Chapter sixteen

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Rose's POV

Sunrise is the start of something beautiful; indeed today is a beautiful day. Today I am brimming with excitement which has sprung me out of my bed at the crack of dawn. I am practically buzzing with joy today as I am up early having my coffee and watching really captivating spectacular sunrise, painting the skyline with vibrant hues. I'll be getting my first salary today as the finance manager. For the first time after paying rent, I'll have more than enough money to spend and save for myself. When I moved to this apartment kitchen was fully stocked, even after a month only a few things are required which I'll buy on Sunday.

Striping out of my camisole and shorts, I enter into the hot shower. Conditioner of coconut and peaches flavor has became my new favourite and body wash of sheer butter and vanilla. Rinsing my hair and Quickly shaving all over, I step out in towel wrapped around loosely. Opting for a sparkling white slip dress with ruffled sleeves and square neck which ends an inch above my knees. Holding up my hairs in a clip with few tendrils dangling on my face, plum colour lipstick and kohl eyes.

Leaving my building I stand still to soak some sunlight. It's been years I have felt this calmness in my life, no chaos, nothing is there I am scared of right now. Walking on the sidewalk navigating my way to the club through the on going hustle bustle of New Yorkers.

Maybe it's not just a beautiful day but also what Adrian said to me that day. I didn't knew he found me beautiful and also a bit possessive, which makes me smile a little more wide. He clearly stated that he doesn't like others touching me. The way he was looking at me that day like peeking into my soul, and the way he caged me and leaned on so close made my stomach do summersaults. Looking his eyes this close I realised it changes colour; like when he leaned on and removed my lip from biting it, the ocean blue darkened into turquoise blue. It's weird but fascinating in itself. I can look into those eyes forever.
What these thoughts Rose, you are just friends to him.

Reaching Tentazione, I waved at the guards and enter the club where it's only a few tables are occupied as it's not evening yet. Looking over the West wing bar I see no one, Jack and Milo, where are the bartenders? I need to talk to them. They haven't answered my calls and now -
"Ow" stumbling into something hard I am ready fall on my butt but two strong arms snake around my waist holding me tight. Who places a pillar in between in the club, but it's not a pillar, a hard chest smelling really spicy and masculine. I look up from white dress shirt and black tie to the face of the intruder, oh! My saviour.

Adrian's eyes roaming on my face like always he do. What felt like hours, he rasped, "Watch where you're going Rosa!"
Steading me on my feet, I miss his warmth, his addictive cologne, "I am sorry Adrian, I was actually looking for Jack."
"Jack?" Arching an eyebrow with a hard frown. I swallow thickly.
"Y-yeah I needed to talk to him."
Clenching his jaw hard he nods once and turn around to leave to his office.

Shrugging my shoulders I head to my cabin and start my work. It's around lunch time when my salary gets credited in my account. Jesus! Two. Thousand. Five. Hundred. Dollars.
I jump out of my chair to celebrate and did a happy dance. Jenna comes in at the same time and seeing me dancing she squeals and joins to do a happy dance too. That made me laugh even more harder. I don't remember when was the last time laughed this much.

It's almost evening, I have waited for Jack or Milo to return my calls but till now they didn't. Picking up the landline I call west wing bar, after two rings it's finally answered.
"Hey!! Who's it? Why you're ringing again and again?" It's Jack for sure.
"I want you in my office right now Jack or else I am calling Adrian, you can deal with him directly." And without his reply I put the phone down.
I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose, there has to be some issue as to why they are not cooperating. Either they are not used to be bossed by a woman or they're hiding something. Not even bothering to knock my cabin door flies open where Jack shows up with a lopsided smile. I can't rude so I pass a smile too.

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