👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 1 👑

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A/N: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE ❤️! Whether your single as a Pringle (like me) or spending time with your significant other, just remember it's a day of love, whether it's love for yourselves, others, or even just for the little things. If you're single, in the words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle: TREAT YO SELF!!!

Anyway, here's the first two chapters of Book 5 that I promised (we're finally starting it!) and there will be little extra notes at the end of these two chapters! Check it out! (2/14/24)

One night while Angel was asleep, she was slightly awaked by a peculiar noise, hearing someone's voice echoing in the night. "Is someone...singing?" She sleepily asked to herself, only to dismiss the thought as she falls back asleep. As she was sleeping, the mirror starts to glow and started to form ripples, a scene starting to appear in her dreams.

Angel slowly opens her eyes, seeing her reflection starting right at her. She looks at the mirror in shock, not expecting to see a mirror, but the mirror looked awfully familiar. The familiar design surrounding the frame, the black glass staring at her aside from her reflection, the familiar yet mysterious air around it... (The Dark Mirror?!) She concludes as she looks closely at it, seeing that it was exactly the mirror in the Mirror Chamber, just without the face. She looked at the mirror closely, a peculiar feeling coming over her as she slowly raises her hand and puts it closer to the mirror, part of her mind wanting to touch it to see if it was actually real, but another part of it felt that it was moving on its own, almost forcing her to touch it. Before her hand was able to touch the glass, she heard footsteps, and quickly pulled her hand back, confused at the encounter. Why did she want to touch the mirror...? The sound of footsteps become closer, and she starts to panic, looking around for some kind of hiding spot only to be met with darkness surrounding her. As she looks around in a panic, she was met with a beautiful woman heading to her, a deep purple robe hugging her body with a white collar as big as her small, petite head, her sleeves engulfing her arms, but it didn't seem to be much of a hassle for her, in fact, it only added to her beauty even more. Angel noticed that she was wearing a bright gold crown, with what seems to be a pearl adorning the top of the point of the crown, seeing that she was probably a queen, but could there ever be a queen as beautiful as her? She watches the woman head towards her, struck by her beauty as each step she takes seem calm and poised while also elegant and noble, not missing a step or even a misstep as she confidently walks. Angel snapped out of her thoughts, seeing that the woman was looking at her and quickly moved away from her path, feeling that if anyone was in her way, she would be terrifying as she is beautiful. As she moved out of the path, she noticed that the woman wasn't exactly looking at her, but instead the mirror, in which she approached it and stopped, seeing her reflection staring back at her with her noble appearance. "Slave in the Magic Mirror," she starts, "come from the farthest space." She looks at the mirror and the mirror slightly glows. "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" She asks, but it felt more like a command instead.

Angel looks at the mirror and slightly gasps, a familiar face starting to form as the mirror slightly glows with the queen watching the scene. "A lovely maid I see," the mirror says, only for another scene to appear in the mirror, seeing a forest with a gorgeous young lady with short black hair and black eyes, looking around in wonder with a smile on her delicate, beautiful face with what looks to be various animals following her every move, some of them even guiding her around. "Lips as red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin as white as snow," the mirror lists and answers before the scene disappears, answering the queen's question.

The queen only looks at the mirror in anger, not satisfied with the answer. "...Snow White!" She grits her teeth as another scene appears in front of Angel.

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