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Emilias Pov

Tonight is the last night that I will have with Leah before she leaves for camp. She has to go tomorrow morning. I still wish that she wouldn't have to leave but I know that I shouldn't stop her. She probably would stay for me but I don't want her to give up on her job for me. I just want to enjoy this last night with her.

We are laying in bed next to each other and I hear how Leah turns her head to look at me multiple times. We both don't talk. I listen to her breathing. I need her tonight. I need all of her. I feel like tonight is the night. I don't want Leah to think that I would just want this because she will be gone tomorrow. I know that I will regret it once she is gone if I don't go after this feeling now. I turn my head to the side and look at her. I roll on my side and lift up my chest. Leah smiles up at me. I move my hand over her cheek and into her hair. My fingers softly stroke through her hair while I lean down slowly.

"I need to kiss you. I need a lot of kisses tonight. Actually I need you to kiss me the entire night." I say and see her eyes switching between my eyes and my lips. She quickly licks her lips and I connect my lips to hers. I still continue to move my hand through her hair gently while kissing her.

"I don't want you to go." I mumble into the kiss. I know I shouldn't say it but I can't keep it in.

"Should I stay?" Leah asks.

"No." I immediately shake my head. "You need to go." I kiss her again. I don't really want to talk right now. Leah's hand goes to my hips and I grab her hair. I like how this feels. It's so natural and nothing is forced.

"You know that these kisses doesn't mean sex, right?" Leah interrupts.

"I think I want them to mean sex." I shyly say.

"Okay. If you're sure." She says.

"Do you want to?" I ask her. I don't want her to do this for me.

"Of course I want to." She says. I give her a nervous chuckle and then attack her lips again. I don't even know what to do now. I never took control in sex. I was always just doing nothing because it was never about me. I give her a few more kisses and then move back. I lay down next to Leah again. She seems confused at that.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

"No, everything is great. I just don't know what to do. Can you come on top of me?" I say. I need her help with this.

"I would love that." Leah says and moves her body up. She kisses my lips and climbs on top of me while not letting go of my lips. I like to feel her body weight on me. I love how she didn't question my request and just did it. Her hand goes up and she interlaces her fingers with the fingers of my hand. She heats up the kisses a bit more. She makes me pretty horny with her kisses and I feel like I finally feel lust for someone. She pulls back a bit and places a kiss to my cheek before moving down to my neck. She gives me some soft kisses on my neck.

"Is this okay?" She asks against my skin. It is more than okay.

"Yes." I say and turn my head to the side. Leah keeps kissing my neck. It feels amazing. Her lips feel so soft on my sensitive skin in that area. I breathe more heavily and squeeze her hand.

"I love this." I let her know. It already feels so much better than with anyone else. She takes time for me and makes sure that I'm comfortable. Leah starts to softly suck at my skin and a moan escapes my mouth. I close my eyes and bite my lip. She is so good at this. I wish she would never stop again. I could never get tired of her kisses. Usually I would already wait for it to be over but now I just want it to go on forever. It's going so slow and I enjoy this. For once it feels not rushed. My body really has enough time to get in the right mood. Leah's lips on my neck definitely get me in the right mood. She moves her hand down to my hips and remains like this for a moment.

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