Chapter one

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Rose POV

Beep beep beep beep beep...

As my alarm goes on and on and on till I shut it down. "Argghh" I groan in my pillow  seeing at the time in my phone, it reads 7:05 am. Lazily getting up from my warm sheets I head to bathroom looking myself in mirror, its makes me cringe. Hairs' a mess, dry lips and kohl smudged eyes.

Walking under the leaking shower head, checking the temperature which is always lukewarm, I start to lather my long hair with simple vanilla flavoured shampoo and applying body wash to the rest of my body. Now that the water has become cold I head out in my room with towel tightly wrapped around my body. Selecting a white shirt that I have to wear at the diner, I start to get dressed. Uniform for diner is a white shirt and a black pencil skirt and 4inch black heels, my skirt is in diner's locker, so for now I'll be wearing my old denim jeans. Blow drying my hair, applying mascara to my lashes and lip gloss, I am ready to go.

It's 7:40am already!! Oh god! 

Just throwing 2 apples in my bag, I head to the door of my apartment hoping not to stumble into my  landlord Mr. Joseph Calvert who lives on ground floor and give an earful about my last month's due electricity bill. Just 2 weeks ago he was banging my door for last month's rent, which  I was late on paying, gave me a nasty look and spiting some disgusting words about how I am always late for my rent and bills. Thanks to Mr.Romano, our diner's owner, gave me advance salary so that I could throw money at his face, his words not mine!

Roaming my eyes through ground floor lobby, finding no one there, I jogged towards sidewalk that leads my ways to the diner. It's yet another beautiful sunny day of Manhattan, people are busy as usual, as I walk ahead of my apartment building, in an alley way grey piercing eyes bores into mine.

"Mr. Calvert!! Oh my god!" I get startled. With a poker face and a cigarette dangling between his lips, he steps forward into the sunlight from the dark shadows of alleyway.
"You're a week late" he says in his gruff voice. I could smell cheap beer mixed with smoke, disgusting. "Yet again."
"By this Sunday I'll pay the rent  Mr.Calvert with last month's electric bill. I will be getting my bonus this week, it'll clear all my dues."
"A day late girl and you will be living on streets, I'll personally kick your ass out" he says stepping into my personal space, making me step back. And then he's gone, just like that!

Releasing a heavy sigh I continue my walk to the diner. God!! I'll be late.
Taking yet another fifteen minutes, I reach Angolo di Paradiso, the Italian Restaurant. At first when I joined, I didn't know the meaning or the pronouncation, owner Mr. Elijah Romano told me how it's spelled and it's meaning. It says Heaven's Corner. Indeed it's true, the ambiance, food, the staff and especially Mr and Mrs. Romano, they  were very welcoming and have treated me very affectionately.

It's 8:10 am, I am late. Spotting Mr. Romano near the cashier table, I greet him, "Good morning sir. I am very sorry for being late."
"Good morning child. Was that idiota troubling you again?" He asked me in his heavy Italian accent. "And how many times I've told you not call me sir, Mr. Romano or even Elijah is good. I am not that old." He scolded me humorlessley.
" No, Mr.Romano," I pressed  "he didn't trouble me. Just a vague warning about rent that he always give."
"Any help and you'll come directly to me. Understood?" Gently keeping a hand on my shoulder, he says.
"Of course Mr.Romano, you've been so good to me always, I'll tell you."
"And what about the breakfast? Skipped or eaten?" he asks, squinting  his eyes on me.
"I'll be having my apple before starting, I promise!!! I am already late for my shift sir, see you around." I say and make a run towards the back area  so I get no more lectures on my food habits.
Just changing my jeans into skirt and tying my open hair into a ponytail, I head towards ordering and billing counter. Diner's staff contains three chefs, two waiters and three waitresses and two on cashier and reception desk.
Saying hellos to everyone I meet my way, I reached behind the counter for my tables to attend. Putting on a polite smile on my face I finally start my day.

It's 6pm when I see Mr.Romano heading out of the diner with crease between his brows.
"What happened sir? Are you okay?"
I ask him already feeling tense for him.
"Maria just called, saying her fever and migraine is reaching its peek. She got me so worried. I'll see you tomorrow my child, take care."
"Oh God!! Give her some warm chicken soup, it'll help her in fever. She'll get well soon sir, don't you worry. See you tomorrow, bye" I say, feeling really sad for Mrs.Romano.
"Thank you my child, bye" saying he rushed out of the diner towards his car and speeding off.

Finally it's closing time, head chef will close the diner so everyone leave to there home. After twenty minutes walk reaching my apartment building, I see Mr.Calvert at his door with a pizza delivery boy. Seeing me, a lazy smirk makes way on his lips, which creeps me out. As his grey eyes scan me from toe to head, a shiver of disgust run through me. As I head to take the flight of stairs, I hear a slow whistle. I know he was checking out my ass as I was still in skirt, shit! Reaching my door, I enter and close the bolt finally taking few deep breaths.
Drained out of energy, I just change into spaghetti top and shorts, sitting near the window with my two pieces of bread just staring at the night sky with a blank mind. My mind goes back to those days when I was a bank employee in Devonport, living a simple and very happy life with my boyfriend, everything felt so much in love and easy going. Yet tables took such turn when he left without a word, I was nothing but a depressing mess.
Suddenly loud music pounding against the walls of my apartment breaks my train of thoughts. Mr. Calvert having yet another party with his drunk friends.
With heaving a sigh I just slip into my bed, try to ignore the music and my thoughts I just close my eyes and drift into a dreamless sleep.

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