Chapter ten

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Rose's POV

Finance manager???
New York???
What. Is. He. Saying?

"Stop using your pretty little head. It'll be my club, you'll have a safe and secured job. Two thousand five hundred dollars a month." Adrian further explains getting no reply from me.
"Um-uh thank you so much for offering a job but how can all of a sudden shift to New York, it's way more expensive than here." I sigh, looking at my half eaten meal losing my appetite instantly.
"Why can't you move to another city which has more opportunities than here as per your experience." He counters again. Heavily sighing I just continue to eat.
Finishing our meal in this thick air, it starts to suffocate me I don't know how to answer him.
"I'll just take five minutes to talk to Mr Romano and Sophia, is it okay?" Maybe Mr Romano can change my mind.
He just nods positively looking out of the window with a frown. Leaving fifteen dollars, my share in the bill, on the table I leave to Mr Romano's cabin. I don't know how but I could feel his stare on my back burning holes with his fiery eyes. I know he's a big billionaire man and won't take my money, but I am not a charity case. Now that I have got my salary I can pay for my things.

Knocking on the glass door, I stand for his permission to enter. Hearing his loud come in, I enter. A good office space I always love to see. Middle of the room it's his mahogany fine table with few papers littered on it. A huge book shelf on the right side of room and on left a white leather couch and a coffee table. It's all done by Mrs Romano. She told me how she wanted to be an interior designer but couldn't continue it further, but her passion is still there.
"Sit down my child" he says while taking off his reading glasses.
"Mr Romano I know you would always guide me in the right direction and always have," I say feeling my eyes getting watered, "will you help me in taking a decision?"
"I am always got your back dear." He says giving me his famous smile.
"Adrian has offered me a job of finance manager at his club in New York. That means I have shift to a whole new city leave you back here."
I pout, not wanting to leave them at all.

He stays silent for a moment, maybe weighing the options. Finally he sighs, "Look dear, New York will give you more opportunities and I do trust Adrian. And don't think for a second that we are far away, we'll always be there when you need us."
He's right, I need to get a much better and stable job so that I can keep up with my bills and daily routine. I nod subconsciously looking for every pros and cons.
"Thankyou Mr Romano. I'll leave now, they're waiting for me. I will miss you and Mrs Romano"
"We'll miss you too my child. We'll meet when we're in New York. And don't you worry I'll kick Adrian's ass too if he troubles you." I giggle to that and I know will do that too.

Giving him a quick hug, I rush to Sophia whose on front counter today.
"Hey Soph, I am in a rush now but fyi I am leaving for New York for a new job and I'll text you later, okay. Bye babe" Another quick hug and I am back on our table were these men are ready to go.
"It wasn't necessary" As we leave Marco returns me my money which I left on table. With a huff I put those cash on the counter jar as a tip. Feeling a heated glare I just try to ignore and head out of the diner.

Stepping out I can feel the sun shining brightly upon us but a commotion diverts my happy bliss happening near an ally. Ally!! Oh! That's where Georgie lives. Shit!!
I make a run towards it ignoring my name being called out from behind. Reaching there the scene is terrifying, two cops holding Georgie down and an old man standing with hands on his hips giving an evil angry stare.
"Hey, hey, hey stop!! What are you doing?? What did he do?? Leave him please!!" I request to the cops looking at Georgie's busted lip and teary eyes. "Go away Rose" Georgie says in his raspy voice but how can I leave him in this mess.
"No, and officier what has he done please leave him."
"Who are you miss? He's a thief and I suggest don't get involved if you don't know him." On of the cop says in his strict tone.
"A thief!!! What??"
"He has stolen my diner's garbage which had food remains, he's fucking thief" the old man says eyeing my clevage.
"Are you even listening to yourself. Just a garbage bag and you have called for cops. Are you insane, he might me be hungry so did that and what garbage was doing good to you?" I am shaking with anger right now, how inhuman he is.
"Oh, shut the fuck up lady, he's going to the jail." Old arrogant man says with a smirk taking a step forward.
Oh no!! What is happening... he's just a begger not a thief. Such a poor man a victim of rich economy. Turning around a see Adrian and Marco standing in front of the ally, seeing everything unfold, like an audience and not moving a muscle.

Running to them I grab Adrian's arm,
"Do something, anything Adrian, he's innocent!!"
"Innocent?? You can't be serious, look at him, he might have stole food. He's just a begg-"
"He's a human being for god's sake." I cut him off, snapping at him. He just glare at me with clenching his jaw hard. I know I shouldn't have talked to him this way.
I sigh. "I'm sorry but please help him he is just a poor guy, I know him from about three months."
He kept staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes, something in them makes me want drown in them.
"Stay here." He orders me and walks to those cops who has kicked Georgie in his stomach twice.
With his hands in dress pants standing in his rigid stance with legs apart and strong broad muscular back he talks to officiers with much ease like they're talking about weather. Just a few words and both the cops faces goes pale as a white sheet. What did he say to them? They immediately relieve Georgie, taking a step back. I turn to Marco as to know what's happening but only to get a playful wink and a smirk in return. My frown deepens as I see Adrian towering over the old man saying a few words while gritting his teeth. Taking steps back and back the old man runs and cops also leave without saying another word but not before bowing his head to Adrian. What the hell did he say??

I went straight to Georgie holding his hands which are shaking.
"I know you did nothing wrong." Holding his hands tight I say.
"I was just hungry but you shouldn't have got involved with the cops. I'm all used to it." He says while a lone tear leaks from his eyes.
"Oh shut up!! It's all thanks to Adrian. He's my ..uh friend."
"Thankyou sir for saving me. I owe my life to you." Bowing his head in respect to him, he says.
"That's okay," Adrian says in his gruff voice and eyeing me he says "Rose I have business to attend, we should leave."
"Oh! Ofcourse," Taking a few cash and handling them to Georgie I say, "I am leaving Manhattan, take these if you'll use it efficiently it'll last a month. I hope you have a good health and a even better life, I know you are a good man. Goodbye Georgie."
"Thankyou so much dear these means a lot to me. You too have good life dear, I pray you get all the love you deserve." Giving him a small smile I just turn around walk straight to Marco. When Adrian doesn't follow I look over my shoulder to him only to see him giving a few more dollars to Georgie.

Sitting in car I wait for Adrian to come. When he arrives, Marco takes the wheel and starts to drive. In no time we reach his lavish building with everyone lost in their thoughts. Entering first I let out a small scream as to seeing someone sitting on the couch leisurely. Deja Vu


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