Chapter thirty two

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Rose's POV

Trust, it's a fragile thing, easily shattered by the harsh realities of life.

It's difficult for me. It's difficult to find the difference between someone's truth or lies behind their words. Trusting someone can feel like standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to leap into the unknown. I believed in Robin, in his promises to rescue me from the darkness that clouded my life. At night I would hide up in my dark room or on some days when my father used to come home drunk he used to beat with his belt and I just  tend my wounds. The next day Robin used to see my wounds and curse my father. His words were my lifeline, offering hope in a world filled with pain. When he kissed me, I clung to the belief that his love would heal all wounds. He told me that he'll take me far away from this toxicity. I trusted his words. I had put my faith in him that he would really take me away from all this.

But beneath the surface, doubts lingered like shadows in the night. Some unspoken whisper of fear, the specter of my father's violence loomed large, a reminder of the fragility of trust in a world stained by pain. I couldn't fully surrender myself to Robin, couldn't let him explore the depths of my being. His touch, once comforting, but felt like a boundary I dared not cross.

Trusting my instincts was all I had left that it's not the right time to give myself  in the pool of desires when everything else seemed to crumble around me. Day by day my father's beatings were getting worse and my drug addict brother used to bring his friends home and made my cook for them, they used to talk dirty to me and get handsy yet I protected myself.
I was nothing more than a target for their advances. Even as I fought to protect myself, it felt like I was losing grip on reality.

When Robin left, I seek solace in therapy for months on end. But that one fateful evening shattered whatever fragile semblance of stability remained. I had to escape before it was too late, before my father returned home to witness the chaos. And so I ran, fleeing from everyone and everything that had brought me pain. I ran, ran far away from them.

It was a beautiful day when I met Adrian, a man whose mere presence sent shivers down my spine. His dark aura and penetrating gaze drew me in, coaxing me to confront the emotions I had long buried within myself.

As he showed me around his mansion, referring to it as home, I realized that it was not the grandeur of the estate but rather his unwavering support that made it feel like sanctuary. My migraine felt nothing against his warm hugs.  Adrian became my savior, not just in the physical sense, but as a beacon of hope amidst my darkest moments.

He urged me to share every thought, every dream, every fear. Could he truly handle the depths of my mind? Despite my doubts, I found myself trusting him completely. With each passing day, his presence brings a sense of security and a glimmer of hope of new beginnings.

When I told him that I trusted him, I meant it with every fiber of my being. Adrian is my saviour, promising to stand by my side through every storm. And in him, I find the strength to believe in myself once again.

Addy is busy with his work in London for a week now. Jenna is also on leave for a week , she is visiting her parents in Phuket and Tony is also somewhere busy but texted me that whenever I start drinking he'll have drunk night with me. I guess Addy and Tony had a  conversation about me. I don't know how much Tony knows about our relationship.
Addy says it's the new project which is keeping him busy and wants to finish it before Matteo's wedding. I miss him so much, his touch, his warm hugs, his kisses, him grabbing my ass. I want his touch. I crave for his smooth velvety tongue, the way he brings out my desires for him, the ache he creates between my legs, I crave him.

He landed today morning and is coming to pick me up. I told me him to rest and can meet me in the evening but shut me up by saying he wants to kiss the hell outta me. Well I want that too.
I want to look perfect for him today, so I am fixing my dress and makeup in my office bathroom. My dress is a blush pink corset dress which has cross strings behind and ties at the end exactly on my tail bone. It's a padded dress thus uplifting my boobs a bit which caused a little scene in the morning but that's not important. Reapplying my lipstick and mascara, I come out in my cabin and a scream leaves my lips out of shock.

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