Chapter twenty six

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Rose's POV

A sharp slap echoed through the room. And I.. I just exhaled sharply.
Another slap vibrating my ass cheek and the sound reverberates through the room.
An involuntary sound comes out of me. The vibration produces trickles all the way in my body but some eruption down between my legs. My voice is shaking, more breathy.
Good pain scatters on my ass cheeks, smacking sound echoing around me. It puffs out air from my lungs.
Another good hit with a stinging sensation all over my lower back.

Making me wear my panties again, he makes me sit straight on his lap, burning tingles spreading on my ass cheeks. Putting behind my strands, he drops his forehead on mine, heavily breathing,
"You drive me bloody crazy Rosa," he growls. "And this is what happens when you roll your bratty eyes at me "

Warm breath tickles my lips. I am too shy and even disoriented to make contact with turquoise ones. I know they're filled with lust.. with dominance.. with possessiveness.. with passion. And I don't know if I am capable of handling his intensity.
Hot blood is rushed on my cheeks, nose and neck. He chuckles seeing my shyness and leans down and kisses on my cheek.
"Go have a shower, Marco is bringing breakfast."
Giving a squeeze to my clenched thighs, he makes me stand. I make a run to the bathroom all the while listening his laughter behind.

Oh my God! Oh my God! I look myself in the counter mirror, a blushing mess. I put my palms over my blushing cheeks and a continuous smile, I just couldn't stop it. It was fun to do something out of character. I move to the full length mirror looking myself in his shirt, it drapes till my thighs. Opening the buttons I let it fall on the floor, leaving me in my bra and panties. I get rid of them too. Turning around I see the normal looking ass now are in a deep shade of pink. Very faded mark of his fingers too. I did something new today, and I dared this only with him. He has awoken some sleeping lust hormones in me. I want his touch now, his hug, his hands, him pressing me into him, his hand on my waist.. possessively. I want to touch him too. His biceps are so large, chest is hard made of pure muscle with tattoos on one side. I want trace them with my fingers. His abs look so delicious, so sculpted and his strong thighs. I could feel his manhood through his dress pants which were tight and bulging. He was turned on.

Shaking my head I get my thoughts out of my dirty mind and shower, nice and proper. Coming out of the shower I drape the bathrobe and a towel on my wet hair. Peeking out of the bathroom, I see if Adrian has left the room or not. Finding it empty I step into it and see a few bags on my bed. As I am about to open it Adrian calls me out. Opening my hair towel I just leave them open and take few deep breaths to face him.

I walk into the living room Marco setting the plates and Adrian sitting on one of the dining chairs.
"Hey Marco Polo!"
He chuckles and ruffles my already knotted hairs.
"You seem better now."
"I did took good care of her, didn't I Rose?" Adrian comments.
Stumped by him I just nod with a smile. Marco squints his eyes at Adrian in doubt. I hit his biscep playfully but does get my wrist hurt eventually, he is made of rock.
"Come piccola, put something in your belly."

We eat our breakfast which is almost like my lunch. These boys eat too much, I can't match half of it. I do dishes and feel a hand wrapped around me from behind, I know it's him, I can recognise his cologne anywhere. Flashes of what happened in my room comes back in force and make me bit my lip.
"Your blushing cheeks will open all your secrets." He smells my hair humming along with it.
"Marco is here Addy, what are you doing?" I wiggle in his embrace.
"Does it look like I care?" He asks a rhetorical question.

I look up at him with a pout, which works. He released me and stands beside me with crossed arms bulging his biceps in process, totally distracting me.
"Did you checked the bags in your bedroom?"
"Not yet, why?"
"Wear it today."
"You brought that for me?" He nods.
"That wasn't necessary, I can't take things from you like this."
"It's just a gift Rosa."
"But I-I.. Addy," I sigh and stand in front of him holding his crossed arms. "I don't want your money, I am earning good. I don't want anyone to think I am some gold digger, using you for money or power of some sorts."
He frowns.
"Everybody you've met in my circle very well know you can be anything but a gold digger. And it's my fucking money, I can use it however I want." Unfolding his arms, he buries them in his pants pocket.
"But Ad-" He cuts me off with rigid shoulders and spine straight,
"And if you don't want it, throw it in the bin and burn them."
With a clenched jaw he walks out of the kitchen.

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