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Leah's Pov

I wake up in the morning with Emilia in my arms. She is closely cuddled into my chest with her arm holding on to me. I move my head a bit to take a look at her. She looks so damn cute when she is asleep. I think I could look at her forever. I still can't believe that she loves me. Maybe I should have told her about my feelings earlier. I never expected her to feel the same. I always expected heartbreak when I tell her but now she is laying in my arms. Kissing her felt like a total new thing. I kissed a few people before but nothing ever felt so perfect. It was like I realised what I want to feel.

She starts to move in my arms but yet doesn't get out of my grip. I wait until she opens her eyes slowly and looks at me.

"Morning." I place a kiss to her forehead. She just smiles up at me. Her eyes are so beautiful. She always got these brown eyes that look so beautiful together with her brown hair. These little freckles on her nose that I know she hates, they are so sweet. Everything about her is sweet and perfect. I smile while I look at her. She is wearing my Arsenal shirt which somehow makes my heart skip a lot faster.

"You are so perfect." I whisper at her. She lets out a chuckle and rolls away from me a bit. She stretches her arms as she is now laying on her back next to me. I lift up my chest and lean on my arm to still look at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that the entire time?" She says with a smile and covers her face with her hand.

"I can't stop looking at you. You are so beautiful." I say. I know that she didn't hear that often in her past relationships. It's a shame how less these guys appreciated her.

"Are good morning kisses common?" Emilia asks with a smile. It's such a sweet question and an even sweeter way to ask me to kiss her.

"I think so. They should definitely be common." I say and move a bit closer to her. I try to read her body language. Her eyes are fixed in mine and in the moment she licks her lips I know what I have to do. I lean down and press my lips against hers. That same electric touch runs through my body again. I wish I never have to stop kissing her. I keep our lips connected and continue with soft kisses. Emilias hand goes to my hair and she gently moves her fingers through my hair which feels amazing.

"I'm so stupid." She says as I pull back.

"No, you're not. Why would you be stupid?" I ask.

"I was so busy with kissing these stupid guys for years when you were right in front of me the entire time. I could have kissed you for years." She says. I have to smile at that.

"You can kiss me for years now. I won't ever stop kissing you." I whisper and kiss her again. The kiss holds for a while and I slowly start to climb on top of her. I'm scared that I might take it too far but she doesn't seem to stop me. I still keep the kisses gentle and sweet. I don't want this to lead to anything. I just want to kiss her. I lay my hand at her hips and take her hand with the other one. Her fingers wrap around mine while I give her a few deeper kisses. This feels so amazing. It's like I'm floating through a pink cloud.

After a while I recognise Emilia turning her head away a bit. She doesn't look as satisfied as before. Maybe she doesn't enjoy this as much as I do. Shit. I took it too far. I probably overwhelmed her. I panic.

"Leah, start already. You don't have to delay it." She sighs. I don't understand what she is talking about. What is happening? I didn't do anything.

"What should I start?" I ask completely confused.

"Sleeping with me." She says. What? She thinks I want to sleep with her? I completely messed up. I didn't even think about sex for a second.

"What? No. I don't want to sleep with you. I didn't even think about it. I just want to kiss you. I'm sorry." I immediately say. I don't want her to be uncomfortable because of me.

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