Chapter 15 [ I Hope She Stays...]

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|Ansh's POV|

I tried to suppress my laugh on seeing Kishor give in to his sister's request.

After the ruckus that had happened earlier, Ishika was finally smiling again. Though I did get that man fired from his job – perks of having the Director of a prestigious hospital as my father.

But I could not erase the trauma he gave to Ishika.

Partly, it was Kishor's fault yet, it wasn't. I remembered how he looked as he warned that bastard. It had taken him every nerve to control himself from beating that guy to a pulp.

Well... he was away from Ishika for his own, though stupid, reasons.

Despite his usual narcissism over his looks, Kishor would be totally shocked if some girl approached him.

The last time he went shopping with Ishika, he was surrounded with female staff who mistook him for her boyfriend. They had kept showing him all kinds of jewellery. Somehow, he had clarified the doubt that he, in fact, was her brother. But that had only lead to worse turn of events. Girls flooded him to ask for his number or social media account.

I had been laughing at his trauma when that man had cornered Ishika. I had seen her nervously look at me and Kishor. But before I could have told Kishor, he had already started treading towards them.

Shitty guy, bastard... just the thought that person was making my blood boil.

I tried to look at Ishika through the rear view mirror but... I was bewitched captivated by the sight.

A lock of her hair slipped in front of her face and she was trying to blow it away. Her eyes were concentrated on the strand as she pouted her lips and huffed air at it. It had almost moved away when it returned to its original spot. She tried a second and a third time, increasing the force each time, before kitting her brows in anger.

A smile formed on my lips on witnessing her cute actions. I glanced at Kishor to check whether he saw me looking at his sister but he was too concentrated on driving.

I leaned back in my seat and turned my head to the window. I was still smiling like a fool recalling the scene.

Suddenly, Kishor asked me, "Ansh, there is an ice cream shop near your house, right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah.." I replied as I turned towards him. I saw Ishika glance between us as we spoke before she turned to the window again.

I opened my phone's 'camera' app for I-don't-know-what-time-th to check my hair, face, neck and whatever was possible to without alerting these two.

"We are here", Kishor said as he looked around.

"Already?" I muttered, a little shocked as I looked out of the window. The Ice Cream Works was right by the side of the car.

"I'll park the car somewhere near and then we will go there", Kishor said while glancing at Ishika and she just nodded. I tried to stifle my smile since it looked as if he was talking to a little child.

It was the evening of a Friday night. But the store was more crowded than it normally used to be.

After some while, we exited through the front door with our ice creams in our hand. I bought a blackberry-flavored cone. Kishor got himself a kulfi – I don't remember the flavor – and Ishika...she would not need to say to me that she is fond of ice cream. It was pretty obvious with her three scooped cone. What were the flavors again?

Well, I was not fond of ice cream but mentally took note of the flavor to try it someday in future.

The car was parked a little further away. Ishika and I were walking together side by side while eating our ice creams, with our third wheel– I mean Kishor in between.

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