👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 32 👑

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A/N: Y'all know what time it is! I got a question for you all: The world is ending! How would you spend your last moments: Same 'ol routine, fulfilling your bucket list, or try to save the world?

"Look, we're growing boys, okay?!" Ace exclaims. "Of course we're gonna get hungry at night. And why are YOU using magic in the dorm when it's not even allowed?"

"Speaking as a Heartslabyul student, I can't possibly ignore Trey's homemade sweets," Deuce defends. "That would just be wrong..."

Vil watches the three calmly. "Any moment now," he says, making everyone confused.

"Huh?" Ace says in confusion. "Whaddaya mean, any-" Suddenly the three collapse on the floor. "HRK!"



The scene left Angel shocked. "Are you guys okay?!" She asks, only for them to grunt in pain. "Why did they collapse?!" she asks Vil, who only watches them with an indifferent look.

"B-body's...going numb..." Ace grunts, his arms and legs twitching, only to become still for a while.

"Rrrgh...I can't stand..." Grim says as he attempts to stand up, only for no effort to be shown.

"What's going on?" Deuce grunts as he looks at Angel and Vil before them.

"Wait..." Ace says as he glances at the boxes, then back to Vil, eyes wide in realization. "Did you poison the food in the fridge?!"

"Heh," Vil chuckles. "It's not poison. It's a curse," he corrects.

The statement made everyone shocked. "A curse?" Deuce asks. "How do you curse food...?"

"Its my signature spell: Fairest One of All," he explains. "It gives me the power to place a curse upon anything I touch. A curse so potent, not even I can lift it before its stated conditions are met. I imagine you'd like to know how I've hexed the food I confiscated from you today. Shall I tell you?" He looks to the four, seeing that they were waiting his next words. "'Any fool who partakes of this shall be immobilized until the next sunrise,'" he smirks.

The three look at him with eyes wide in disbelief. "Y-you can DO that?!" Deuce exclaims.

"That's even more sinister than poison!" Ace states. "It doesn't even taste any different!"

"I told you to avoid foods loaded with sugars and additives until the SDC show," Vil states. "You clearly aren't taking your roles as ensemble members seriously!" He glares at the three. "You can stay on the hard floor until morning as punishment."

The statement shocks the three even more. "B-but I didn't even take the food! Someone else shoved it in my mouth!" Deuce explains.

"No excuses!" Vil sternly states, making the three be silent. "This is collective responsibility." He turn to look at Angel, flinching at the look. "Angel, seeing as you did not partake, I'll let you off this time. But don't start indulging just because you're not going out on stage. Now get back to your room, unless you want to root yourself into the floor with the spuds."

"Y-yes, sir..." She meekly says as she tries to look away from Vil's glare. She looks to the guys. "Sorry, guys..." She says as she starts to head upstairs, not trying to hold Vil up any longer.

"Myaaaah! Angel! Don't leave meee!" Grim cries out.

"Cease your yowling!" Vil shouts, making Grim flinch and silently cry. "Hmph..." He sighs. "Why must they all act in such an unbecoming manner? I simply cannot fathom why."

A/N: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH BABY! I'M BACK Y'ALL! It's been a TERRIBLE three weeks, but here I am, back to writing! Do know that , unfortunately, I passed only 3/6 finals (soo much material in so little time😓); however, final grades will not be posted until about a few days after this post (I'm going to say this now, I THINK I passed my classes, going to wait until I get the official final grades to actually announce if I passed or not). Do know that during this past week, I have been suffering to write the White Rabbit Fest event story the past week of my last week of finals (maybe that's the reason I've failed the finals...😅) and now that finals are over, I can officially finish writing it, so by the time Book 5 is done posting, I can just mass release the event story to work on the side stories.

Since I'm writing this on 5/2, I just want to say this: if I pass, my schedule during this year will be MESSY! If I pass, my new classes are going to be T and R (Tuesday and Thursday respectively) at night from 5-10 pm, along with classes during the weekend which might cause problems with posting, and R for the second half (don't worry if anyone asks, I will explain) from 5-9 pm, and class all day on Fridays, which will, again cause some problems for posting. Since we have about 44 chapters remaining for book 5 and I release 4 chapters a week, that's 11 weeks of posting, which might be delayed a bit when school starts. Do know that when Book 5 is over, I'm going to focus on writing side stories since I won't have to be consistent in writing those and don't have to keep up a continuous schedule to post. DO know that it will probably be delayed until NEXT YEAR until I start on Book 6 (I'm stuck on chapter 67 atm and want an SSR Rook card but the gacha gods aren't kind to me to provide me one) and Book 6 will be a seperate work!

Speaking of Book 6, unfortunately, after seeing how Book 6 and Book 7 is set up (haven't started book 7 but seeing how more content is added for Book 7 this month AND the fact that Book 7 is over 100+ chapters long), each book will be a SEPERATE WORK, making the "Into to the World of Twisted Wonderland" to be a 4 work series so far. Do know that for Book 6, I have an idea of how to section chapters 66 and 67 into the story since they are in about over 20 parts, so it will be longer than my original plan. Again, Book 6 won't start until next year!

Since I got the main important things down so far, I just want to say that only until chapter 33 has been written, and since the event story took so much out of me, I have to basically reorient myself in writing again since I was on a three week absence of writing and the fact that I was going through a bit of burnout when I was writing the event story, so the next few postings might be delayed a bit until I can write normally (though the event story won't be released until later this year, I kept the details minimal since I was studying and trying to rush to finish it). So don't be surprised if there's no posting on Wednesday. Also, I'm going to be transferring the story so far to my new laptop (yes, that laptop from months ago), so the post might be delayed to the NEXT SATURDAY until everything is set (me writing and transferring over everything). I had to wait until the semester was over since everything is set into this laptop in order to transfer everything. It can also help with the typos that's been going on with the recent chapters! (Thanks to the person who's been keeping track of my mistakes to correct later on!)

Anyway! That was a long A/N! Sorry about that guys, it's just that I've been celebrating at the fact that finals and these three weeks of testing is over and that writing can begin! I thank you all for your well wishes these past three weeks, and now that it's over, I'll be ready to write for you all again! So May the 4th be with you, and I'll see you all soon! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 (5/4/24)

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