Chapter 19 [Still unconscious]

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|Ansh's POV|

I watched as she walked towards the stairs.

I couldn't believe that I almost cried at the age of 23 and that too in front of my best friend's mother.

I slapped myself on both my cheeks to rid away the embarrassment. But, it was of no use.

I leaned back at the door while recalling the moment.

Just then, I heard words as if in whispers, "-and everyone has been worried while you are snoring here."

"Pfft", I couldn't control my laugh.

"He... is such a good guy that... I don't know how to say this. You surely know it already since he is your best friend. He understood that I wanted to talk to you and took Mausi out of this room. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't here."

The voice stopped for a while. But hearing this much was enough to turn me into a tomato.

She continued, "He himself must be so tired because of all the paper works or procedures you had to go through. Still, he insisted that Mausi and I go home and rest for a while. So that, she is still energized when you wake up. Sigh... I don't even know why I am saying this to you. He is truly the best friend you could ever have in your whole life. Don't let him go."

...I didn't know what to think anymore.

'Why was this family so pressed on making me cry?', I thought to myself while supressing my already supressed tears.

But it didn't work as few drops of tears sprinkled down my cheeks.

I buried my face in both my palms to hid this ugly sight from any passerby.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened and I stumbled since I was leaning on it.

Ishika was shocked on seeing me and stepped back. I quickly wiped away the tears.

'She didn't see anything, right?', I questioned myself.

"Aunty is waiting downstairs for you", I said to divert her attention if she did notice.

"Hmm", she replied with her head still hung low.

I stepped back and she exited the room. She looked up at me but looked away just as quickly upon eye contact.

I stared as she walked away to the stairs.

|Author's POV|

When Ishika reached in front of the stairs, she looked at Ansh only to see him enter into the room.

She thought to herself, 'He didn't hear whatever I said, ...right?' before walking down the stairs.

Meanwhile, Ansh explored the private room employed to Kishor.

Hospitals and wards weren't new to him. Yet, the curiosity to explore them never ceased.

After a good 10 minutes, he sank into the chair next to Kishor's bed.

He called his mother to inform her that he would be late and was Kishor at that moment. He didn't tell her that he had an accident.

Next, he forwarded that bike's plate no. to his father's IPS friend.

"Haaaa", he let out a long sigh as he leaned back into his chair.

"I don't have any words for you", he said while glancing at the peaceful Kishor.

"You are just unconscious for a short while. But here's everyone, worrying like anything.... including me. So just stop your stupid drama and wake up."

But, there was no response from Kishor.

He let out another sigh. After a long pause, he spoke again.

"I am sorry", he confessed. "I like your sister."

But he couldn't say aloud the next few words.

'While you were lying unconscious, I was flirting - not exactly flirting - with your cousin. I don't know why or how but I just fell in love with her. And I haven't been able to move on. I am sorry , Kishor. But, I won't let her go without even trying once.'

He spoke everything in his mind because he was scared someone might hear him.

He leaned over at Kishor's bed while still being seated. He folded his hands on the bed and kept his head on it.

"You are so stupid", he began while staring at nowhere. "Why were you and Ishika standing in the middle of the road? None of this would've happened."

"But you weren't exactly in the mid of the road. It was all that biker's fault."

He was acting like a child and kept on blabbering nonsense. And just like that, he fell asleep.


Almost half an hour had passed when Ansh woke up in a jolt.

He looked around, confused as to why he was where he was.

"Oh", he mumbled, still half asleep and leaned back into the bed.

"Shit", he sat up with another jolt. "I fell asleep."

He checked Kishor but he was still unconscious. He checked the time only to see it was almost 8:30 p.m.

He left his house at around 3 p.m. and 5 hours had passed since.

He checked his phone for any messages but there were none.

Now, Ansh felt nervous seeing Kishor lie unconscious for more than two hours.

He went to the doctor and questioned him.

"Why isn't the patient waking up?"

"It is alright. He will surely wake in an 6 to 8 hours range." The doctor said calmly and walked off.

Ansh wanted to ask more but he couldn't bring himself to. He returned to the room.

Once again, he sat back in the chair. But he couldn't remain still.

He stood up from the chair and paced around the room. Then, he abruptly stopped in front of Kishor's bed.

"How long are you going to be like this?" He grumbled. "I'll sent you to jail for making me worried."

"Your family tried to make me cry. You made me run my ass off. And now, you're making me wreck my brain. I'll sue you when you wake up. Just you wait."

"You would be the one waiting for me to wake up", Kishor spoke suddenly shocking Ansh.

"You woke up!" Ansh excliamed.


50 mins late... since I was out having fun in the market. >:P

These days, it is hard for me to title the chapters... ',:-|





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