Chapter seventeen

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Rose's POV

I am an ardent art lover, I find solace and inspiration within the walls of museums. In the vast canvas of art, I immerse myself, navigating through diverse exhibits that span different periods, styles, and cultures. I have been to many museums and galleries where taking strolls, each stroke of a brush or the curve of a sculpture speaks to me in a language that transcends the mundane. It is a language that taps into emotions, history, and the very essence of the human experience. For me appreciation of art is not confined to understanding techniques; it's about surrendering to the emotions art evokes. I am always captivated by the vibrant hues and always found myself in the entangled with the intangible beauty that art offers. I believe that one should always embrace the opportunity to appreciate the beauty that lies not only within paintings, sculptures, but human form too. The beauty of a human form like stature, proportions, and muscle definition.

Adrian stood confidently in just his pants, showcasing a sculpted physique adorned with massive biceps and triceps, a well-defined hard chest, and chiseled six-pack abs, all accentuated by a prominent V-line with a thin line of hair leading down in his pants. The glistening water on his body highlighting every muscle, creating a captivating display of strength and fitness. Intricately designed tattoos adorned his skin, adding an extra layer of mesmerizing allure to the scene. This striking image of Adrian evokes a sense of power and aesthetic beauty.

Stepping further into the living room, nearing him I can feel my heart hammering. I can't take my eyes off him knowing that his intense gaze is on me from the time I entered in living room but he hasn't said a word. Taking the towel he holds my hand and closes the distance between us. Bending to my height he nears my face holding my gaze, raising his other hand into hair and plucks the out clutch, letting my hair fall free on my back. Threading his fingers in my hair, freeing a few knots here and there and then massages my scalp  very softly making me release a breath which I didn't knew I was holding.

Adrian tenderly ran his fingers through my wet hair, his touch gentle yet firm. As droplets of water glistened on my strands, he maintained a locked gaze, a silent exchange of emotions transpiring between us. The intimate gesture conveyed both care and connection, creating a moment suspended in time where the tactile sensation of his touch merged with the unspoken language shared through our eyes.

"Go change Rosa, you'll catch cold." His voice gruff almost painful as if he's holding himself back. But from what?
Unable to form words I nod and turn around to leave. Shutting the door behind me I start to strip these wet sticky clothes. Changing into camisole and shorts I take a few deep breaths to step out. Somehow in the back of my mind I don't want him to hold himself. I don't know if he can smile more, it'll be more easy to communicate with him.

Stepping out I see him working expertly around the kitchen. I don't know someone could look this sexy while chopping vegetables. Flexing of biceps, his veiny arms and those abs, how would it feel to touch them. What are these thoughts Rose!!!
"Do you need a hand?" I just wanna be polite cuz I don't have any intention which stops him, and want to just  admiring him.
"I'll manage." Without even looking at me he continues to chop.
Shifting the pots to side, I hop on to the counter top beside his chopping board where he is mercilessly cutting the vegetables. 
"I didn't knew you cook." Popping a slice of tamato in my month, I say.
"My mother says every man should know how to cook."

Wow. Every girl needs a man who could cook.
A sudden electrifying lighting appears in the sky, flinching me again.
He focus shifted on my flinching, "your okay?"
"Yeah- yeah" still keeping my hand in my thudding heart.
Leaving his knife on the board, he comes in front of my legs with one hand beside me and one spreading warmth on my hand which is on my heart. I bet he can listen to my beatings.
"What happened? You're scared of lighting?" His voice low, very gentle.
Unable to form words I nod.
"M-my mother was scared of lighting. When she conceived me it was rainy season, so she used to get scared alot. I guess this is what I have inherited from her." I shrugged my shoulders wanting it to make more casual than it seems.
"Where is she now?"
"She is no more. When I was six, she couldn't fight her battle with cancer." My voice becoming weaker second by second. My eyes moist and heart heavy, "you know there's a saying, whenever someone dies they become a star in the sky. But America got too many lights, I couldn't find my favourite star."
I chuckled and sniffed.
I hadn't realised his other hand is tenderly resting on my cheek, stroking it and mouth parted slightly.
"Smile again," he whispered.
I hadn't smiled for him. Ever. Or even laughed, never grinned, never chuckled. For all that he had done, I haven't given him something. So this for him.
So I smiled at him, broad and without restraint.
"Don't ever stop smiling." Only for him. His gaze drop to my lips then back to my eyes. I nod.
Grumbling of my stomach breaks the moment making him let out a very sexy chuckle, "cheese sandwich?"
I nod eagerly.
Back to his chopping he gets busy is cooking and I get busy staring him. He got these God like features like sculpted cheekbones, fine eyebrows and beautiful lips. Why is he so handsome?

I sigh internally, hopping off the counter top I set the sandwiches in the plate.
"You want something to drink? Juice or maybe beer?"
He raises an eyebrow, "you drink?"
"Oh! No, no. Jenna had a sleep over, so she bought those for herself." Realisation dawned on his face.
"Juice is good."
Pouring orange juice in two glasses, we take our plates in the living room, settling on the couch we switch to Netflix. Taking the first bite, I couldn't hold on the yum sound out of my mouth.
"Oh, God Adrian," Turning to him I already meet his intense darkened turquoise blue eyes with something swirling behind them. "This is delicious."
Bobbing his Adam's apple can be seen and clearing his throat he just nods.

It's still raining outside and we both settle on the couch in comfortable silence watching the movie. I can smell his intoxicating cologne from his skin, he is such a distraction. His tattoed arm is draped over the backrest, legs spread out wide like an eagle and his relaxed breathing is giving the atmosphere a calming effect. I don't know when my eyes started to droop and fell into a nightmarish sleep.

I found myself in a dreamy world aboard a cruise ship, basking in the warmth of the sun. Laughter and gentle waves surrounded me as I joyfully swam in the crystal-clear pool on the deck. The air was filled with the scent of the ocean, and everything seemed idyllic.

But the dream took a chilling turn. The water beneath me began to deepen mysteriously, transforming the serene swim into a struggle against the growing depths. Panic set in as I fought to stay afloat, the once inviting pool now feeling like a vast, engulfing abyss.

Just as the water threatened to swallow me, a strong hand materialized around my waist, pulling me back to the surface. I was confused and gasping for air, I turned to see Adrian, a familiar face from afar, calling out to me. His voice echoed through the dream, breaking the suffocating silence.
"I'll always save you Rosa."

Relief washed over me as Adrian's reassuring presence offered a lifeline in the unsettling waters. The dream, a mix of serenity and sudden danger, played out like a surreal underwater ballet. I clung to my saviour, the hand that saved me, and the distant voice that called my name, his voice grounds me.

Some vibration around us breaking my happy dream. His warm chest, his fragrance is fading away.

"Rosa, wake up"
I don't wanna wake up from my warm cozy bed. Cuddling more to it the warmness engulfs down my neck.
"Hey, Rosa! Sweetheart"
Waking up from the dizzy sleep opening eyes in front the sun peeking through the grey clouds I smile but soon realisation dawned upon me as I feel warm breaths falling down on my neck. Rolling my eyes down I see beautiful sculpted chest and abs. Uh oh!!!
Lifting my head up from Adrian's neck I meet his hooded gaze looking down at me with such intensity as if peeking into my soul. I hold onto his eyes, don't wanna break the moment. He is so warm, I can cuddle all day. Our nose grazes each other and for a second his eyes look down at my lips and back again to my eyes. We're just mere inches apart. Jesus! I don't wanna stop him.

Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm...

Same vibration filled in the air as it was in my dream. His phone. Oh! It was his phone. I shift to get up and realising my position making me blush crimson. His back resting on the couch and I am lying on his abs, hands circling his waist and head on his chest. He draped the blanket on my legs and his are spread out on the coffee table in front of him. Backing up I sit beside him wrapping the blanket all over my shoulders cuz I know my camisole needs to be put in place. It's already so embarassing, I might have drooled over him. He should have woke me up earlier.

Streching his hands and picking up his phone he walks to the front windows and talks in Italian to whomsoever is calling. His back is facing me, God! His back is so defined, the angles looks so sexy, his straight spine, how would it feel to run hands over it!! Shut up Rose!
While talking his starts to drape his now dried shirt. He gazes over to me and cuts the call.
"You were sleeping very soundly, I didn't want to wake you up." His morning voice immediately gave me goosebumps, it's raspy and heavy.
"I didn't mean sleep, but I was really tired and couldn't help." Very lame Rose. His warmth made me sleep like dead.

Just for a second his corners of his lips tilted up and then back to his poker face. Leisurely walking up to me, leaning down nearing my face, he cages me one arm on the back rest and with other he puts few of my strands behind my ear. He leaves me shocked by whispering in my ear and is out of the door with a smirk plastered on his handsome face.


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