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Emilias Pov

It's been two weeks since Leah came here. I still hear her voice and how worried she was. I was sitting back here just wishing to scream out for help. I wish she would have burst through the door and saved me. I think Mark tricked her. I hate how he lied to her and said that I was fine while I was sitting back here on the floor with my entire body covered in bruises. I didn't see Leah for so long and something inside me feels wrong ever since then. I wish I could see her, I wish I could hug her and hear her laugh. The sound of her laughing always made me happy. I think I didn't laugh for months. This house feels like a prison. It is basically.

It got worse every day. I don't know how it could get worse but somehow it could. Today was a rare day where Mark would go to work. It doesn't happen often but every time it does I think about just getting away. I'm too scared to do it which is pathetic. I don't even know where I should go if I would get out of here. I hate that I'm the one who has to leave even though it's my house.

As he comes back he lets me out of the bedroom so I could clean something in the kitchen. I feel like an animal in a cage whenever he does that.

"Clean that up. It's your fault." He says. I don't know why it should be my fault of he basically threw the plate at me yesterday.

"Why is it my fault?" I ask. I instantly regret asking.

"Because you always make me angry. Just do what I told you and shut your mouth." He groans and goes back a few steps grabbing a beer. As of he hadn't had enough drinks by now. I sigh and start to clean the floor. It's ridiculous but I look forward to cleaning the kitchen or something every day because it's the only time I have something to do. I also get the glasses out of the dishwasher and put them in the cupboard. Mark went to the living room and watched some football match. He always gets loud while doing that. He screams at the Tv the entire time which makes me wince every time. I hate when he screams.

"Hey babe!" He yells at me. I hate when he calls me that because it would imply that he loves me but that obviously isn't the case. The nickname sounds like a joke.

"Yeah?" I say quietly.

"You should take a look at this. That's real football. Not this embarrassing children play that your useless friend is doing over there." He laughs. He triggered something inside me with that. I always get angry when he talks about Leah in any way but this is different.

"Stop talking about her." I just mumble.

"What's her name again? Williamson?" He chuckles. It disgusts me how he says that.

"Don't talk about her." I say again. Louder this time.

"She is a pretty girl. Nice body." He says. I feel like I have to throw up. I don't even want to imagine him getting near Leah.

"Leave her alone." I turn around again and in this moment I drop a glass. Mark gets up at that.

"You are really so stupid." He screams.

"I'm sorry." I get scared again as he comes over.

"Maybe I should look for some other girl. I got tired of you and your useless actions. You are not useful for anything. I'll get myself another woman who I can fuck the way I want to. Maybe I should pick up that Williamson girl." He grins at me as he stands right in front of her.

"Stop it. Leave Leah the hell alone. Take me but leave her alone." I say in a cracky voice. Just the thought of him hurting Leah in any way is making me feel sick.

"It's sweet how you worry about her. She must mean a lot to you." He smiles but it's an evil smile.

"Let me clean this and then I'll do anything you want but stop talking about Leah." I say again. I'll do anything right now so he would stop.

"I like her. What is she like? Did you ever see her naked?" He comes closer and I smell his disgusting breath. His questions disgust me. How can someone be that disrespectful and awful? I feel ashamed for loving someone like that.

"I won't talk to you about her." I say.

"I bet she looks ravish when she is naked. I should find out about that." It just gets worse. I wish I wouldn't have to hear this.

"Stop." I whisper. I can't hear it anymore.

"Tell me where she is." He says. What? I hope I didn't hear that right.


"Where does she live? I will replace you. No woman can resist me so she won't either." He says. He is so obsessed with himself. It's a shame. Leah would never go with someone like him. She wouldn't go with any man but most certainly not with this one.

"I won't tell you where she lives." I say in a clear voice. This goes far beyond the breaking point. This isn't about me. It puts Leah in a dangerous position.

"Oh you will." He steps back for a moment but he sounds so psychotic again. He opens a drawer and gets out a knife. Fuck. This is worse now. I don't want to know what he is about to do. He comes in front of me again and pushes me back against the kitchen counter.

"You better tell me." He says in a threatening voice and holds the knife at my ribs. I don't know if he would really stab me but I think he is capable of anything.

"No." I shake me head.

"Would you really throw away your life for that woman?" He laughs.

"What kind of life is this anyway?" I snap.

"Alright." He smirks and puts the knife forward. I just wait for the pain. He cuts me at my ribs and in that moment I regret what I said. The knife cuts into my skin and I feel blood running down. I scream out. This is the worst pain. Mark has this devilish grin on his face as he watches me. I gasp for air at that pain. I never felt such a bad pain ever before.

"Tell me!" He yells at me. I have to do something. I can't handle this pain any longer. Blood is already dropping on the floor. I breathe heavily trying to make the pain go away.

"She lives on the west side of London. Just at the edge of town near a little church. A house with a green roof." I say to finally make him stop. He cuts me again and then throws the knife away.

"Why didn't you say that from the beginning?" He says. I drop to the floor and press my shirt on the wound at my ribs. I try to calm my body down again.

"I'll go and visit your little friend tomorrow and see what she is like. Maybe we'll come to the point right there." He laughs while looking down on me. There is enjoyment in his eyes but he won't be able to find Leah. Of course she doesn't live there. I would never ever tell him where she lives. I don't even know if there is a church or a house with a green roof there but I just said the first thing that came to my mind. I need to protect Leah at all costs. I won't let this many anywhere near her.

In this night I decided that I can't stay here. I have to run. I have to get out of here or he will really kill me some time. My body is about to die. I put some bedsheets around my chest to stop the bleeding at my ribs. I think about to run now but I'm too scared that he might hear me. I could do it tomorrow when he will go to that house that I told him about.

The next morning he really goes there. He didn't even open the door of the bedroom for once. I'm hungry and tired and thirsty but this is my chance. I just have to wait until he would be gone. It's raining heavily outside and it's also quite stormy. I hear the door closing and wait for the car sound. I have to make sure that he is gone. The door is locked so I can't go out of the room. The only option is the window. It's just the first floor but still like two and a half meters. I open the window and look down. There are some bushes down the window which could make this a bit easier. I have no choice. I need to do this now. I won't get another chance.

My body hurts so bad but still I so it. I close my eyes and jump. I let my body fall down and land in the bushes. It didn't hurt that bad. I open my eyes again and look around. I'm outside. I wasn't outside for a month. I'm covered in rain already but I don't care. I'm free. I can go whenever I want but I have no idea where to go. I get up and then just start to run. I just need to get away from that house. I run down the street and around some random corners. I don't know where to go. I just want to get away. My body is tired but somehow I still manage to run. There is only one place I could go right now and only one place I wanted to be for the past weeks.

I need to go to Leah.

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