Chapter eighteen

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Rose's POV

An intuition resides in my heart, an unspoken knowing that guides without words. It's a silent compass, steering decisions with a conviction that transcends logic, urging trust in whispers of the soul, it's like a silent guide nudging you in the right direction.
For a few days I have this feeling. That something is not correct with Jack and Milo. They are being mysterious and avoiding conversation about the stock in the name of being busy at the counter. The feeling that something fishy is happening is like a sense of suspicion or unease, as if there's an underlying mystery or deception in the situation. An intuitive perception that they might not be entirely straightforward or honest.

Three day ago I was in kitchen with the head chef when he led me on the main floor of the club. Their I observed Jack and Milo exchanging furtive glances while handling an unusually large number of alcohol bottles and cigar trays. The air is charged with secrecy and  further into this mysterious behavior. Where are they getting bottles from when I haven't ordered any?
Jenna also told me to be carefull with these one cuz she has heard Jack talking to someone on the call very frequently about the exchanging of crates and and reporting them into broken ones. And I got my thoughts even more clear when yesterday I was walking back home and while crossing the alley where the club's back door happens to be, a silhouette of three guys doing something in the dark. But as soon as I saw those forest green eyes I definitely knew who he was. His hands were carrying some cardboard boxes and other two guys where loading them in a trunk of a old rusty car. I just tried to ignore the chilling shiver down my spine and walked straight to my home.

It's been four days I been ignoring any type of conversation with Adrian, even looking at him. I have to stay focused on my career, on my job. His liking, his proximity, or even his mere presence makes me feel like a jello, I just melt to him. He makes my urges of relying on someone very strong, like I can be dependent on him for my emotions which I want to but I am scared.

It's hard to love again not impossible but hard. The scars bleed at every flashback. I want to try again but my soul shivers, I have started to feel the warmth. Adrian is the best person but I am scared that won't understand my pain, it'll be frustrating for him, trying so hard to get close to me yet getting nothing in return. I end up getting guilty for not giving back enough but deep down I know how hard I tried. I am in a suffocating constant fear. What if this turns out in the same way? What if he also ghosts me? Or what if the long moist nights return to haunt me? Adrian has shown so much care, he has this healing effect on me. I have told myself many times that I deserve to be happy too. Just one more push to my heart. Maybe everything I am doing will be worth it. Can love happen to me again?

He has tried to talk to me but I made lame excuses and avoided any of conversations. So I have decided to stop ignoring him and just go with the flow to see where our frendship leads us. I call up to him from my office's landline to his, I know it'll be awkward meeting but I have to state the facts and evidences about Jack and Milo. He picks up on the third ring but doesn't say anything. It's always weird feeling I have like he's watching me I can feel his eyes on me.

"Hello, Adrian?" The silence stretches between us. Try again Rose.

"Adrian I want to meet you right now," I say quietly. He sighs.
"Why?" Hearing his voice after so many days gives me goosebumps, I hear my heart pumping blood faster.
"It's urgent. Can I come up now, it's an emergency." Closing my eyes in anticipation I wait for his reply crossing my fingers.
"Okay" A wide smile spread on my lips as I hear him say.

I take three file folders with me but before leaving the cabin I open my hair which tied up in a messy bun. I have a feeling he likes my hair open, but like always he didn't say anything about it, but I guess so. Reapplying my lipstick and fixing my hair knot, I look at my new dress. My ocean blue thin strap dress that gracefully enhances the curves and delicate splashes of light blue strategically scattered across the fabric, creating a mesmerizing contrast. It's a sweet heart neckline, and I guess blue is my new favourite so I just bought it. Few deep breaths and start my way up to his office.

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