👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 20 👑

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The six walk into the dorm, looking around to see if there were any more hostile students. Throughout their walk, they noticed that the dorm seemed quite empty, maybe because it was after school and everyone was still doing after school activity, or the fact that the auditions were over that it felt eerily quiet, almost too quiet. The six shrugged the feeling off, still keeping an eye on their surroundings as they continue their way to the lounge. Once they reached their destination, they looked at each other and nodded, carefully taking a step into the lounge, heading to the center, trying to find the person who sent the letter, only to hear doors closing behind them, making them turn around and see two Pomefiore students looking at them. "You must be the ones who passed the audition!" One of them shout.

"You got through the guys at the front gate, but they were just your warm-up," the other student says, pen in hand.

"Now you face us," the student says, pointing his pen at the six. "Don't think for a minute that we'll let you reach our housewarden without a fight!"

"What?!" Ace exclaims. "YOU guys invited US!" He emphasizes.

"This isn't makin' any sense!" Grim says as he jumps out of Angel's arm and face the students.

"Angel, stay behind us," Kalim says as he readies his pen.

"We don't know what could happen, and it could be bad if you got hurt," Deuce says as he stands in front of her.

"Don't you dare worry about it," one of the students says, getting their attention. "We are not monsters who would attack women. Don't dare lump us with them!" They shoot off a fireball at the five, with Kalim and Jamil blocking it with a shield.

"Dude! We're not calling you anything!" Ace says as he summons a fierce wind, kicking up a wind storm in the lounge. Deuce sees this and start to focus on the vases in the room, lifting them up to head towards the wind, letting the wind carry the vase towards the student, in which they noticed and barely dodged the attack, looking at them with a glare.

"How dare you vandalize Pomefiore dorm?!" One of them exclaims as they summon a whip, aiming it at Deuce, hitting him, making him grunt.

"This only shows you're not worthy meeting our precious housewarden!" The other student says, summoning the flowers in the room to hold the fie off, making them distracted as they try to stop the vines from reaching them. For Grim, it was easy since he could burn the vines, but while he was summoning fireballs, some parts of the flowers started to catch on fire, which got the attention of the Pomefiore students. The students focused their attention on the flowers, sending water spells out to precisely hit the flower, dousing them before the fire spread. Even Kalim has no choice but to help douse the fire, making Jamil sigh at his actions, but understood after all. If a dorm was set on fire because of them, it wouldn't be a good image for the school, even if fighting was part of a specific dorm's rules. For Jamil, this was the perfect distraction since they were both focused on the five and the fire, aiming his pen at the students and precisely hitting them in the legs and arms, making them groan in pain at the impacts. For Ace and Deuce, they were able to cut through the vines, with Ace's wind cutting the vines and Deuce using ice spells to keep the vines in place, and catch up to Jamil's plan, focusing on making the students off balance and Jamil focusing on disarming the students, proving to be effective as the students start to let their grip go. It wasn't until Deuce summoned a caldron to come between the students that their focus shifted, flinching at the impact it made on the floor that Jamil and Ace finished the job, effectively disarming them with Ace's wind and Jamil's precise attacks. The students fell to their knees, looking at the five with defeated looks. "Looks like this is it for me. Alas..." one of the groans.

The other student grabs his hand. "I'm proud to have fought alongside you to the bitter end..." He says to him. "We fall as brothers on this battlefield!...Grk!" They both collapse, making si een more confused by their actions.

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