🐰 (EVENT STORY) White Rabbit Fest: Finale 🐰

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Deuce quickly sprints down the maze, turning around corners with ease to catch up with the leader of the Black Bunnies. "No matter how much I run, I'm still not catching up to the others," he says as he looks around, seeing that there wasn't any runners around him. "I must be way behind. What should I do?" He looks ahead of him, stopping to see a hedge in front of him. "Oh no, a dead end!" He exclaims. "Guess it's back the other way..." He says as he turns around, only to catch something in the hedge. "Wait, there's a tiny door here!" He says as he bends over to look at it closely.

"Hey there!" The doorknob greets. "Wanna come through here?"

"It spoke!" Deuce exclaims in shock. "Must be another magic doorknob like the one Epel found!"

"I have a helpful hint," it says. "This door leads to a shortcut."

"B-but I'm too big to fit," Deuce states, seeing the size of the door.

"One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter."

Deuce looks at the door in confusion. "...What are you talking about?"

"Haha! The bread, of course!" It says.

Deuce looks at it in confusion before looking around, seeing that there was a table with a loaf of bread behind him. "Oh, that huge loaf over there! That's right- in the White Rabbit Legend, that girl tears off bits of bread to eat. A bite from one of the sides made her small."

"Now you're getting it!" The doorknob happily says. "The effect will only last a minute though."

"I'm back," Silver says as he joins up with the others.

"Well done out there, Silver!" Dylla compliments.

He looks at the screen. "Deuce appears to have come across a rather interesting trap," he says as he looks at Deuce looking at the loaf of bread.

"That bread must be like the cookie Grim ate back in the Hall of Records," Epel says, remembering how Grim became big in the museum.

"'Course that only made me LOOK bigger," he states.

"They had a trap like this a few years back too, but I think Deuce had already stopped coming to the festival by then..." Dylla says. "They've cast a spell on the bread that only works within the confines of the course. I wanted to use the magic to make myself bigger so cleaning up the festival grounds would go faster...but they said it's not as convenient as that. Magic sure is complicated."

"I bet they were working on this trap all year leading up to the festival," Ortho says.

"I bet you're right," she agrees. "They probably wanted to pull out all the stops for the last leg."

"You can't take what that doorknob says at face value, Deuce!" Epel warns. "Or you'll end up like me!"

"But your door really DID lead to a shortcut," Silver states.

"Well, I mean...Not the easiest one..."

"I wonder what Deuce Spade is going to do," Ortho says in interest as he watches the screen.

"I don't think I have much choice if I want to catch the Black Bunnies," Deuce says as he looks at the door. "I can't let them win! "I'm going to eat this bread!"

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