Chapter 17 [ She falls asleep]

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|Ansh's POV|

"Can you sit here?" Ishika asked me in a serious tone while tapping the seat beside hers.

I was taken aback by her initiative but I did what she said to. Her ask seemed more of a request.

I looked around for Susmita Aunty as I sat down when Ishika spoke, "Mausi went to see bhaiya."

Her eyes stared directly into mine as she continued, "She told me about him briefly. Can you tell me, everything in details?"

'Just that much', I spoke in my mind. The way she asked almost seemed as if she would ask me to murder the biker guy.

'Oh right, the biker is still roaming freely.' I momentarily slipped from the track before Ishika spoke again.

"You can't?"

I turned to face her only to see her eyes turn glossy again. 'Oh god, don't tell me she thinks we aren't telling her anything because Kishor is great danger or something.'

"He's fine for real." I said as calmly as possible. I had intuitively raised my hands to pat her before I stopped midway. I cleared my throat before explaining his condition, without skipping any parts, to her.

"Oh", she replied in a low, relieved tone. She looked as if she had let down a heavy burden.

Just then, a flashback hit me. Ishika would have been the injured one if Kishor hadn't pushed her away. No wonder she was so depressed and anxious.

'She thinks it is her fault', I realized.

I stared at her for a while before looking away. She herself was hurt so badly yet...

She must have been worried seeing me run here and there for Kishor. She must have been desperate to help when she couldn't even walk properly. She must have been scared on seeing our faces as we exited the doctor's office.

Maybe these thoughts were just in my mind and I truly hoped they were. But, her expression said otherwise. The brief glances I took of her as she sat quietly, waiting for me to inform her about his condition or when we entered the doctor's office leaving her alone outside. Each look seemed to prove my deduction to be right.

Once again, I slowly turned my head to check her. Her eyes were shutting slowly before she jerked them open.

She must be tired after all the ruckus that took place today. First that creep and now this accident; she must have been stressed out.

Her head slowly sunk low before she lifted it up again. This took me back to that wedding night where she was on a swing and I stood in front of her, admiring her. I still remembered her sleepy voice, her messy hair, the colour of her saree and the smell of her gajra.

The curve of hands as they clenched onto the swing's rope; the small and slow movement of her swing; her glowing face amidst the night's darkness; each moment seemed to have been engraved in my mind.

Suddenly, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I froze into a statue when I noticed Ishika had kept her head on my shoulder.

"Just for a moment", she mumbled in a low voice, resembling to the one I heard months ago. I nodded lightly which, of course, she didn't see. She had already closed her eyes.

I sat, frozen and stiff, scared that she might hear the rumbling rhythm of my heart. But, she didn't move an inch.

I felt warmth in my cheeks and ears and realized I had become a tomato again. I tried to breathe normally but the air seemed too heavy. Moreover, what if she woke up because of my heavy breathing.

I tried to be as natural as possible but that was impossible whenever I was near her.

Silence ringed in the atmosphere and it was as if we too were the only one who existed. A nurse passed by and smiled at us before walking away.

I understood what she probably thought and that made my stomach twist in weird ways that somehow felt good.

I tried to shoo away that feeling when my phone vibrated in the pockets of my jeans. I was about to pull out my phone out of the pockets when Ishika mumbled something inaudible to me and leaned closer into me.

I froze on my seat.

Before, simply the temple of her head rested on my shoulder. But after her little movement, her whole face rested on my arm instead of my shoulder. I had tilted myself to the right such that my left arm resembled a slanting pillow.

Ishika rested her face on my arm and I could slightly feel the edge of her petite shoulder a few inches below.

'Shit Ansh! You're gonna die', my mind commented and I could feel that it had a smirk across it's lips.

But it wasn't wrong because the heat of her cheeks that I felt through my clothes and her warm breath that travelled down to my bare hands; they were going to be the death of me. And I would happily die too.

'Oh God, please don't let this moment end', I urged with all my heart. But God had some other plans.

A bright lightning flashed through the windows of the hospital followed by a loud thunder which woke up Ishika.

She jumped away from me because of the loud noise outside. She was astonished and looked around to come back to reality.


Ishika is kinda cute in Ansh's POV, right?


But I cannot with Ansh remembering every detail of Ishika from months baack...

(ಥ _ ಥ)




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