Chapter eleven

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Adrian's POV

"Hey" Tony. The. Fucker, scared the shit outta her. Hearing her fright of scream I hold her shoulders from behind.
"Relax it's just my brother" I whisper to her. She takes few deep breaths then look at me over her shoulder with those frightened deep brown eyes.
"Hey brother!!" He quips again, and I return him with an angry glare.
Walking in the living room, I can see a glass of scotch, a file and my laptop.
"Rose, this is my younger brother Anthony and she is Rose"
"Hello bella" Tony says with ever his charming smile and kisses her back of hand. Bastard
"Not bella, it's Rose" blushing crimson she adds obviously not understanding Italian.
"Come on sit Rose tell me about yourself and -"
"Tony we have some work to do, now don't we? And Rose we'll be leaving for New York after dinner later tonight so can relax for now." I cut him off.
"Sure, we have all the time in the world darlin as you're coming to New York already" With a wink he says.
"And kitchen is open you can use it as you want. We'll be in my study upstairs, if you need anything do not hesitate to ask."
"Okay." She nods.
We three heads up to my study, there is not much paper here as I don't work from here. So I asked Tony for two things. First to bring up my laptop and "Did you do what I asked you for?"
"Yep, the apartment is ready for use. Is it for her?" Tony asks and Marco looks confused.
"Yes, she'll be new there where will she find a place to live. And she'll be our new finance manager of Tentazione " I say as I open my mails for the shipment of arms coming in two days.

Complete silence follows after that. I know no one will question my decision but I can see they are confused and moreover concerned for her as to in the world in which we live is very dangerous, no one is safe. Everyone's life is in danger, we can't be seen in public much. Commissioner of police and chief and ministry are all under my control, but its all about enemies. Everyone wants to be on top of the table, it's not about the hierarchy, its all about Power. And to get power people can be ruthless, canning, vile and even merciless.

Rose is an innocent, naive girl who does not know whom she is with now, doesn't know the reality. I have met thousands of girls all my life, all fucking gold diggers but Rose, she hasn't jumped on my bones and definitely not after money at all. She's not manipulative or play any mind games, it's all her eyes that shows she wears her heart on her sleeve. She was ready to fight with cops today just to help that begger and even gave him few dollars so he can have food, which she should save and arrange for her own food and not spend on others. When I saw her empty kitchen with not even a single thing to eat, I lost it. Wanted to punch something or even that motherfucker scum landlord whose rotting in my cell.
"What's in the file?" I ask just to cut the thick air.
"Yeah, this is about the Viper's man. One of my guy is associated to his cocaine supplier, his next meeting is next week in outskirts of Boston." He explains as look over the paper. I just want that son of a fucking bitch on my feet.
"Send best of your man Tony, I want no mishaps. He has become a pain in ass. I want him." Clenching my jaw as to how desperately I want that man.

"And double up the security on the east wing docks Marco, I know they have some plans to blow it up." I turn to Marco. He nods positively.
"But the thing is Viper's always know our shipment dates and time and even at the warehouse and exchange point, they are one step ahead, aren't they?"
Marco points out the fact which makes us think twice for our plans.
"Do you mean we have a mole?" Tony asks lighting his cigarette and thinking possible option to kill the fucker who tried to double cross us.
"Maybe, someone's having their back, a small fucking gang like them can't be this explosive. This has to be someone else." I say, but who is daring to a mole in my Empire. I'll rip him into shreds.

Lighting my own cigarette, I open up the footage of security cameras in here amused to see Rose sleeping in the couch with a water bottle in front of her and remote in hand. She has changed her clothes into her own which is a fuckin camisole and silk shorts showcasing her long legs folded under ass. Fuck, looking at her is already making me hard!! Shut the fuck up man. Focus on work.

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