Chapter fourteen

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Rose's POV

"Thank you Jenna, it's really very sweet of you." Giving her a small smile I wrap my lunch.

"Come on Rose, if I have known that you were having your lunch alone from the very first day of joining, I would have come the very first day." Waving her perfectly manicured hand and  talks very enthusiastically as always she does.
"I didn't knew any of you and besides I have orders from Mr. White to stay in my cabin as much as possible." Seating back on leather chair, I resume my work.
"Yeah yeah whatever," she huffs and waves her middle finger in air, "okay babe, it's my time for rehearsal see you tomorrow." Blowing a flying kiss she is out of the door in a wink.

It's been two weeks here yet I am shy around others. Only Jenna and Mr White, the reception man, are ones I talk. Mr. Alex White knows every nook and corner of the club so has helped a lot in settling down and has made me understood that I have all the work on laptop and landline so I don't need to come out. And Jenna had some payment issues so she came to my cabin for dues clearance. And now when she knows I do my lunch alone here she's coming regularly for last four days to give me company.

I was nervous at first cuz it's been almost a year I have done some financial analysis but I have surprised myself by working and understanding the work here well. My job responsibilities is to oversee the financial activities which includes budgeting, financial reporting, and ensuring compliance with regulations. Also analyze financial data to provide insights for decision-making for the boss and manage cash flow. The finances related to alcohol and food in the kitchen also comes under me. I work closely with the kitchen and bar staff to control costs, optimize pricing, and maintain profitability while adhering to financial regulations and maintain the stock.

There are seven boys at the bar. Three on the top bar as it's the largest bar table of the club, then two on each side of the club, East wing bar and West wing bar. Top and east guys are very cooperative but this west guys are troubling me. They neither share the stock of wines and whiskey nor they tell me about the beer brands they are low on. I have been told by Mr White that I have to mail every week's report to Adrian, about profit analysis, alcohol stocks and regular payments to our dealers.

When Adrian walked out on me on the first day, that was the last time I saw him. It's been two whole weeks I haven't seen even a glimpse of him. I kinda miss his voice, it's makes me much more calm and relaxed more than my deep breathing exercise. I chuckle to myself on how he has managed to get into my head within a few days.

Heaving out a breath I continue to work on the files of spirit stock and cigar for the VIP section for coming two weeks. VIP section consume cigars like one drinking water and drink like their is no tomorrow. Opening a file, a dialogue box appears showing its a password protected file. Password?? What it might be? I try club's name but it's not the correct one. Picking up the landline I dial for reception, it rings but no one answers. Strange. He always picks up calls on the first ring. I dial again, it's ringing and ringing. On the last second it's picked!

"Who the fuck is this? Don't you fucking understand if he isn't picking up the call, then he's fucking busy!!!" Who's this??? Why is he screaming like this? Did I interpreted something important?
"Um I-I am Rose." I stumble over my words cuz I don't know how angry is this guy is.
"Rose!! Oh fuck! Hold on a second." And the call is disconnected. I have heard him before, but couldn't pin point.
And within ten seconds my door opens with a swing altering me all of a sudden. I look at the intruder with wide eyes. Anthony.
"Hey bella, I didn't knew it was you on the call. I didn't mean to scream at you." He enters and stands in front of my table with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Oh! It was you," I chuckle, at his antics. "It's okay, it was silly of me to ring it again and again."
"Alex got some work to do, so is out for a bit. You need help with something?" Making himself comfortable on the chair, he asks.
"Yes, actually I couldn't through with this file. It needs password."
"Which folder is it? VIP section?"
" Yes, how do you know? It's VIP section's cigar and alcohol dealers."
"Only those files are password protected. It needs authorisation from Adrian." Oh.
"I'll mail him -"
Knocking on my cabin door interrupted us, no one comes to my cabin, who it could be?
A waitress comes with tray and places it on the table and left not before winking flirtatiously at Tony. And his eyes too didn't left her backside checking her out till she is out of the door. Men!
"What's all this?" A bottle of wine and some french fries and chocolates.
"This is my apology Bella." Giving me his charming million dollar smile.
"That's really sweet Anthony, but I don't drink." With a genuine smile I had to reject his sweet offer.
"What!? Why!? Not even on your eighteenth birthday?" He asks with a frown and takes the bottle and open it with a wine opener.
"No." I whisper shaking my head, feeling utterly embracing.
"Okay, so will chocolates make it up to you.?" Taking a sip directly from the bottle and pops a fries in his mouth. I giggled. He's so cute.
"Ofcourse. I love chocolates. Thankyou"
"So, you accomodating well here?"
"Yeah, it's good. Refreshing. I didn't realised I missed numbers this much."
Taking a huge sip, his phone rings but ignores it.
"Have you been around New York y-"
He phone rings again.
"It must be important, you should take it."
Picking up the call he waits for the person to speak.
"Wait for me near my car. I'll be out in five." Cutting the call he puts it back with smirk.
"Well Bella, I was at the reception waiting for her, Natasha. She's a dancer here." Saying he stands while fixing his jacket.
"Oh! It's okay. But you were drinking, will she be driving?"
"Oh darlin, I can still drive better with this whole bottle of wine." Taking the bottle having yet another huge sip with him to the door.
"Take care, drive safe Anthony."
"And Bella, don't mail Adrian. Go upto his office, he'll help you." With a smirk plastered on his face he is out.

Going upto Adrian's office is a huge risk, he instructed me not to come their without his permission. His office is a floor above the VIP area and is the only one huge office space on the whole floor. What should I do?? Mr. White is also out for work and even he would have talked to Adrian about the password. My sane mind is stopping me from going to him but subconsciously I want to see him, talk to him and even smell his musky cologne. It calms me for no reason.

Transferring the files into a pendrive I stand and hesitantly leave my cabin which has now became my safe space after my bedroom ofcourse. Passing through the hallway I can hear the music going on in VIP area. On various lounges and round glass tables glasses clink together in toasts, creating a symphony of celebration that mingles with the ambient beats of the music. Bottles of premium spirits and cigars adorn tables.

Navigating past a few tables, I noticed the lingering gazes from a few group of boys. Amidst the captivating allure of the beautiful dancers, it seems some couldn't resist the urge to steal glances. Making my way through the crowd I stumble into Jenna which maks my pendrive fall.
"Rose! You came out for a drink or what?" She seems more excited to see me to out here.
"Oh, no, actually I have some work with Mr.De Luca." Her face falls and rolls her bottom lip out.
Giving her a smile I look down to find my pendrive in this dark lighting. Finding it near a lounge table I bend forward to pick it up only hear few hoots and whistles from my back. I stand to my full height turning to them with wide eyes and tightened fists. Flirtatious eyes and even lust filled eyes with smirks were staring back at me. A guy with curly brown hair and stone cold grey eyes approached me with a drink and cigar in his hand,
"Come, have a drink with us beautiful." And with this, he extends his hands wrapping around my wrist to take me to his table. He doesn't wait for my reply and pulls me with him which makes me resist constantly.
"No, listen to me, hey, let me go" I kept repeating myself over and over again but he kept his hold tight.

Another hand wrapped around my elbow even more firmer than the drunk guy, stopping him in his tracks and that makes me look at my saviour. And to my surprise it's Adrian, he's always there. With one his one hand on my elbow and other on the wrist of the drunk guy he separated me from him and made me stand beside him. The drunk man immediately recognised Adrian as a mischievous smile spread on his face.
"Hey, Mr.De Luca, wanna share h-" And before he could complete, his wrist is tilted to the opposite side and  cracking of bones is to be heard.
Choking on air and wide eyes I fisted his sleeve in horror hearing the guy's piercing cry of pain.
"Marco throw him out." And out of nowhere Marco emerges through the shadows of crowd and fisted his collar. Dragging him with his single hand he takes him downstairs which me tilt my head to Adrian who's throwing daggers at the guy's other friends.

As if feeling eyes on him he gently removes my hand from his sleeve and holds it in his hand which is much more warmer than my cold freezing ones. Crowd makes way as he takes me with him to his office upstairs. Opening the door with a pin code and takes me inside with him. Leaving my hand, he takes away the warmth of his hand and makes his way to the bar  to make himself a drink. Air becomes thick inside the office as his back is facing towards me. After a moment when he didn't say anything, I tried my luck,
"I was coming to you only."

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