Chapter 27 [Mahalaya]

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|Ansh's POV|

"Papa papa.. which of these are mine?" He chirped as he handed the boxes to him.

My father opened and glanced at each of those boxes before handing three of them to my brother.

He placed the remaining two on my bed.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "These are a pair of clothes I got for you. Try them on and see if you like them." He glanced at me but glanced away just as fast when we made eye contact.

I stared at him with slightly wide eyes for a while before asking, "Right now?"

"No, not right now. Anytime that you want to. Anyways...", he got up and once again placed is hands behind him before adding, "Study nicely."

He walked out of the room. I closed the door behind him and let out a long sigh.

My back touched the door as I leaned against it. It was all too sudden fore me.

My eyes turned to the boxes kept on my bed. I stared at them.

I didn't know what to think nor was I able to. Finally, I moved away from the door and picked up those boxes.

'I'll check them out later', I thought in my mind as I kept them inside my wardrobe alongside the unkempt clothes I had shoved in earlier.

I walked to my desk and sat down to solve some mathematical problems. Almost an hour later, my mother called me for dinner.

The next day.....

"Ansh! How long are you going to make us wait?" Maa shouted from downstairs.

"Just a minute!" I shouted back from my room. I pulled my white t-shirt slightly out of the straight leg jeans.

"Okay...", I muttered after checking myself for the last time before exiting my room.

As I rushed down the stairs, I saw Maa and Aahaan sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.

"Come on, what are sitting for? We are gonna be late cause of you." I suppressed my laughter on seeing Maa's face after I said that.

"Accha ji", she responded in a mocking tone.

After we sat comfortably in the car, I drove it to Kishor's house.

It was 5 in the evening. Maa had already done puja in the morning and now, it was time for the evening aarti. We usually go to the () temple every year.

Since she became friends with Susmita Aunty through me, she has been doing all these Puja very diligently. Normally, it would be too troublesome but this year it doesn't seem so.

Anyways, we arrived at his house soon.

I ran the bell as Maa and Aahaan stood behind me.

"Ohh, you are here", Kishor said as soon as he opened the door.

"Yeah", I replied as normally as I could. My heart was racing with excitement to see Ishika. 

Maa and Aahaan entered behind me.

"Pranaam Aunty", Kishor greeted my mother. 

We sat on the sofa waiting for my mother, Ishika and Susmita Aunty.

Well, I don't know why but Maa said she would go meet them. Not like they would run away on seeing us. Well, women's thing.

Almost 20 minutes later, we heard the ladies giggling as they walked down the stairs. I tried to peep at Ishika but Maa and Susmita Aunty were in front of her so I couldn't.

"Chalo", Kishor said as he kept his hand around my shoulder.

"Yeah...", I replied and walked to the door.

'You will get to see her, bro. Have some patience.' The chibi on my shoulder commented. But I just gave it a side eye.

'Right.. I can go and open the door for her', I thought in my mind.

I rushed outside and stood beside the door. Kishor seemed a little shocked by my actions so that kind of embarrassed me.

I gulped as the ladies slowly exited the door. First my Maa exited in a dark blue saree, then Susmita Aunty in her light green saree and finally... God... 

Ishika exited looking like she didn't belong to this world. My eyes couldn't leave her as she walked towards me. How.. can someone look so gorgeous in such a simple attire.

And finally, she came and stood in front of me.

You look beautiful, I recited in my mind before sayin it out loud.

But before I could say it, someone added, "Hatt na. Baithenge nahi kya humlog?"

I glanced at my Maa after she completed saying that. On realising that I was staring at Ishika, heat spread to my face.

I opened the door for them. Susmita Aunty entered then Maa did. Aahaan sat in Maa's lap and lastly Ishika sat behind the driver's seat.

Kishor was already settled in his seat. I too sat in the driver's seat and finally, we drove off.

Ansh's Outfit ---

Ansh's Outfit ---

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P.S. --- This isn't the face I imagine him as...


Ik I disappeared after that 'lil announcement' so.. I am really sorry.(>人<;)

These may sound like excuses to you but I honestly am not able to write properly. I don't know what has happened to me...(ノへ ̄、)('。_。`)

I don't feel the emotions that I am supposed to write a good enough story. (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

All I can say is I am truly very sorry for making you guys go through this. ('。_。`)

<( ‵□′)>───Cε(┬﹏┬)3





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(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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