Chapter four

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Adrian's POV

Paperwork can also be a tiring task whether it's legal or illegal, paper trail is important. I have many years of experience in this contracts,  documents and even finding loop holes in contracts but today I just can't concentrate. I've  been reading this same clause for the last ten minutes yet I haven't understood a single letter, all my mind is thinking of those coffee brown eyes and long lustrous  black hair.
A true beauty. What beautiful eyes, so innocent and timid. Such a small frame she is but curvy. She was just reaching my chest, cranning her neck to look at me. I am not the one who initiate greetings to people but I just couldn't stop myself from touching her, just wanted to touch her soft milky skin but right now I only could afford a handshake. A warning from zio Elijah that she is her favourite person from his staff and doesn't want me to have her. Whatever.
I just wanted to stay little longer today maybe have lunch so I could see more of her, walking around the diner in that short skirt of hers making her ass jiggle and I wanted nothing but to squeeze and spank her for wearing such tight skirt. But Zio just warned me to stay clear from her, even a small scolding for staring at her the whole time. I was there just to invite him personally for the birthday party and didn't knew he was hiding this beauty.

Throwing the pen at the adjacent wall of my home office i let out a grunt of frustration. Picking up my phone I call Marco.
"Yes Don??" He asks waking up from his sleep. Ofcousre is two at night. But I don't care.
"I want all the information on Rose  by morning."
"The diner's beauty?" I could feel he is amused.
"What if I say that I already have her details."
"What? How? Do you know her dammit?!"
"Hold your horses Don," he chuckled irritating me even more, "the way you were eye fucking at her whole time, I knew you'd be interested. And why not, I mean look at her every man would fall on her feet just to have-"
"Shut the fuck up Moretti" I growled, if he was in front of me I would have punched him hard.
He bloody laughed," just check your mail Don, I've send it to you."
Cutting the call and checking my mail and indeed their was a mail with an attachment.

Rose Mendonsa , age twenty one. Ah! So young. College drop out and a employee in bank for three years. Then how come she's a waitress but not doing a job of her qualification. Then flew to Manhattan and is here for last four months. In the next page it's doctor's report. She has taken a treatment of anxiety and depression for past six months just before coming here. What caused her fucking depression?? That's it. It's all the information we have got on her. Fuck!

Nothing about family, friends or any relationship. It's like she has never mentioned them before. Now I want to meet her again, know everything about her, every secret, her every dream, every nightmare, just everything. I want to be gentle with her heart and wild with her body. She has intrigued me.

Sighing I close her file and head towards my bedroom, tomorrow's is my birthday party and uncle Elijah and Aunt are here for whole weekend just to relax and spend time with Nonna Nonno. But on Monday I'll personally drop uncle and Aunt to  Manhattan so that I get to meet her again. I don't know why I am finding ways to interact with her even after getting a warning. Just once maybe, her innocence is making me want to ruin her for any other man. I just want a taste of her, then she'll be out of my system. Closing my eyes her beautiful heart shaped face comes in front of me making me fall into a deep sleep.


Waking up early morning like usual and peeking out of the window it's about to sunrise, doing my bathroom business I head to the gym. Warming up and doing my regular exercises and boxing for about an hour and half I went to kitchen already hearing chit chatting from back garden. There sitting my mother, nonna,  Aunt Maria and my maternal aunt Emma. My mom squeals  upon seeing me as she comes near me and hugs me tight and pinching my cheeks," Aww my baby happy birthday, iys feels just like  yesterday I was changing your diaper and look now you are a big man." She sniffes while rambling.

"Mom, I am all sweaty and please Elizabeth used to change my diaper not you but anyways thank you." I say while hugging her back.
"Oh! Hush now come On" She drags towards other ladies in the garden. Everyone wishes me birthday for the day and I let them had their discussions of dresses and make-up for tonight's party.

Till evening the ladies we're getting ready and men were busy playing poker, smoking cigars and unlimited wine was flowing throughout the day. Now that all my siblings and cousins are there at the venue I was the last one to enter the club.  A holler of happy birthday I could hear. Looking over the party i could see Matteo with his girlfriend making out in the dark corner couch away from nonna, she's a bit orthodox  and here Tony is having this blond on his lap having a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I am wearing a black button down with black suit, hair styled back. Many girls looking at me some giggling amongst themselves and some giving me flirtatious smiles and winks but today I was not looking for these plastic Botox girls, I am craving for that one natural  beauty. Innocent eyes, beautiful long hair, perfect ass and boobs and hour glass figure. Just thinking about her is making me hard. What's wrong with me?

"Hey Ad" comes a voice breaking my thoughts. Alina is one of my assassin, she's trained in combat, guns and sniper rifles all by Anthony. We had some night stands and she is good but right now I am really not interested.

"Hey Alina"
"Happy birthday Don," she says lightly chuckling while greeting me with a kiss on both cheeks and whispering  "I have gift for you at my place."
"Not today Alina," I say taking her hands off me.
"Why Ad? Did you find someone else? You know I am the best in bed, only  I am the one who can handle your roughness in bed"
"I don't need to give you an explanation Alina, and it's Don or Mr De Luca for everyone." Saying it loud and clear while finishing my drink.

Heading towards my office I see dad and Nonno already their.
"Why are guys not into the party?" I ask making myself another drink from my office mini bar.
"It's good that you're here now, we wanted to talk to you about something." Says my dad.
"What is it about?" Sitting on the couch, spreading my legs open in a relaxed manner.
"Dad and I want you to get married. You have this whole year before your next birthday. You have choice here, first six months you can find someone you want to get married to and if you fail to find your bride then other six months we'll arrange your marriage with someone worth becoming the Donna." Dad says while Nonno just sits there staring at me for any reaction but I won't give them any.
"And why all of a sudden, I mean I just turned twenty five."
"It is necessary cuz your marriage will give us De Luca's heir. And more importantly Donna is required now."
Nonna says for the first time from the time I have entered my office.

There is no point in arguing with them cuz it's true that Don is incomplete without his Donna, his queen. But arrange marriage will suck and not wanting any random spoilt brat to sit on Donna's place. Someone knowledgeable, understanding, compassionate, determinate and of course a beauty, is what we need.

Realising a sigh I say,"okay I'll find someone."

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