Chapter seven

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Rose POV

Smelling the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, they smell heavenly. I smile wide with twinkle in my eyes, everything is so good today. A bright Sunday with my neat and clean apartment and some of favourite cookies. But I have to wait till they get cold. Till then I'll take a shower.

Setting the temperature to hot, I strip my clothes and enter shower. Suddenly everything burns like some hot liquid is been poured on my body. Looking at up at the water I realise it's nothing but red thick liquid; blood.
Lots and lots of it.

Stepping back and back in horror, just looking at it making me nausea . Burning sensation is increasing rapidly making me rub my skin vigorously. It's becoming dark pink in colour. It making me sob hard. What's happening?? Why me again?? All my scars are itching, burning and making my body ignited. My hideous scars are becoming more ugly and dirty.

"I told you no one's gonna hurt you anymore." Suddenly I voice came from my behind. Turning to him I see Adrian. I just want to hug him, talk to him, cry in his arms. But as I take a step towards him, he becomes blur, more and more blur.
Where is he going? Why is he Fading?
"Hey! Wait, take me with you.

Opening my eyes I gasp choking on air. Sunlight filled room made me realise it's just a dream. I sit up taking few deep breaths calming my racing heart. My mind goes back yesterday night's events, what a shitty night. My eyes still hurt from so much crying, but it was nothing I could have controlled it was such a feeble situation. I am still thinking how just a stranger turned into my saviour. Such a dark personality yet carrying so much warmth within himself.

Yesterday I was sure intimidated but not scared. His natural musky masculine fragrance mixed with his some spicy cologne made me feel secured somehow. The first time heard his voice on call, I was shocked for moment and then I realised that maybe Mr Romano was with him from Friday. Mr. Romano!!! Oh god!! What time is it?? I'll be late for work.
The wall clock shows it shows half past nine. shit!!
But where's my phone??

Last night was a blur, maybe Adrian knows. Hopping off the plush bed I stretch then dragging myself to bathroom but as I enter I look at it with wide eyes. It's huge almost the size of my old bedroom, a platform with basin counter and a large wall mirror then a shower glass corner almost for five people and beside it's a white pristine toilet seat. Wow I haven't seen anything like this from the time I have entered Manhattan. I look in mirror. Sighing to my condition I just ignore all the bruises on my cheek and knees and enter to shower, wincing at the burning sensation on my cuts. Calming my nerves in shower I wrap myself with a towel and walk out in the room. Having no clothes I wear his borrowed t shirt and shorts which is  way to big for me. His t shirt keeps falling off my shoulder and falls just above my knees and shorts underneath them are very loose. Untangling my hair knots I keep them open and walk to the door.

"Get your ass out of bed Tony, I want you at the sight in ten fucking minutes and mail me the report of last week." His voice echoing on the floor beneath, as I take stairs his voice becoming more clear and powerful.

"She's none of your concern. I am the one to take care of her." Is he talking about me?? Maybe his girlfriend or even wife, I don't even know about his relationship status or matter of fact anything about him.

Not wanting to eavesdrop on his conversation I step into the living room. I can see his back in the kitchen, it's the first time I am seeing him in a causal wear; a tight black fitting t shirt and a jogger. Just a simple gym wear still he's looking so sexy.

Clearing my throat I make my presence aware. He looks over his shoulder at me, "call me later" saying he cuts the call and turns fully towards me. I look at him with wide eyes, his left hand is fully covered in tattoos. So many of them. I can't make it what's made from where I am standing but maybe sometime I would want to know what all these are about. Some are all black intricate design, some quotes in his native language and some coloured patterns. He is such a piece of art to look at. A faint smirk appears on his lips making me realise I am checking him out. Blushing I look down at my feet and walk to the breakfast bar stool.

"Good morning Rose " my name in his gruff voice makes goosebumps rise on my hands.
"Good morning"
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah," ignoring my morning dream, no need to tell him your nightmare details, "um- do you know where my phone is?"
"Here," sliding his hand in his shorts pocket, he gives me my phone, " Your phone was discharged in the morning so zio called me up to inform you that today is your off and your due rent is taken care off."
"Taken care off? What does that mean?"
"It means he has paid it to that scum." He says gritting his teeth.
"Oh on!! Mr. Romano hates him to his guts, I hope they didn't get into a fight." Feeling so worried because I know what type of a disgusting man he is.
"Zio can handle him well." He assures me seeing my worry lines.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt because of me" I sigh rubbing my temples.
He just looks at me those intense eyes of his, makes me squirm.
He goes back to the stove continue doing whatever he was doing. As I slide off the bar stool his voice haults my steps, "sit"
"Here, have breakfast and then we'll go to pick your things up."
"No it's okay, I am not that hungry." Denying his offer although it smells delicious.
"Have it" he says in such a authoritative voice which makes me sit back quietly and eat.
He takes a seat beside me quietly eating his breakfast. Pancakes, bacon and a toasted bread with a glass of orange juice, all my favourite.
It's delicious and melting making me remember I hadn't had any meal till yesterday's lunch, I really needed it.

As I am about to say thank you to him my focus goes onto his knuckles which are red swollen and bit bruised. As if feeling my stare on him, he raises an eyebrow in question.
"What happened to your hand?" Just hoping he didn't get into a fight with my landlord.
"It's nothing." As expected he says.
"Please tell me did you get in a fist fight? These are fresh swollen and last night it wasn't there so it happened in morning, right?" Wanting to know everything, if that concerns me.
"It's none of your business." His gruff voice becoming more thick and loud which now making me nervous but I try my luck again.
"Did you hit him?" I stare at his deep  ocean blue eyes which are avoiding mine.
Matching my stare he says,"No"
His face giving nothing, zero expressions, no hard lines or any twitching of his eyes but he is clenching his jaw too tightly.
Heaving a sigh I look down at my breakfast and resume eating. Finishing my breakfast, I walk to the sink and wash the plate. With my back towards him I dare to say,
"Your lying"

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