Chapter twenty five

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Rose's POV

I leaned against the window of the train, my gaze transfixed by the breathtaking scenery passing by. Lush green mountains rolled by, their peaks disappearing into the clouds. Canopies of verdant foliage stretched as far as my eye could see, painting the landscape in a vibrant hue. Amidst this natural splendor, the train rumbled on, its rhythmic motion lulling me into a state of tranquil awe.

As the train crossed a bridge spanning a wide expanse of ocean, I am marveled at the deep azure waters below. The ocean seemed both inviting and mysterious, its depths hinting at untold secrets. Suddenly, the train came to an abrupt halt, jolting me from my reverie. I discover that I am the only passenger left. Eerie silence surrounds me, broken only by the rhythmic crashing of waves against the bridge pillars. Frowning, I glanced around the empty carriage, a sense of unease creeping over my racing heart. An unsettling feeling of being watched, sends a shiver down her spine.

I venture towards the door, with a trembling hand, I reached for the door handle, heart pounding in my chest. A rush of cold wind greeted as I stepped onto the doorway, the vast ocean stretching out before me in all its majestic beauty.

But the moment of awe was short-lived as a tap on my shoulder sent a chilling shiver down my spine. Turning around, my eyes widened in shock as a figure materialized before me, his features blurred and indistinct. As the figure came into focus, I gasped in recognition—it was Michelle, his grey stone eyes piercing into my soul, looking so evil, so lifeless.

Before I could even react, Michelle's hands gripped my neck in a vice-like hold, his touch sending a wave of terror coursing through my veins. With a sudden shove, I was propelled out of the train and into the icy embrace of the ocean below. Panic clawed at my heart as I plummeted towards the water, the chill of the ocean enveloping me like a vice.

But just as I thought all was lost, a warm hand grasped my waist, pulling me to the surface. Gasping for air, I  found myself staring into the familiar ocean-blue eyes, Adrian's eyes, his dimpled smile a beacon of comfort in the darkness. With a gentle kiss upon my forehead, Adrian whispered words of reassurance, promising to always be my anchor in the stormy seas of life. "I'll always hold you Rose."  And I melted into his embrace, I knew that no matter what he'll never let me fall.
Stirring me from his embrace.

"Wake up Rosa."
Fluttering my eyes open I see beautiful sun peeking through the blinds. Such a warm morning, I cuddle even more to my pillow. But soon realisation stuck me, it's not my soft pillow, something very cozy warm yet hard. I roll my eyes down to see a tattooed chest below me. Uh oh!

Lifting my head I see a better view than the morning sun, mesmerizing turquoise blue eyes staring back at me. Oh boy, can I have this view daily!?
Is he for real or am I dreaming?
But he is real, I know it, yet I want to poke into his cheek. Lifting my hand which is wrapped around his torso I slide to his jaw all the while touching him on the way, to his abs then taut chest, his neck and finally his sharp jawline.
"You're not dreaming Rosa."
His morning voice is so husky and heavy making my heart skip a beat.

But what is he doing in my bed? He was in London, wasn't he? And on sunda- wait, what?
In a moment I stare into space as last nights flashes comes to my mind. Club Ozone, Michelle, dancing, then sweating, oh my God! Adrian came there. I don't know, I can't remember much but my eyes widened and I shift my gaze to him, he saved me- again.
"How many times will you save me?" I sigh and rest my chin on his chest, not in a mood to move an inch.
Putting my strands behind my ear, he grunts out.
I shake my head a smile makes a place on my lips but my head is blasting.
"Aggh! My head is hammering."
"It will. Have these advil, two of them." He points to the tablets placed in the bedside.
I move my legs which feels so heavy at the moment but again I realise, my position!! Shit!

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