Chapter 26 [Nothing to Match]

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|Ansh's POV|

"Huh? Noo", I replied as I walked out of the bathroom.

She smiled as she continued, "You're father is still at home."

I stared at her as I said, "You're blackmailing me now."

She stuck out her tongue at me and I just rolled my eyes with a scoff. She handed me the list along with some cash.

"I don't want to go now..." I said and walked into the kitchen. I placed the list and cash on the kitchen counter and took a glass of water.

Maa strode into the kitchen and said in an angry, tired voice, "When will you go then, huh?"

I gulped down the water before replying, "Around 7 p.m."

"What? But the shops will close by then." She continued. I knew very well the shop would close by then which was why I said that time. Though it is Mumbai, the nearby shops didn't remain open for long.

"I don't know that... I will go around that time only", I shrugged and acted innocent as I said that.

Maa glared at me and I tried to suppress my smile. I was walking up the stairs when I heard Maa let out a small sigh.

"Susmita Ji and Ishika will also go. I thought maybe you could drive us there but I guess not." She said while looking at the lying cash and list.

"Really!?" I exclaimed but I covered it up just as quickly with a monotonous "Is that so?"

But when I glanced back at Maa, she wasn't there. I rushed down the stairs and peeped into the kitchen. There she was.

She was washing her hands in the kitchen sink. 

I pretended to clear my throat to gain my mother's attention. She glanced at me once with nonchalant eyes before closing the tap and walking away.

'Shit! She won't let me be with Ishika tomorrow!' I screamed in my mind as I rushed behind her.

The little voice in my mind commented, 'She never said she was leaving you with Ishika' with a shocked and disgusted expression.

"Maa..." I said in a soft voice but she replied with a cold and angry "What?"

"Nothing..." I replied in a low tone.

She moved here and there, picking up utensils and veggies and I followed her from behind. Suddenly, she stopped and turned around. With those angry eyes, she glared at me.

"Maa, gussa ho?" I gave her a stupid smile as I asked her an obvious question. Of course she was!

"Nahi, bilkul nahi", she replied with an obvious fake smile. The look on her face screamed 'as if you don't know'. And she turned around with a 'hmph'.

I grinned and forwarded my hand as I continued, "Give me the list. I'll go buy them."

She turned and looked at me with doubt.

"Why the change of heart?" she asked as she raised her left eyebrow.

Of course I wouldn't say the reason out loud.

I'll get to see Ishika in a kurti. Her black hair would be falling loose till her waist. Her bangles would make light noise as she would move her hand. With the puja ki thali in her hand, she would be praying in front of Maa Durga. Her sweet smile and that gentle gaze...

I didn't even notice that my heartbeat had increased and cheeks had heated up.

Maa placed her hand on my forehead. "Ansh, are you having fever?" she asked in worry as she checked my temperature.

"Huh?" I let out as I came out of my imagination.

I stepped back and cleared my throat before saying, "Nahi Maa. Anyways, give me the list fast or else I won't go."

She blinked a few times because she was a little taken back by my reaction. "Fine. Here."

I rushed out of the door with the list and almost ran to my bike. After I reached there, I stood still to calm my racing heart. My breathing was ragged. Shit...

After some while, I went and bought everything in the list.

I rushed into the house and kept the stuff on the table. "I got everything", I shouted and rushed into the bathroom. After freshening up, I rushed upstairs.

I quickly changed into my shorts and a white tee.

"Haaa..." I let out a long sigh as I lied in my bed. I closed my eyes and stayed still for a while.

After I had calmed down, I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I tried to suppress my smile.

"From tomorrow, I'll get to see her everyday." I mumbled to myself in  whisper. ....Shit.

My heartbeat was pacing and my mind kept thinking about that certain someone.

Just then, I stood up in a jerk when I remembered something.

'I don't have a single kurta to match with her', I thought in my mind. I rushed to my wardrobe to somehow find at least one kurta.

But no luck. I had none. I had shirts, t-shirts, tanks, jeans, trousers, shorts. But not a single kurta!?

 "Oh right.." I uttered when I remembered that I had donated all of them. But I thought I would need to wear them. Sigh...

Just then, my father knocked on my door. I knew from the silence followed by the knocking.

'Thank god I had locked the room from inside', I said in my mind while looking at my bed. All my clothes were thrown on my bed. I quickly shoved them inside the wardrobe.

"Just a minute", I said from inside the room as I hurried with it.

I opened my door and there stood my father. I gulped as I uttered, "Kya hua, papa?" (What happened, father?)

He looked at me as he stood with his hands behind his back.

"Andar nhi aa sakta kya?" He spoke in his deep voice. (Can't I come inside?)

"Nhi nhi", I replied in a hurried tone before opening the door more to let him in.

He sat on the bed as I stood still with my hands intertwined behind my back. I picked on my nails as my father ran his eyes through my room.

"How is your studies going on?" he asked while looking at me.

"Huh?" I was a little taken back but I quickly added, "It is alright."

"Hmm... don't you  go for studying at Kishor's house anymore?" He questioned farther.

I don't know if it was a mock or just a genuine question. So I kept quiet.

But he looked at me when I didn't answer. So I just blurted, "He got into an accident so I am not going for a while..."

'Ridiculous.. he had an accident yesterday only.' I reminded myself.

 He was about to say something else but my brother rushed inside the room with few boxes in his hands.

"Papa papa... which of these are mine?" He chirped as he handed the boxes to him.






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(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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