Chapter 3 [ A Brief Talk ]

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{Song - Ishq Sufiyana by Kamal Khan}


| Ansh's POV |

'Finally' I muttered when I saw her after my long search. She seemed to be receiving a bunch of girls, her friends maybe? 

But still, she stands out, shining like diamond or maybe gold. But she looks so tired.

Haiye... mujhse dekha nhi jaayega ki woh itni thaki hui h.

( I can't bear to see her so tired. )

'Kya Ansh!'

I jumped because of the sudden voice behind my back. 

'Woah bro, calm down. It's me' Kishor said lightly tapping my shoulder.

'Oh, what are you doing here?' I asked as I turned around to face him.

'That is my question. You are early again. Normally, you would be the last to arrive. But still... You are acting weird. Has some ghost taken over you?' 

My dear friend kept on babbling as he walked ahead of me...Sigh....He doeesn't even know he interrupted me from admiring the most beautiful girl on earth.

But who is she exactly? Maybe a relative of Kishor?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice where I have walked to. 

Where in the world am I? Where is Kishor!?

I looked around but no one seems to be passing by this place. What do I do? Seems like I am lost. What if no one goes through this path? What if Kishor doesn't notice my absence? What if he does notice but thinks that I left 'cause I arrived a little early?

I stood still with one hand on my waist and the other rubbing my lips, wasting my time in stupid thoughts. 

Just then, I saw a hand waving in front of my face. I turned to see who was there.....but I froze. 

My eyes met a pair of unsettlingly deep eyes that might as well be declared as the most charming entity to ever exist.

It was her, gulab si sundar woh apsara. She stood in front of me...she is front of me! 

'Oye Mr.' she snapped her fingers.

'Kya h? Aapko kya shaadi nhi dekhna hai? Yaha kya kar rhe h?' 

(What? Don't you want to see the wedding? What are you doing here?)

'Oh, woh mai-'  (Oh, that I- )

'Koi nhi, chaliye'  (Leave it. Come, follow me.)

She held my hand and pulled me. My face heated up and surely, I must be looking like a tomato again. 

My eyes were fixated on her delicate hand that held onto mine. I could feel it so clear even through my clothes, her small hands. My heart pounded against my chest almost as if it would come out any moment. 

I watched the back of her head as she hurried towards the end. If only time would slow down...

But it didn't. She let my hand go as soon as we were out. I watched her leave... but I wish for her to be someone who stays by my side, for longer than I could imagine, for longer than she could imagine. 

'Ansh! Why are you everywhere I go, huh?' Kishor said from behind, making me flinch slightly. 

Now that should be my question, I commented in my mind. 

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