Chapter twenty one

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Rose's POV

"Thank you."
I am incredibly shy when it comes to receiving compliments. I often become flustered. I struggle to accept compliments graciously.
Tucking a few strands behind my ear, I feel Adrian's hand tighten possessively muttering something under his breath.

"You took all the time in the world!"
In a very pissed mood Matteo diverts the conversation towards him. Adrian smirks to him arrogantly with a remark which makes him even more angry,
"You did that on purpose, right? Making a feud out of everything!!"

Leading me to the couch seating beside me resting his arm behind me on the back rest. In front it's Tony and Matteo and on the bar chair it's Marco.
"Just a lesson for you. Clear that deal and you'll be out of my radar."
"To fuck with your deal Ad. I am in a world crisis for fuck sake!!"
Even seeing Matteo in this aggression, Adrian chuckles devilishly.
"What got your panties in a twist!?"
A small laugh escaping Tony's mouth. Which results into a string of curses as a reaction from Matteo.

I huff as they all are purposely annoy Matteo. Shifting from my position, I offer a glass of water to him with a small smile. He lets out a breath and gulps it.
"Is everything okay? We all here to help you."
Marco shakes his head amused and Tony snickers. I send daggers their way, they're are just being mean.
"This Sunday me and Isa will be completing a year. I wanna propose her."
A complete silence follows after his confession. A wide grin takes shape on my lips as I jump on my seat with happiness and joy.
"Oh my God, really!!"
He nods with a dreamy smile on his lips and twinkle of love in his eyes.
"Are you sure?"
"It's a big step dude"

Both Adrian and Tony exclaim respectively. And just for a second I doubt that Adrian doesn't believe in relationship and now questioning the concept of marriage. Does he not believe in love at all? Will he not give a chance to love in his life?
I exhale a breath, brushing my depressing doubts away I look Matteo who's lost in his thoughts.

"I can't think anything else but her forest green eyes are always in front me, her heart when it pumps faster when I kiss her, her eyes shine when she says she's in love with me. She has seen my dark days, and after a long tiring day when she run her fingers through my hair, everything seems at ease. So yes, I am sure Ad."
He is so in love.

Love can evoke a range of emotions, a deep sense of connection with another person. He is emotionally fulfilled with Isabelle as well as a strong desire to prioritize her happiness and well-being.
I have never felt being someone's priority. I've never depended on someone for emotions. I don't know how does it feel like being pampered, like breakfast in bed or just a relaxing dinner or maybe a just a warm yet tight hug.
Lifting my gaze and landing directly on deep blue ones, which are already boring into mine. His intensity, his passion will swallow me whole. I am the one to break the moment, I can't drown into his eyes right now, it's like I can read them but I don't want to. I am scared of his thoughts.

Looking over to Tony who has softened his eyes at Matteo and Marco with a frown glaring Adrian and then to me with a small smile.
I squeeze Matteo's arm with a huge smile.
"No one needs a justification on your love for Isabelle. We know you love her."
He nods.  Clearing his throat and straightening his spine, he addresses everybody in the room.
"I'll be taking her on the yacht. We'll be have lunch and after sailing when it's the sunset, I'll take her on the deck and pop the question."
Everybody agrees but why he wanted to see me?
"Adrian said you wanted me here, something important?"
Turning to me, he smiles holding my hand in his,
"Rose, I want you to do something with the deck. Like decorate it with something that'll make her feel overwhelmed, " I nod and he continues.
"I can't ask these hunks to do something this delicate. I believe in you."
"For sure, it'll be my pleasure to be a part of your proposal." I grin and super excited.
"Thank you girl. I'll text you her favourite flowers and other stuff."

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