Chapter twenty four

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Adrian's POV


I couldn't tear my gaze away as I watched Rose move gracefully across the dance floor, her white dress shimmering under the changing disco lights. The translucent sequins adorned her like stars, twinkling in hues of pink, green, and blue, casting an ethereal glow around her. She seemed to dance with an otherworldly grace, every movement fluid and mesmerizing, like liquid electricity flowing through her veins.

Her hips swayed effortlessly to the pulsating beat of the music, synchronizing with the rhythm. The slit on her thigh accentuated her long, slender legs, adding to her allure and elegance. I felt so captivated by her presence, unable to resist the magnetic pull she exuded as she danced, casting a spell on everyone around her. And I felt rage boil inside for everyone of those who are oggling her like a piece of meat. Every guy on the dance lusting over her, eyeing her swaying hips and long legs.

I shift my focus on the hands which are on Rose's waist, and a face which is slowly nearing her face. I can sense tension in her shoulders, beads of sweat on her forehead. And then something clicks in her mind and she returns to her bar stool, where Michelle is smirking behind her and  checking her ass. He orders her water and himself his drink, but she doesn't look good, her hands are shaking slowly and head lulls a bit almost like she is trying to focus but is dizzy.

I step behind Rose glaring Michelle almost killing him with my burning gaze.
"You doesn't look good gorgeous. Come you can rest at my place." Motherfucker.
"That won't be necessary." I slide my on Rose's waist to support her from shaking and falling.
"My saviour." She whispers. In all this loud music her voice reaches my ears and her smile to my heart.
Her pupils have grown bigger, dilated. Blinking of her eyes is very slow as if it's a heavy task.
He spiked her fucking drink.
Glaring him I can see recognition on his face. He is our supplier and knows me well enough. But the thing he doesn't know is that Rose is mine.

Fisting his collar, I bang my forehead on his nose. He groans holding his bleeding cracked nose and a punch on his right eye makes him fall back on the floor. Marco brings bouncers with him and they drag him out of the club. He'll be taken care off.

I look down at the beauty in my arms who is still watching me with those hooded eyes and a dreamy smile on her lips. She is not in her senses.
She slides her hand on my shoulder holding me tight.
"I missed you."
Her bottom lip comes out in a pout.
"And I am all sweaty, look I am gross. I am dehydrated too."
"Come on let's go." I try and pick her up but she resists by shaking her head.
"No, I wanna dance too but not with that pervert," she lifts herself up by holding me in a tight grip. " But with you, handsome!!" She giggled.
I hold back a smile. I know I've got good Italian genes but hearing things from her mouth does things to me.

Stepping down the stool, she holds her forehead for a second and then makes her way to the dance floor and starts to sway her hips with hands raised in the air on the rhymes even more sensually. Such a seductress she is!
I place my hands on her waist and she snakes her arms around my neck with a grin. I can feel the warmth of her body against mine. The rhythm of the music guides our movements, each step syncing perfectly with the beat. With every sway, I sense her energy rising, her adrenaline adding an extra spark to our dance. It's as if the music ignites a fire within her, and I can't help but be drawn in by her infectious enthusiasm.

But I need to stop her, she is not doing good. Her forehead is glistening with sweat, her hands feel clammy in mine, and I can feel her shaking slightly. Her movements become more erratic, her knees buckling beneath her weight. Holding her waist I guide her off the dance floor, supporting her weight as we make our way towards the nearest exit.
Marco locates me near the car and notices Rose in a drunken state.
"Bring her Meclizine from the first aid."
With hard lines between his brows, he goes to bring the med that'll help her puke. We don't know the chemical infused in her drink, so it's better to puke everything out of her system. I take my handkerchief and wipe her forehead and her neck, she is struggling to keep her eyes open and her knees are ready to give up. Marco brings two tablets and a bottle of water.
"Rose look at me, Rose!"
She slumping against me, eyes becoming droopy.
"Addy, I am sleepy." She whines.
"Swallow these, come on!"
She shifts to Marco, hugging him shaking her head in a no.
"Nooo, tell him Marco. I don't want his silly tablets, only some pizza."
Marco holds her tight listening to her gibberish. I squeeze her cheeks by a little force and make her swallow the pills with some water. She coughs and slumps on Marco's chest.

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