Chapter Nine

36 3 1

Rose POV

Deep breaths.

Calm down.

Breathe in, hold it five seconds breathe out.

Flashbacks is what my mind seeing right now. No, no I can't think of anything like that. Get some grip Rose, you're strong, you're miles away from them nothing's gonna happen. Out of all, why does he have ask me about my family?

A hand comes in front of me, making me realise I am standing on the side of the road and not moved an inch. Adrian is waiting patiently for me to take his hand and move forward. Looking at the buildings entrance, fear grips my mind. What if he is waiting for me to return? Seeing me with Adrian his anger is only going to fuel. What if he attacks us? What if--

"He's not here." His gruff voice makes me shiver. He knew what I was thinking. Taking his warm hand I internally sigh, a sense of relief passes through me. His touch making me feel secure and not weak and scared. I don't know whether it's his cologne or his warm large hand or his promise about not anyone hurting me, but I just know that he is there beside standing like a rock, protecting me from everything or everyone.

"How do you know he's not here?" I look up at him.
"My men checked up before we came here." Shrugging a shoulder very casually.
Taking up the stairs we enter my apartment, looking at the mess, I hold on to his hand even more tightly.
"Uh- it's not a place for you Adrian, you should wait in car I'll be down in ten minutes. There's nothing much pack anyway, just my clothes."
"I'm here. Go pack up." Taking away his hand, his warmth is gone. Pouting internally I enter my room, taking clothes from the small closet I start to pack. Clothes, sandels, my little makeup and toiletries and my laptop. Done.

Coming out of room, I see Adrian in kitchen. "I'm done."
Turning to me with a clenching jaw and deep frown on his forehead he remarks, "You don't have even a slice of bread to eat." Shit!!!
"I-I uh ate what all I had." Biting my lip in embarassment looking at the floor carpet.
"Dio, and perché non ti ho visto prima.. Fanculo" muttering to himself and gritting his teeth, and walking up to me in two long strides to take my bags.
(Translation: God, why didn't I see you earlier.. fuck."
Oh, how I wish I knew Italian. What did he say? Should I ask or will it make him more angry?? But about what?
Descending the stairs, Marco takes the bags from Adrian and load them into the trunk. And like a gentleman he opens the door for to sit comfortably. It's a beautiful dress but it's too short only reaching my mid thighs, I have to adjust everytime I sit and bit low neck showing my clevage. I could still feel  Adrian's eyes on me and for the first time I saw something eles in his ocean blue eyes, something I can't pin point.

Why is this car soundproof? Adrian and Marco are talking something so animatedly and aggressively with deep frowns standing beside the closed gate of his side. Running his hand again and again through his hairs, looks like it's business trouble. This shouldn't concern me, it's none of my business.

My phone vibrates gaining my attention, it's Sophia.
"Hey, how are you doing? Mr Romano told me you not well and will not be coming for a few days. What happened... do you want me come over?"
So sweet, she's a lovely person. I need to meet her and Mr Romano too. But why did he say for few days?? I am now good, from today only I can join. Both boys join me inside the car with much serious faces.
"If it's not a problem can we go to Angolo di Paradiso, I need to meet Mr Romano. Or maybe I can join today for half day."
And the car starts moving.

I gulp and remain frozen in my seat, looking outside the window at the passing cars. Looking at the street and shops, it's the diner's road. We are going there. He didn't answer me but did what I asked for. Such a big man still so cute make me want to pinch his cheeks. I smile to that thought. Stopping in front of the diner, I look at him but only to stop as he is already looking at me with those intense ocean eyes. It's like he is in a trance, thinking something very deep but couldn't take his eyes off.

I lightly touch his hand to break his chain of thoughts.
"Adrian, we're here."
Blinking he see his surroundings and then glancing at our joined hands.
"Yeah. Come on"
Before entering I try and take away my hand but he holds it even more tighter. Mr Romano would not like that, he is very protective of me. The door bell jingles altering the staff of our incoming.
A squeal comes from behind the counter and I definitely know its Sophia. There she comes running and hugs me with such impact I had to take two steps back. A strong hand on my back stops me from falling. Adrian's warmth spreads on my back and wants to lean onto him. What are you thinking girl.. shut up!!

"You're back, you're back!!" Laughing at her I hug her back. It's good have someone to hug too. Last night it was Mr Romano and now her, it's been years I haven't hugged anyone. When Mr Romano hugged, that made the dam flowed. It was the feeling I have craved for years, of someone's touch, of someone's protective hands around me or maybe someone saying that they are with me always, that I could be vulnerable with them.

"You're suffocating her Miss." Adrian's thick voice separates us and make Sophia to take a step back with wide eyes and a terrified look on her face, like some recognition came to her.
"He's my friend, Sophia" Giving her a comforting smile I squeeze her hand in reassurance.
"Oh, really," Mr Romano's voice comes from behind Adrian. Turning to him, I see his both eyebrows raised in sarcasm and giving Adrian some evil eyes. Rolling his eyes at his Zio he turns around and get seated on the table for four beside the glass window.
"How are you dear? Feeling better?" He asks before pulling me into warm hug.
"I'm good now, much better. Thank you," giving him an assuring smile "Come on let's sit, Sophia I'll meet you before going." She nods before going back to serving people. I sit beside Adrian and in parallel it's Marco and Mr Romano.
"Now can I ask why did you "took care " of the rent while paying me the whole salary?? It wasn't necessary." Double quoting the rent I start to bombard him with my questions.
"It's nothing my child, you deserve your salary and some extra bonus. Now no more discussions on it." He says in his sweet stern tone with a smile but discreetly glancing at my bruises. Huffing like a child I pout, which he just waves his hand to.
"And did you too get into a fist fight with him?" He glances at Adrian who's busy in his phone and then at Marco, who nods positively to him.
"Oh come on Mr Romano I am not that dumb. I know Adrian had a fight with him in the morning and you were with him too. Did you too get your hands dirty?"
"No, I didn't get handsy with him. Just some words were enough to make him shiver." With a charming smile he says.
I don't know what to say. They have done so much for me.
"Can I do half day today?" Wanting to start my shift now so later today I'll find a place to live, only a day more I can stay at Adrian's not more than that.
"Zio we're having lunch and non lasciarla unirsi adesso, le sto dando un lavoro" Adrian says still looking into his phone. Damn you Italian!!!
(Translation:- don't let her join now, i am giving her a job)
Confusion dawns on his forehead and leaves abruptly to his cabin not before waving his hands to a waiter which happens to be Jordan.
"Hey J, how you doin" smiling at him I ask.
"Now I'm doin good cuz you're here beautiful." With wink he flirts a little.
I giggled. He's always like that.
"You're here take orders not to flirt with customers." With a very grim voice and hard cold eyes Adrian addresses him. But J was only being cute and that was harsh to talk to somebody like this.
"Sorry sir, your order please." Jordan says looking serious with a straightened spine.
Ordering our food, we eat our meal in complete silence which is only broken by his thick voice.
"You'll be working as finance manger at my club Tentazione in New York."

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