Scars of the past

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Leah's Pov

I returned home again. I never was so happy to be home again. The smile that came in Emilias face as I came through the door was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I don't think someone was ever so happy to see me. I like how I can make her happy with just being there. I know she was scared of me not coming back but I don't want her to feel like that. I want her to know that I will always come back to her.

We slept with each other again in the night I came back. It was just as amazing as the first time. Probably even better because this time we both knew what to do. Having sex with Emilia isn't like any other sex I ever had before. It feels so much more intimate and emotional. How her fingers travel over my skin and the goosebumps she gives me with just a simple kiss. I think I found out her sweet spot today. I kissed her around the ear and she let out some very soft and cute moans at that. I didn't say anything at that time but I will ask her about it now.

Our naked bodies are cuddled up to each other under a single blanket. My left arm is laying over Emilias waist and her hand is slowly stroking my hair back. We just lay on the side and look at each other. I love these cuddles after sex and I know that she hasn't gotten these in the past so I will make sure that she will get them with me. I know she loves it as well.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"I wish you wouldn't have left otherwise we could have done that every night." She says in a panting voice. I'm glad that I could make her enjoy sex.

"We have plenty of nights to do it again." I say with a smile and move a bit closer to her. Emilia rolls on her back so my arm is over her stomach now. I lift up my chest and lean over her a bit. I want to look into her eyes.

"I love your eyes. It's my favourite thing about you. They are so beautiful." I whisper at her.

"Really? Your favourite thing? Not like my breasts or something?" She asks with a surprised face. It hurts to think about that question. I know what it implies. All men have always just looked at her body and told her that this was all she is but that's not true.

"No. Everything at you is perfect. You are entirely beautiful but your eyes are still my favourite. I love the colour. It looks so cute when you look at me and these twinkle appears." I lower my head a bit and give her a kiss on her lips. She needs this kind of affection. She never got it before. My hand is laying at her hips and I slowly move it up. My eyes go over her stomach. The scars always catch my eye. Not because I hate them. Because they show me how strong she actually is and how much I failed to protect her. I gently move my fingers along the massive scar at the side of her ribs. I softly sigh while doing this. Why didn't I run into that house the day I was there? I let this happen to her when I could have stopped it.

"Just say it, Leah." Emilia says.

"What?" I don't get what she wants me to say. That I'm sorry?

"That the scars look horrific. I know you are thinking it. You don't have to hide it." She says. She looks so sad while saying this. It hurts to see that she always thinks everyone has bad thoughts about her.

"That's not what I'm thinking. Scars look hot but they remind me of the fact that I couldn't protect you from him."

"It wasn't your job to protect me from him." She says.

"I feel like it was. I was all you had and I let him trick me. I was there and didn't help you." I don't think I can ever forgive myself for that.

"Leah, you saved my life. You are my superhero. I don't think you know that but you did. If I didn't have you in my life I would have probably been dead by now. You were the only reason why my life seemed to be worth something." She says. My heart breaks in that second. I think I have tears in my eyes. I don't even want to think about her not being here.

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