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The disclaimer should always begin with a warning. 

Here comes the warning---

Do Not Copy My Work, take inspiration from it.

Things to Note---

- It is all based on my imagination purely and any resemblance to people, incidents are merely coincidences.

- My first language is not English so please ignore the errors (you can inform me about them though.)

- I hope you do not take anything personally (since I am someone who likes to joke a lot).

- I don't own any images here (found them on pinterest).

- I hope you enjoy and give honest reviews.

[A Short Intro]

Fate will always play with you and your feelings. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in the worst way.

So it did with Ansh too. But, was it in a good way or the worst way? The answer lies in the story, which I hope you will enjoy reading.

The characters


Age - 22

A little stupid in matters of love but very sweet too

He who fell for a girl he might never have.

He who fell for a girl he might never have

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Age - 21

Beautiful and lovely

She who didn't love herself enough to be his.

[In the Engagement Ceremony]

[In the Engagement Ceremony]

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[In the Wedding Ceremony]

[In the Wedding Ceremony]

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This story was written an year ago but it is published only now because of this author's laziness. Still, laziness doesn't mean that the author didn't put in effort in writing this. 

Ignore this author's stupid talk and enjoy reading about someone's first ishq (love).

First IshqWhere stories live. Discover now