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Emilias Pov

Since Leah told me that she loves me, I'm not sure how to act around her. I'm scared that I might send her confusing signals. I'm confused as well. She makes me feel so weird. I don't want to feel like that.

I tried to sleep in my room again. I don't want to hurt Leah and I hate to sleep alone but I fear that she thinks she makes me feel uncomfortable. It took me a lot longer to fall asleep without her next to me but I managed it in the end. This night won't go well.

I dream about Mark. It didn't happen for a long time but today it does. I see him right in front of me. His evil eyes and devilish grin. I hate him so much and yet I can't escape him. He harshly grabs my body and pushes me against the wall. Everything he does hurts. It feels so real. I feel the pain on my body. I want him to stop. I beg him to stop. He kisses me. I still remember his disgusting taste and smell. I try to fight him off and get away from him. As I get away, he grabs me and makes me fall to the ground. I look up and see him standing over me. He has the power and he will use it. He is about to hit me. That is when I shoot my eyes open and breathe heavily. I panic. I panic as I look around in the dark room and realise that I can't cuddle into Leah's side.

"Leah! Leah! Please come here!" I scream for her because I don't know what else to do. I grab around to hold on to something. I cry and hyperventilate. I don't even know how late it is. Leah is probably sleeping.

Just a few moments later, the door opens and Leah almost runs into the room. She turns the light on and I see how afraid she is.

"Leah." I cry out and reach my arms out for her. Without even questioning it, she comes over and sits in bed with me. I get closer to her and she hugs me. I tighten my grip around her as much as I can.

"Shh, what happened?" Leah softly asks.

"I dreamt about him." I just sniff. I'm so glad that she is here right now. I wish I never decided to sleep alone.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" She nervously asks.

"Yes." I immediately say. It doesn't make sense without her. I won't be able to sleep anyway.

"What can I do?" She asks.

"Just hold me." And kiss me. I didn't mean that. I don't know where that came from.

"Okay. Come here." Leah lays down and softly pulls me with her. I lay on her chest and wrap my arm around her waist. This is what I wanted. This is how I wanted to lay. I listen to her heart beating in her chest. I calm down more and feel a lot better. I'm actually super tired.

"Thank you for coming." I whisper.

"I'll always come when you call me." She says and I feel her hand at my head. She gently strokes through my hair which feels amazing. I never felt that way before. No one ever was so gentle with me. This is what I was always missing.

"Should I stop?" Leah asks me with insecurity in her voice.

"No." I immediately say. I don't ever want her to stop. This is the best I have ever felt. I close my eyes and just enjoy her gentleness with me. A smile comes to my lips. Leah's fingers are still slowly sliding through my hair. I wish she would kiss my head right now. I get this exciting and calm feeling in my stomach. It feels like I'm sick but in a good way. It's pretty weird. I definitely need to figure out what that is but for now I just enjoy this moment because I never enjoyed a moment before.

The next day I want to visit Chloe and talk to her about everything that is happening with Leah. I can't talk to Leah about it and Leah and Chloe are my only friends.

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