Chapter fifteen

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Adrian POV

"I was coming to you only"
"lo farai sempre?" I whisper to myself.
(Translation: Will you always?)

Her voice is shaky from what happened outside. And that would have happened obviously I mean look at her. Turning around looking directly at her where everything else fades, her beauty, her aura is only thing in the room one wants to stare. Her amber eyes roaming around my office walls taking in the interior and decor. All my resistance, all my explanations to myself about how much she is just girl with a fuckable body, but whenever I look at her, her beauty, her eyes, her innocence, everything comes in between breaking my thoughts into fucking pieces.

"Sit." Looking in my direction, she realised I am looking at her. She nods and takes a seat in front of my glass table subtly eyeing my ash tray which has a few cigarette butts. I scan her again in her fucking dress. It is kind of a midi dress ending a few inches above her ankles. The nude colour dress takes every curve of her hour glass petite figure, even her bra lines can be seen perfectly with a hint of clevage leaving one to imagine. Her ass is perfect fit and round and crossing her legs showing her long legs covered in her dress. Fuck! Get some grip man.

Fixing my pants I go around table and take my leather seat. I continue to look at the footage of the front gate where Marco and Davis, son of one of our drug dealers, arguing holding his broken wrist with one hand. I can feel her eyes burning holes on my face and her mind thinking of how to staat the conversation.

"Why were you out of your cabin?"
Her rigid shoulders slack a bit.

"I know I am not supposed to come here, but Mr White was not there and some files needed your authorisation." Holding up the pendrive in between her fingers she quietly tells me.
Taking the pendrive I purposely brush my fingers with hers, still they are cold yet soft as butter. She swallowed hard.

Opening the files I enter the password for her to work and on paper I write and slide it in front of her.
"I didn't get it?" Totally confused eyes and a cute frown on her face.
"governare il mondo" Pouting her lips and looked at me with those eyes; eyes which are begging for more.
She's not making this easy!!!
"Ruling over the world," realisation dawned upon her face, "all the files of VIP area have this as a password"

Nodding, she folds the paper and  is about to stand but I keep the conversation going, "You're doing a good job Rose."
"Thank you Mr.De Luca, I love working here. Atleast I mind is working now than having some dumb thoughts." Giving me a full blown smile she sits again.
"Mr. De Luca? Are we back on this?" Raising an eyebrow at her I ask.
"I-I don't want people here to think that I have got this job as a favor. And you're my boss for all that matters." Fidgeting her thumbs she tries best to explain herself. But I don't care, I want to hear my name from those kissable lips again and again.

I take slow strides towards her chair, and seeing me coming her lips part. Leaning down nearing her face I cage her between my hands on both side of chair.

"Do you really think I care about what people think?" Her shallow breathing tells me hearts' racing. She nods negatively.
"So from now on till my last breath you'll call me by name. Am I understood?" She nods again.
"Say it, Rose" I demand.
"Adrian." She breaths.
"Are you afraid of me?" I ask as I am a bit confused why she doesn't question my decisions on her?
"No." She says quietly yet firmly as possible.
"Do you feel intimidated by me?" I take her wrist in my hand. Slowly stroking the inner part to calm her but is only affecting her inversely.
"A bit." And I smirk to that.
"I don't like it." I state, shamelessly roaming my eyes on her beautiful face.
"Like w-what?" She focus on my eyes and her cheeks are already a shade of pink.
"When others touch you." I am close enough to see the gold flecks in her eyes like molten amber. She blinks a few times.
"If you saw youself the way other people see you," I say quietly. "You'd never doubt again."
Curiosity burned in her innocent eyes. "How do other people see me?"
Her eyes didn't leave mine.
"Like you're the most beautiful, most remarkable thing they've ever seen." A sudden blood rushed to cheeks and neck. With flushed cheeks she tries to stop her smile by biting her lower lip.
Fuck! I wanna taste them so bad.
"Don't do that," I pull out her lip from her teeth and very evidently a shiver passes through her body. I like my effect on her.

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