." Grim whispers as they walk. Suddenly, the sound of a whistle goes off, alerting the two as they look around, trying to find the source of the whistle. "Wh-wha?! What's that noise?!" Grim exclaims, only to hear the footsteps approaching and seeing a group of students looking at them, making the two panic.

"Hey!" A student yells. "You think you can just leave the dorm?!"

"For the duration of winter break, nobody leaves the dorm for any reason unless they've got the housewarden's permission. Period," another student states to the duo.

"Seize them!" The student yells, and the other students only follow the command.

"After them! Hold it right there!" They yell at the two while the two only look at the scene in horror.

"Oh for cryin' out loud!" Grim yells as the students pull out their pens, ready to attack. The two start to run, with the studentsclosely following.

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