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Leah's Pov

I'm scared. I didn't want to show to Emilia how scared I actually am. I hate that I do that but better me than her. I want to look around myself the entire time but I have to act like I wouldn't know. I just wait for him to come from anywhere and take me. The weather is bad so the streets are empty. I hate this so much. I keep my hand strongly around my phone in my pocket. I try to convince myself that I will be fine. I started my period this morning which is just making this even harder. My stomach hurts. I took a pill but it didn't make the pain fully go away. I didn't tell Emilia so she wouldn't start to say that I shouldn't do this. I want him to be gone. He will be gone in the evening and I will ask Emilia to marry me like I promised her.

I walk around a corner and then it happens. I feel arms around me and pulling me back. I flinch but I don't scream. That is what I wanted to happen. I still somehow wished that it wouldn't happen. Just this touch from him is already so rough and it hurts as he grabs me at my stomach.

"She wasn't lying. I didn't think she would be that stupid." I hear him say. I suppose he is talking about Emilia. Of course he thinks she is stupid but she is actually very smart for doing this. I don't say anything. I don't want to talk to him now. I don't really fight against him and let him drag me into his car. I hope Emilia already recognises something being wrong. He doesn't tell me anything as he starts to drive with me in the backseat.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"You'll see." He just says. I hope he means his house because that is what I prepared for. The cramps in my stomach got a bit worse but this entire situation is distracting me so much that I don't really feel it. My heart is beating pretty fast at this point.

After a bit more time he pulls up before a house. It looks like the old house where he lived. I came here and checked on Emilia. I really don't want to go in there. I know what he did to her in this house. It feels weird and disgusting to be here. He turns his head at me. I hold my breath. He looks so scary but I don't want him to see my fear.

"We will go out of the car, you will take my hand and walk into that house. Don't run or fight. We don't want anyone getting suspicious." He says in a clear voice. He isn't messing around. I hear that he means it. I also have no intention of running away. Emilia should probably know where I am by now and she hopefully recognised the house. I hope she called the police already.

"Did you understand?" Mark asks again. I nod.

"Good." He gets out of the car. I wait for him to go around the car and then get out as well. He takes my hand. This feels so wrong. I'm holding the hand that hurt my favourite person on this planet. I wish I could cut off that hand instead. We walk over to the door and he unlocks it. I try my best to stay calm and relaxed now. I never went into that house before but I wish I would have done it back then. This is the house that Emilia ran from and I immediately get why. It smells disgusting in here and also looks pretty messy. He lets go of my hand as we are inside. I don't know what to do now. What is his plan?

"What do you want?" I turn around and try to be brave.

"You." He simply says.

"I'm here now."

"Didn't you say I shouldn't mess with you? I guess I will mess with you now but you won't be walking out as a winner here." He says.

"Oh I will." I say in a confident voice. I know I will win this. I already did. He just doesn't know it.

"No one will find us here. I can do to you whatever I want to. No one will care. No one will look for you." He comes closer. I want to do a step back but he grabs my wrist to make me stay.

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