Chapter twenty

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Rose's POV

Home. A beautiful home. I find myself in a picturesque Singaporean home, filled with warmth and love. I and Robin are living together, enjoying a life of simplicity and happiness. We both discussed this before leaving Devonport that Singapore is more economical place to live. So here we are living in together for almost six months. As I cook in the kitchen, Robin embraces me from behind, showering me with affectionate kisses on my neck, filling the room with laughter and joy.

After a delightful lunch together, I informs him about a quick errand to the nearby grocery store. With a promise to return soon, I set off, only to find upon my return that the once vibrant home is now eerily empty and devoid of life. Confused and concerned, I search the house, my heart sinking with each empty room. Where is Robin?

Descending the stairs, I spot him outside, hailing a taxi. My heart pounding, I rush to him, desperately seeking an explanation for the sudden emptiness surrounding me. Wordlessly I see Robin unloading his bags in the trunk and leave. With a heavy heart, I sit alone on the desolate road, tears streaming down my face as I grapple with the sudden emptiness that surrounds me.

As my sobs echo through the emptiness, a comforting touch on my cheek startles me. I look up to see a blur of a man, his features slowly taking shape into a handsome and familiar face. His mesmerizing ocean blue eyes, filled with empathy and understanding, meet mine, offering solace in the midst of my despair.

Before I can fully comprehend the situation, he leans in to kiss me, but just as our lips are about to meet, I lift my gaze, only to find him vanish into thin air, leaving me a--

Beep beep beep beep...
I flash open my eyes with clammy hands and a very sweaty forehead. Sun peeking through blinds of my bedroom window. Twisting and turning into the my bed I think of the awful dream which has ruined my morning mood. Stupid flashbacks are making there way from past week ruining my mood which gets uplifted by the good morning texts by my so called boss Adrian. He has started sending me good morning text and chats for about ten minutes, just about random stuff. Like he told me his gym timing and asked about my breakfast preferences and very unusual things which diverts my mind to him and makes me smile before I reach to the club with a happy mood.

When I told him about Robin he looked at me with famous poker face but I know he was ferocious, as his fist was hard digging his nails in his palm and jaw set very hard.
'I want to kiss you' God I can still hear him. His raspy voice, his cologne, his warmth, everything of him made me want to hide in him. His presence gives me some sense of security. His words weakened my knees and if his hands  wouldn't  been on my waist, I would have become a puddle. I don't know what came over me like it would be wrong to him if I didn't tell him about my past relationship. If he wants to take step forward he has to know how damaged I am, how much of an effort it'll take for me to be with him emotionally and ..uh physically. Oh God!!

I have seen Adrian, how handsome he is. Girls die to have a word with him. Jenna has told me about how many of the dancers have slept with him and Tony. She has been with Tony once and had an amazing night, she shared quite few details about how good he is in bed. Both brothers are quite famous amongst the girls for their skills in bed. I don't know what does that mean, it's like sex is sex. What one need skills for that?
Matteo is loyal to his girlfriend, he is with Isabelle for about an year now. I have kissed Robin quite a few times but nothing more than that. I am a virgin. He tried to go overboard by lingering his hands on my boobs once but I stopped him, I was not ready. It didn't felt right. I didn't have those butterflies or it was not in me to have sex when I was getting beatings from my father and brother. I had a silver of doubt upon my conscience.

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