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Leah's Pov

I open my eyes in the next morning. Yesterday has been stressful and painful to watch. It hurt to see how disrespectful Emilias dad was. I don't get how he can't be happy for her. I don't want her dad to hate me but I will definitely tell him something before we leave. I can't walk out of here without standing up for Emilia once. I want to protect her and I didn't do that yesterday. 

I fully open my eyes and look down. Emilia is still sleeping with her head on my chest. Her arm is tightly holding on to my waist ever since yesterday evening. My nose is in her hair and I smell her sweet scent. I have to smile a bit just from looking at her. She looks so cute when she is sleeping. I lift my hand up and slowly stroke through her hair. She needs some gentleness now. I place some kisses to her head but I hope that I don't wake her up. She needs rest and some good sleep. I stretch my free arm and take a deep breath. I enjoy these morning cuddles with her. I give her another kiss on the crown of her hair and turn my head to the side. Suddenly I see Emilias mum standing in the door. I flinch at that. I didn't know she was here. I'm not even supposed to be here.

"Sorry. I didn't want to scare you." She says as she sees my reaction.

"I know I'm not supposed to be here." I start.

"I knew you would be here. Emilia can't be without the people she loves." She says with a smile. Why isn't she mad at me? I get confused at her reaction.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. Her dad can be a bit harsh sometimes." She says.

"A bit? I just don't understand you. With respect but how can you be so blind? A man assaulted your daughter for years and she is finally happy now. Why are you so upset about the fact that I'm not a man?" I say. I don't want to be rude but I don't get it. I could never do this to my child.

"I don't stand by anything he said. I think you are actually pretty good for her. You immediately saw that she felt uncomfortable and took her outside, you treat her with very gentle hands. I hope you really take good care of her. I understand that you don't want to come back here but please take care of my girl. I really love her and I truly care about her." Her mum says. It sounds true. She really didn't say anything last night. She stayed quiet the entire time.

"If you really care about her, why didn't you ask her how she was over all this time that Mark hurt her so bad? She needed a mum in that time." I say.

"I didn't think she wanted to talk to me. She was always so cold when I called her that I thought it would be better to leave her alone. I know I failed as a mum but I want to make it up to her."

"Then you need to talk to her." I look at Emilia still sleeping on my chest.

"She won't let me. I understand that. I disappointed her and her dad did even more but I want us to have a better relationship. I don't want my daughter to hate me." She says. I feel a bit bad for her because I think she really means her words. Otherwise she would have already left or tell me to leave. She is still looking at me cuddling her daughter the entire time and she didn't say a word about it.

Suddenly I feel Emilia starting to wake up. She moves her head a bit and her hand grabs my waist in another way. She lets out some mumbles but doesn't open her eyes yet. Her mum still didn't leave.

"Le?" She says with a cracky morning voice. It's cute how she says that. I love the nickname so much.

"I'm here." I take her hand in mine and she immediately holds on to my hand. A satisfied smile appears on her face and she tilts her head back a bit to place a kiss right under my chin. It felt good.

"Your mum is here." I say at her. She suddenly opens her eyes as I say that and looks to the door. She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Go ahead. Tell me that I'm making a mistake and that Leah shouldn't be here. I don't care." She huffs.

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