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Emilias Pov

Today is the day that Leah and I will fly to Ireland to meet my parents. I'm actually super nervous. I couldn't really sleep in the last night. I'm so scared of the look on my parents face when I tell them that Leah is my girlfriend. I know Leah is very confident but I don't want her to set her hopes too high. My parents will most likely not like her. To be honest I'm scared that they will kick us out of the house.

We will take an afternoon flight so we arrive just for dinner. I don't know when I should tell them. During dinner or before? I need to introduce Leah to them sometime. Probably right when we arrive. What should I tell them? That we are friends? I don't want to have this conversation right after walking through that door.

We are on the plane now. I look outside the window and just think. I'm so tired but I can't settle enough to sleep. I feel Leah placing her hand on my knee and turn around to look at her.

"Are you okay?" Leah asks. How does she always recognise when something is wrong?

"I'm just thinking and I'm really tired." I say.

"Thinking about what?"

"When to tell my parents about us. I don't want to do it right when we walk in." I explain.

"You don't have to. You can do it during dinner. That's a bit more comfortable and calm." Leah says.

"You would be okay if I would just say you're my friend at first?" I ask to be sure. I don't want her to feel like I would insult her.

"Of course. Tell them whenever you feel ready." Leah says. I grab the wrist of her hand that is on my knee.

"I'm so tired. I couldn't sleep last night." I say.

"You can sleep now. Just lean on my shoulder and I'll keep you safe." Leah says in a soft voice. She sounds so cute and I really need sleep. I do what she said and move closer to her. I lean my head against her shoulder and move into a comfortable position. Leah wraps her arm around me which makes me feel much more safe. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep. I get sleepy pretty quickly. Right before I fall asleep, I feel Leah placing a gentle kiss to my head.

"I love you." She whispers at me. Regardless what my parents will say, I know that she is the one for me. She is perfect.

After we landed in Ireland and got the car that I rented, I feel how I get more nervous again. I never thought that this day will come and I have to tell my parents that I'm gay. I'm not ashamed for that. How could I ever be ashamed for loving Leah? She is great. Whenever I look over at her, she sends me a short smile. I know that she is trying to make me feel better and I appreciate that. The car ride to my parents house takes an hour. We don't talk much during the ride. I wish I wouldn't have to worry about my parents reaction. Why can't I just tell my parents about my partner like everyone does? If she was a man I wouldn't be so worried right now. That is ridiculous. They should just be happy that I found someone who is right for me. They don't even know what Mark did to me. Maybe they will understand if I tell them.

The closer we come to the house the faster my heart beats. I take Leah's hand for a moment to calm down.

"There is nothing in this world that could make me change my mind about you. I love you." I say at her. I need to say it. I could say it a hundred times.

"I love you too. I will be by your side the entire time." She says. It gives me a good feeling to have her with me.

I park the car in front of my parent's house. I wasn't here for a long time but I still remember everything. Leah doesn't say anything. I think she waits for me to be ready to go. I turn my head at her once again.

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