Chapter five

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Rose POV

"No, thank you though for asking." I say to Sophia, to which she cutely pouts.

"Oh come On girl, live a little. It'll be fun." She insists again. I just can't tell her that clubbing is unaffordable for me right now. Even I had only last piece of bread yesterday, if i buy one today on my way back home, I'll be having zero money but I have been into practice to remain empty stomach for days. It's Saturday tomorrow I'll get my salary and bonus so everything will be fine.

"Firstly Sophia, I haven't been to to any club here so I don't know if it's a good idea. And secondly, I like my weekend simply lying cozyly in my bed. Maybe next month  I can join you."
"Okay sweetie as say. But no more excuse next month I'll drag your sexy ass outta your apartment." Giving me a playful smile she goes back to serving from our break. I still have five minutes left to relax but my mind goes back on thinking it's been two days no one has seen Mr Romano or Mrs Romano. No one knows where are they. I hope Mrs Romano is good at her health and Mr Romano returns by tomorrow cause Mr Calvert would not take a word more now.


My legs killing already at the end of the day and my walk to my apartment is still five more minutes. Slowly I  drag my feet to the building, looking carefully not to stumble into Mr Calvert. As I reach its strange to see his lights off already. Whatever it's good that today at least I don't have to look at his dirty pervert eyes.

Unlocking my door I step in closing the bolt behind me, turning on lights I shout out shrill of scream. Wide eyed I look at Mr Calvert sitting leisurely on my couch with a cigarette and a beer looking directly at me.

"Mr.Calvert!! You scared the hell out of me. How did you get in?" I ask feeling nervous being alone in a confined place with him.
"Where's my money?" Slurringly he asks, stunning me!
"But it's only Saturday, I told you by Sunday your every due will be clear."
Standing up at his tall height makes me feel much smaller. Taking two intimidating steps towards me makes me cower away. He doesn't have a muscular built but is healthy and lean. Grabbing my jaw roughly, squishing my cheeks he cranes my neck so I can look into his angry eyes.

"I want it right now or else," closing his distance between our lips I can smell his stall breath fanning upon my lips, making me shut my eyes tightly. Putting my hands on his chest to push him away but his other hand grabs mine in a firm grip. "I have other ways." Making me shudder.

"Pl-please please Mr Calvert your hurting me."
"Pay my money and I'll leave You." Not budging at all. Pushing me backwards freeing my cheeks and hands, I stumble into the door. Pain shoots into my spine.
"I'll pay, I'll pay but please leave me right now. I'll give some dollars extra tomorrow, j-just go please." Tears pathectially running down my cheeks feeling so weak and helpless.
"I told you I would personally kick your ass out but before that,"He keeps threatening me while fisting my shirt collar, popping first button open and caging me between door and him."give me something" sniffing my neck and roughly holding my hairs in his large hand making me wince loudly.
"Pl-please let me go, I beg you" pushing him hard but remains still smirking at my condition.
Suddenly he stops and uncages me, for a moment I thought he's letting me free but the next second he snatches my gold chain. With wide eyes I stare at him in shock, my chain, it was the first thing I ever bought myself from my hard earned money. But it's better to leave it than getting raped.
"Now fuck off, don't you look at the apartment ever again." He says still eying the chain.
"But you got something against rent than why should I leave. Tomorrow I'll pay you and you can return me my chain. Right?"

With one threatening step he grabs my hand tightly and starts dragging  me out of the apartment. I am almost running with his fast pace so that on these stairs I don't fall on my face. Throwing me on the pavement of the road it scratches my knees, he stares me with an evil glint in his eyes.
"My final offer darling either you be my whore or stay on streets. Your  choice."
Letting out a sob I shake my head negatively instantly declining his useless offer. I would never accept such veil thing. He shrugs his one shoulder casually and retreats back to his apartment.

I don't know about how many minutes or hours I cried on the pavement feeling so destitute. Finally taking a few deep breaths I took  out my phone from skirt and dialing the only number that would help me right now.

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