Chapter 16 [An Accident]

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|Ansh's POV|

The screeching sound of a bike echoed.

A biker, over speeding, almost hit Ishika before Kishor pushed her away. Instead of Ishika, he was hit and thrown to some distance.

I rushed to see the biker look at the mess he created before clumsily running away. I noted the bike's plate no. and rushed to Ishika.

She fell hard on the rough road. I checked her for injuries – her hands had abrasion and her knees were bleeding from small cuts. She tried to get up but wasn't able to. She had sprained her ankle as well.

I looked around for Kishor only to find him lying unconscious by the road side. My eyes widened as I rushed to him.

"Kishor.. Kishor!" I shouted while shaking him. But, he didn't even flinch. His left arm was bleeding but not too profusely. He had scratches on his forehead and they were grazed with blood. I hurriedly checked the back of his head.

"No blood...", I mumbled in relief. It would have been deadly if he bled there.

Though there weren't many visible wounds, he might have got internal injuries.

I looked up to see people whispering among themselves. Some were even clicking pictures. Blood rushed through me in anger. But that was not the time.

I tried to carry Kishor to the car – calling an ambulance would be too late. Some men helped me to transfer him to the backseat of the car. There were noticeable blood spots on the road and some were on my sweatshirt as well.

I rushed to Ishika. I slipped my hands below her arms and knees to carry her to the front seat.

I drove to the nearest hospital as fast as I could. The hospital just happened to be one of those funded by my father.

As soon as I reached there, I got Kishor lied on a stretcher. Few spots of the white cloth lied on the stretcher turned red. I tried to ignore it and rush him to the doctor.

The staff recognized me and thanks to that, Kishor got immediate attention of the doctor.

C.T. Scans, X-rays... so many procedures happened but I could not figure out why Kishor was still unconscious.

I had got Ishika a nurse who attended to her wounds while I was busy with Kishor's requirements.

We sat in front of the observation room. Everything happened in a flash. It felt like just a few minutes had passed but now, waiting for the procedures to be completed felt like an eternity had passed yet, there was no end visible.

A nurse approached us and questioned, "Who is with the patient? He requires surgery immediately.

I stood up and said, "Me."

" Please, sign here for the consent", she continued.

I took the pen in my hand and was about to sign before the nurse pulled back the papers. I was a little taken back at her action.

"Wait. Are you his family? Only family can sign here", she questioned or explained or whatever but that felt like a stab in my chest.

'Right... I am not his family and will never be', I spoke in my mind.

"No, I am not his family", I replied before backing off.

Just then, another nurse called out to the one in front of me, "That is not the one. This family is the one."

He pointed to the man and the lady, probably his wife, sitting in front of him.

I retired to my chair once again.

A gasping figure came into sight and I turned my head to see Susmita aunty. I had called her on my way here.

She rushed to Ishika, who sat beside me, and checked her injuries. After that, she turned to me and asked, "What had happened, Ansh?"

Just then, the doctor exited the room with some papers in his hands. He looked at me and urged, "Please come to my office."

His office was two doors ahead.

"You should go, Aunty", I said to her and she nodded. I was in no place to listen since I was not even his family.

I lowered my head and tried to suppress my tears. The realization hit me that I was nothing more than a friend to him... despite all the years we had spent together.

"Thank you, Ansh", Susmita aunty said and my head jerked up to look at her. "You should also come", she urged.

An unknown warmth filled in my chest. I pressed my lips and nodded. I followed behind her to the doctor's office.

She sat on the chair as I stood beside her.

"You are?" the doctor questioned while glancing at me.

"The patient's mother", she replied coolly.

"Ohh", the doctor muttered before clearing his throat. He explained all the details briefly.

Kishor wasn't in danger. Though, he did fracture his left arm due to the heavy fall. There were also some scratches her and there. He had a concussion which explained why he was unconscious.

He was bedded in a normal ward. After he would wake up, they had to check him again before he would be allowed to leave.

The doctor ended with, "You may visit him in the ward."

Aunty nodded and thanked him before exiting his office.

Ishika, who sat alone outside, looked up at us as we approached her. Her eyes and nose appeared to be red.

'Did she cry?' I asked myself an obvious question. Of course, she did.

I was about to reach out to her, to comfort her or maybe just lend a shoulder to lean on. But, Susmita Aunty gently placed her hand on Ishika's back.

"He's alright", she consoled her in a gentle, calm tone.

Somehow, she had always been this calm, gentle and polite person. It must have been tough taking care of a child all alone, even more when you had to manage a mischievous son along with a bustling office.

Yet, I have never seen her not attend any of Kishor's programs. I have never seen her scold Kishor for not doing better than he was. I have never seen her take out her frustration or simply her raise her voice at him.

Well, that explained why Kishor was so protective, so defensive and so possessive of his mother. She was his mother, his father, his sibling, his friend and at times, a frenemy. She loved him, genuinely, wholeheartedly and unconditionally. If only my fa-

No! I stopped my thought from completing. I shouldn't think such things now. I cleared my head from any irrelevant thoughts.

"...Ansh?" I moved my head to the voice to find brown doe eyes staring back at mine. My eyes fell to her rosy lips as they parted to speak, "Can you sit here?"


I didn't mention the whole word but you guys probably guessed whom Ansh was thinking of, right?


My cutie boi was so sad in this chapter... it made me also sad.






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(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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