Chapter twelve

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Rose's POV

The world outside today is painted in shades of grey, as raindrops tap rhythmically against the glass, creating a melancholic melody. The sky, a somber canvas, seems to mirror the gloomy mood that envelopes the day. The air carries a subtle chill, making goosebumps arrive.

A mysterious figure emerged, shrouded in darkness, relentlessly pursuing me with an eerie determination.The night air turned thick with tension as my breath quickened. The footsteps grew louder, a malevolent rhythm matching the pounding of my terrified heart.

It was in a dark city with scary alleys. The paths I took seemed like they led to dead ends, making it harder for me to escape. A cold sweat enveloped within me as the pursuer closed in, faceless and menacing. I ended up at the edge of a really tall building, and the person pushed me off.

Waking up with deep breaths and holding the duvet in my tight fist feels like my life is being dependent on it. My hands clammy and forehead with beads of sweat, I try to calm my racing heart. Yet another dream wants to make me escape the reality and just hide in the corner of the room. Sitting up I drink a glass of water from the nightstand and another set of deep breathing makes me realise it's a whole different room. It's not the same in which I've slept, it's not Adrian's guest bedroom. What the hell!!! Where am I?

Taking the glass vase as it is the only thing I can find right now for my protection, I step out of the room into the hallway which leads into the living room. God, this is a whole new place, everything is different. I am not in Adrian's apartment, what's happening?? Holding the vase more tightly, I navigate into the living room where different couches and coffee tables are placed. The hell!! Adrian, why is he sleeping on the couch?? Walking closer to him I sit beside him adoring his handsome features.

He has discarded his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves, showcasing his veins with muscular arms and tattoos. He possesses strikingly handsome features with chiseled jawline and high cheekbones, a well proportioned nose and pink m-shaped lips. But my most liked is his eyes, his mesmerizing ocean blue eyes which are reminiscent of tranquil waters that hold both mystery and serenity. They have exuding depth and emotion, drawing others into his enchanting gaze. They are absolutely captivating and his flawless complexion adds an air of sophistication. He also has a cut on his left eyebrow, I wonder how he got-

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I nahal sharply as he surprises me with his eyes still close and hasn't moved an inch.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
"Hmm" He says in a very husky voice and still eyes closed.
"Where are we Adrian??" I ask wanting to know about this mysterious place.
Opening his eyes, he looks at me with his captivating eyes.
"You should know where are we, and remain alert every time when you're in new surroundings. This is a very careless attitude Rose." He lectures me while turning towards me, furrowing his eyebrows. Looking down at our joined knees I realise he's right.
"I don't know Adrian, it had been days I had a proper meal. So when I had one today, my system just exhausted." I know I made a mistake today but my body couldn't handle this relaxation. He just keeps staring at me, how I wish I could know what he is thinking.
"We are in New York, and this is your apartment." It took me a moment to register his words. This place is impeccable. It's way too expensi-
"It's in your budget, and it's not mine." He cuts my overthinking, how does he always know what I am thinking?
"What do you mean, by it's not yours?" I furrow my eyebrows at his vagueness.

He sighs and pinches bridge of his nose.
"This apartment belongs to Mrs. Catherine Homes. She and her granddaughter Arie used to live here, now Arie has moved to London for further studies. So they both moved out of here a month ago and wanted to rent this place out."
I can't keep my eyes off him, while he is talking. The way his lips are moving with his fingers explaining me everything about this place.
"How do you know them and what about the rent?"
"I knew Arie and the rent is three hundred dollars." My mouth forming o shaped at what he said. He know her by what means? Where they both together?
"It's a beautiful place, everything looks new, why it's this cheap?" I swallow the authenticity of their relationship, just want to think something else.
"They're loaded Rose, this is nothing to her. Now stop using your head this much." He sighs while running his hand through his hairs making some fall on his forehead.

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