Chapter thirty three

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Rose's POV

The flicker in Adrian's eyes speaks volumes, telling a tale of longing and fervor that ignites something deep within me. It's a desire that goes beyond mere physical attraction; it's about intimacy. When I gaze into his eyes, I see a hunger that mirrors my own, a hunger for something I buried in me long time ago.
Is it lov... Not now Rose!!

In his eyes, I find reassurance and validation, a silent affirmation of my worth and significance in his life. I feel seen, cherished, and utterly desired. In his eyes, I find solace and strength, a beacon of hope amidst my life's uncertainties.

I close my eyes in anticipation but thick voice reaches my ears,
"Eyes on me baby."

His thumbs go above and above my mid thighs under the dress where I didn't realise I was clenching my thighs. Kneading the muscles of my thighs, he parts them and creates a gap between my legs. God! shivers running down my spine, he is doing things to me which is creating an ache all over my body. I can see his hooded eyes and focus on the massaging hands. The wetness I felt at the mansion, is coming back in full force, eliciting a low moan out of me.

Immediately he crashes his lips on mine, plunging his smooth tongue in my mouth tangling it with mine. I don't know where this desperation coming from but I eagerly kiss him back pressing myself into him. Grabbing my ass he thrusts me forward to him making me realise he is so big and hard under his pants. My lower abdomen touches his.. parts and my boobs to his chest.

Sliding down his warm lips, he reaches my neck and leaves wet kisses where he kisses a spot just below my ear lobe which brings out a heavy moan out of me.
"Do you feel me?" His thick whispering reaches me, pressing my hip down hard into him. I whimper as my lower abdomen touches his thick  covered manhood.
I nod. A bit on my soft skin makes realise he want words, "yeah"

But then I notice something is loose and air caressing my skin where it didn't before. He opened the strings of my corset. The straps loosen and fell down my arms, exposing my bare half boobs. I quickly bring up my arms to cover myself.
"Addy, no!"
But he comes in between and kisses me. Grabs my ass, press me more into him,
"Don't ever cover yourself from me."
Sliding down my dress to my waist, my eyes shutter close. I am so exposed right now, I haven't been this open to anyone in my life.
"Beautiful." He says under his breath yet I hear him. He can see my erect, taut nipples.
"Adrian!" I say nervously, trying to bring up my arms again.
"I want to kiss you baby." He whisper hot and thick. Nibbling my lip, squeezing my thigh and ass at the same time.
"You are kissing me." He bores his eyes deep into mine and not once dipping his eyes down to my exposed boobs.
"I want to kiss you in other places."

Oh Jesus!
My chest caves and heat swirls in my belly, my body craves him so badly. I've never been this turned on.
He stares gently down at me and trails  his thick finger down my collarbone to my valley in between my chest then moving to my right boob. My breathing becomes ragged as his fingers touches my skin leaving goosebumps all over me. Roaming his hand around the skin but not where I want the most.
"Please Adrian." I arch my back, pushing my boobs more into his hands yet he roam his hands around the skin not the centre, the nipple, where it's aching the most. It has become so tight just like a pebble.
"Please touch me Adrian.."

And finally he brings his thick fingers to my nipple causing a loud moan out of me, electricity shots up in my body. I throw my head back as he rolls my taut nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
A low growl comes from the back of his throat,
"You have hell of a body Rosa."
His thick voice and even more prominent Italian accent, wants me to clench my thighs but the gap he has created in between my legs is not helping at all.

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