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Leah's Pov

I open my eyes the next morning but I don't really want to. I have to leave today. I look forward to see all the girls and play for England but I don't want to leave Emilia. Last night was probably the best night I ever had with anyone. It was so sweet and perfect. Although it did hurt me to see and experience how bad all these men treated her. She is so insecure about herself because of them which she doesn't have to be because she is absolutely amazing. I don't think she understands how madly in love I am with her. I look next to me. We changed our positions a bit during the night. I rolled on my back and Emilia is cuddling into my side. Her hand lays on my stomach which is very sweet. I feel her warm skin against my body. I look down on her. She looks so cute how she is curled up into me. I gently stroke her hair and then kiss her head.

"I love everything about you, Emilia. You are perfect to me." I whisper at her. I somehow hope she heard that. I don't want this moment to end. I wish we could just stay in bed the entire day. I continue to stroke Emilias hair until she starts to groan softly. It sounds sweet when she wakes up and I immediately have to smile. She moves away from me a bit and stretches her body.

"Morning." I say.

"Were you watching me sleep?" She asks.

"I might have done that." I smile. She rolls on her side and I do the same so we both lay on our side and look at each other.

"It's a bit creepy to watch a naked woman sleep." She chuckles.

"Yeah you're right. But technically I was the one who made you naked sooo..." I joke at her and see a big smile coming on her face. I love to make her smile.

"You're an idiot." She laughs. I love her laugh. It sounds so cute. She does this cute sound when she chuckles.

"But you still love that idiot." I say and move a bit closer to her.

"I do. I love that idiot." She whispers. Emilia lays her hand on my cheek and gently strokes my face. My eyes lock in hers. I love her eyes so much. This mixture of brown and orange colour makes her eyes looks so cute.

"How do you feel about last night?" I ask her. I want to make sure that she doesn't regret anything or felt uncomfortable at some point. I need to leave today and I want to know that before I go.

"I loved every second of it. I never understood what is so amazing about sex but I think I understood that last night." She says. I'm glad that I could show that to her because so many men didn't do that over the years.

"You don't regret it?" I ask.

"No. I would never regret sharing this moment with you. Although it's a bit weird that I had sex with my best friend." She says with a laugh.

"Hey, I'm your girlfriend." I pledge. It feels good to say that because that is what I wanted to say for so many years. I dreamed about calling her my girlfriend for so long.

"Yes you are. You are my girlfriend." She whispers with a smile and then kisses me. Her soft lips always make my heart skip faster. I love those butterflies that she brings to my entire body. I enjoy these kisses so much. I don't have much time anymore but I don't want to get up.

"I'll go get ready and shower." I say as our lips part.

"Okay." Emilia whispers but I see that she doesn't want me to go. I slide out of the blanket and get up. Emilia rolls on her back and watches me. I like that she is looking at me that way.

"Stop staring at me." I say while I walk through the room to the bathroom. I hear her chuckling from the bed.

While I get ready in the bathroom, the pictures of last night keep replaying in my head. The way she kissed me, her hand on my breast and her fingers inside me. I know she thinks she didn't do good but she was so amazing at everything she did. Her little moans are still replaying in my ears. I loved the sounds she made. Her naked body is so damn hot and attractive. Even her scars add up to it. I like them. She hates them. I wish she would know how beautiful she looks through my eyes. I really hope she won't feel alone or scared when I'm gone. I can't enjoy playing football when I know that she is suffering here.

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