Chapter twenty eight

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Rose's POV

From the age of eight, it's been work, work, and more work for me. Home chores, part-time jobs during college, full-time work at the bank – always busy. Even when I sought help from a psychiatrist in Devonport, it was about keeping my mind occupied with work to keep the dark thoughts at bay. But he saw through my facade, pointing out that I was working with my hands, not my mind. My mind was  somewhere else, somewhere standing alone in a dark room, somewhere I don't want to go again. Ever.

My overthinking spiraled, fueled by dark memories of my mother demise, my father's mistreatment, and Robin's departure. After my mother's death, I clung to the hope of my father's love, only to be met with his negligence. Books became my solace, turning me into a loner, a nerd. Robin leaving resurrected all my suppressed lonely thoughts, plunging me into a six-month abyss of depression.

Those days were a nightmare – dark rooms, endless tears, worst migraines, nosebleeds, and excruciating period cramps. Hate getting up in morning, hated sunlight, meeting people.
But time changes everything. I've changed. I've learned to embrace sunlight, to look forward to each day, to engage my mind and soul in meaningful work. And a significant part of my newfound happiness is thanks to Adrian, with his calming presence and oceanic eyes.

Adrian's unwavering faith in me fuels my drive to work more efficiently. His mere thought soothes my mind, and his face is etched in my heart. Kissing him feels like a surge of energy, propelling me to work even more happily.

It's lunch time at work yet I have lots of work to do. But today I am going stop my work and go to the kitchen downstairs and have some delicious food that our head chef has made. He told me in the morning itself that it's his birthday and is making lunch for every staff member of the club.
I fix my rose gold dress; a gift from Isabelle for making her proposal day so beautiful and happening. Its a tube bodycon dress falling on my knees, I told her it's not a thing I wear but she insisted and says I should wear more of such things. I wore it today but draped a blazer over it with a low bun and few strands on my face. I found the dress a bit revealing and fancy for a desk job.

It's been two days Addy and I kissed and he hasn't met since that day. He is  handling some work of his other companies and is only available on call or text. He calls and talks very sweetly and lovingly and sends those cute flirty texts but it's not good enough for me. I want to meet him, hug him, smell his addictive cologne and kiss him endlessly. I am upset and angry with him. Marco visited yesterday just to know my mood but I  vaguely answered him and told him to pass a message to his boss that his girlfriend is fine, he doesn't have to worry about me. So today it is a  complete radio silence from his end.

I step down the stairs only to see a few groups of people enjoying around the club as it's only lunch time. Entering the kitchen area I see many other chefs decorating cake and other dishes. All pole dancers girls are here. Cake is cut, champagne is poured and food is served. And it is amazing and absolutely mouth watering.

I am getting some weird stares from girls and many others chefs are murmuring around, throwing some glances at me. I don't know if there's something on my face or maybe judging me for taking second slice of cake.
"Hey gorgeous."
I turn around and see who is totally unexpected here.
"Hii Aldo. I didn't expect you here." I see him having chocolate gelato.
"Well I am here. The birthday boy knows me."
"Oh. I thought you left for Sicily." We both start walking to the near counter table.
"I am leaving in the evening. And I was meeting some of my old friends."
I smile at that. Taking a spoon full of cake in my mouth I relish the softest cake I'd ever had.
"So.. you and Mr de Luca, huh!?"
For a second everything stopped and in slow motion the pink coated my cheeks.
"Yeah, I was um I.. yeah" shit!! I know Aldo was a bit friendly on calls and looking forward to meet me but I very subtly refused his advances and when Adrian out of nowhere dropped the girlfriend bomb, I was stumped I didn't knew what to say back then.
"It's okay Rose. I understand how de Luca's are."
I frown etched at my face.
"My father has worked for the de Luca's and now I am working for them for last two years. I know them in and out."
"I want to keep it private as much as I can. I don't want people to know I am in a relationship with my boss." I say quietly.
A small laugh escapes from the back of his throat.
"What's so funny?" I am so confused
"Private!? With de Luca?" He chuckles again.
"The world knows them. And now they know you."
My eyes become wide as I realised the stares I am getting from girls. They know. Everybody knows.
"Oh God!" I palm my forehead, holding the counter tight.
"Hey, it's okay. Why are you so worried?"

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