Chapter six

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Adrian POV

Puffing out the smoke, we all laugh at Tony's joke. It's just six of us sitting on the poker table in my entertainment room. Me, dad, Matteo, Tony, Zio Elijah and Marco. After having a blasting party last night, today it's more of a relaxing weekend. All my family and cousins are either passed out or handling their hangovers. Already winning last two rounds of poker, its third round where Tony and Marco tries to distract me by cracking jokes about last night's little scene that was created by Nonna.

"Yeah, I was stunned when nonna tapped my shoulder. I clearly remember her angry eyes on Isabella. She was scared shitless." He chuckled taking a sip of his scotch.
"When you know boy Nonna was there can't you keep your hands off her." Dad scolded him as always.
"But dad!!" He whined like a child.
"You have some balls man to make out with her when you know Nonna would chop them off." Marco laughed out with Tony and Zio joining them.

I put cards on table, stumping them all again,"full house" Marco is a sour loser among all of us. He has lost quite a few hundred dollars tonight and I'm enjoying every bit of it. Someone's phone vibrated, alerting us all. It's zio's. At this hour?
"Hello??" He looks confused while picking it up. After a moment realization comes to his face and then turns into anger. He looks livid.
"What's the problem Zio?" I ask and everyone turns serious as to seeing him.
"Calm down first child, and hold on a sec," He says and turns to me,
"It's Rose!!!" Making me confuse for a second as to why she would call him at this late hour? Is everything okay with her? Is she in need of something? Has someone hurt her? My mind wheels churn and makes my temper flare.

I snatch his phone, putting it to my ear hearing her sob.
"Rose, its Adrian. What happened? Are you alright?"
She remains quite for few seconds, sniffing and tries to control her crying.
"He has thrown me o-out of my apartment, I don't know what to do. I-I-I just need some help from Mr Romano." Her sweet voice has become hoarse from crying, seems like she's been doing it for hours.
"We are on our way Rose, nothing gonna happen to you. Do not cut the call, stay on it till we reach their." Saying I turn to Marco, who's already in action ready to leave with me.
"Marco send a security team at Rose's place right now. Tell them to cover her."
"On it." He says turning to his phone.
"Zio and Tony you both are coming with me. Come on. Dad it's an emergency." Running out of the mansion into the garage taking my SUV we zoom off to Manhattan. Its late hour but still gonna take twenty minutes to reach her location.
"Security has reached." Marco informs. At the same time I could hear Rose's whimper. She's is shell shocked. fuck!!
"Don't be scared Rose, they are just bodyguards. They are their for your protection. They are my men and will not hurt you by any means." I try to assure her but just get her silent crying in return.
"Who's Rose, brother?" Tony asks from the back seat, making me realize that he was also here.
"Friend" seeing him in the rear view mirror and side eyeing Zio, whose just sitting with clenched fists.

Zooming through the roads of Manhattan we reach her location only to see my men has covered her and  the area well but she is still sitting on pavement beside her building entrance, she hasn't sat in the car guards had offered. We all step out,  her attention focuses on Zio. Standing up with a slight limp she tries to run towards him, but he meets her midway and hugs her tightly. She crys harder than earlier, making me clench my fists wanting to murder that motherfucker who has caused her this condition.
"I'm here, I'm here my child now calm down." He assures her but nothing's got to stop her.
Marco offers a bottle of water to me for her. Taking it from him, I passed on to her looking into her puffed swollen eyes. She hicupped from crying, hesitant in taking it from me. Zio takes it from me and opens it for her, taking few sips she calmed a bit but still her bottom lip is wobbling.

"Now tell me what happened? Did he do something to you?" Zio asked her holding her close to him supporting her.
"H-his rent and elect bill was due, I told him by Sunday I'll pay. With my salary and bonus it would have cleared all but he didn't wait for tomorrow and forced me to pay today itself." With her shaky and hoarse voice she explained.
"What do you mean by force?" I couldn't help but ask. She flinched a bit with my harsh voice.
"Brother, easy. She's already scared." Tony advices standing beside Marco with frown on his forehead.
"Shut the fuck up" I growled at him.
"Rose, what happened exactly!?" I sighed, trying to ask as normally as I can.
"He caged me bet-between him and the wall and tried to touc-" her silent tears chocked her again.
I am seeing red. He dared to taint her with his filthy hands. I stomped towards the building but before I could enter a hand stopped me.
"No-no-no-no stop please, I don't want any fights please. He's completely drunk and I don't  want you all get into police matters. Please leave him."

Her hand was still on my forearm while she rambled and looked at me with those tears stained swollen eyes.
"I just want my things back from the apartment that's why I called Mr Romano. I just wanted a place to stay for tonight, tomorrow paying him his dues I'll find another place."
"You're coming with me." Taking her small hand into mine, I nudge her to walk with me to the car. But she just looked at me with those wide eyes not moving an inch.
"Thank you Mr De Luca but I don't want to bother you. Mr Roma-" She starts again but I cut her off.
"He is my uncle and knows that you're safe with me tonight. Isn't it Zio? " not bothering to look at him, I know his answer. He sighed and nodded.
"He's right my child. I know he would take good care of you. Stay with him tonight."
After thinking for a moment she hesitantly starts to walk towards my car, Marco opens the passenger door for her to sit comfortably. Shutting her door, I turn to Tony and Marco, "Take him underground, I'll be there later at night. And tell dad that I am in Manhattan tonight."

Crossing over to the driver's side, I slide in. She is completely lost in her thoughts. Starting engine I start to drive to my penthouse which is at the very end of the city. Whole ride she has not said even a single word and that start to get me worried.  Parking in the garage, I know she is in a daze so touching her will startle her, I just clear my throat to gain her attention. She flinched a bit but now has turned towards me looking with those beautiful innocent eyes.
"We're here"
We step out of the car, guiding her to the elevator we step in. I closely take a look at her noticing her bruised wrists, dishalved hair and their is limp in her walk and even her shirt button is broken. That motherfucker!

We step in the foyer and then living room awkward silence stretches upon us. I clear my throat again,"Have you eaten something?"
"I uh- just wanted to sleep away this night." Looking already so exhausted.
"Okay. But first, come here" I gesture her to follow me to the kitchen. Following me like a lost puppy she sits  on the kitchen bar stool whereas I give her glass of juice and bring her  the first aid kit.
Realising a sigh she drinks it without any other protest. Finishing it she places the glass on the marble and starts to get up. Stopping her, I gently take her wrists in my hand putting some ointment gel that'll  help her. I could feel her eyes on me with so many questions in them which I know  I can't answer. Putting some on knees which are scratched, she winced.
"What he did to your knees?"
"Please leave it I really don't like talking about it anymore. Tomorrow everything will be over." She requests not wanting to discuss it any further. But I want to know every single thing he dared to do with her. Giving her an intense stare which she knows I am waiting for her answer.
"He snatched my gold chain from neck and then manhandled  me from  my apartment to pavement and forcefully threw me on it."
"Gold chain?" Clenching my jaw i ask.
"My chain, the only thing I brought for myself from my savings few years ago. He just took it away." With a lone tear dropping from her eye.
Stepping closer her eyes become wide noticing our proximity. But I see something else, a red angry scratch on her neck.
Putting gel on neck I blew some air on it try give her some relief. She gasps.
Placing my hand on her cheek and wiping her tear I promise her "No one's gonna hurt you anymore."

Taking her hand i lead her to guest bedroom," just a second, I'll be back"
Waking into my closet taking a random t shirt and shorts I head to her room back.
"Here, feel comfrotable to use anything here. Freshen up and change and try to divert your mind and get some sleep. If you need anything I am just a door away." Saying I turn to leave her alone.
"Thank you for everything," turning to her again I look at her in her eyes filled with tears and gratitude, "Adrian"
I nod and leave closing the door behind me. My name has never sounded this perfect to me, the way it rolled off her tongue. I wonder how would it sounded when I'll be buried dee- shut up! what are you thinking?

Having a cold shower I change and leave later at night when she's in deep sleep.
I have some bones to crack.

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