Chapter 20 [ He woke up ]

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|Author's POV|

"You woke up!" Ansh exclaimed.

He continued, "How are you feeling? Are you able to breathe properly? Wait! I'll call the doctor and Susmita Aunty."

Kishor just sat back and smiled on seeing his friend act like that.

Ansh left the room and rushed to the doctor. On the way, he dialed his aunt's number.

She was already on her way when he had called.

The  doctor was busy consulting another patient. So, Ansh didn't enter his office.

While talking to the unconscious Kishor, Ansh acted cool and calm. But now that he woke up, he was more worked up than anyone else.

Kishor stared at his plastered arm for a while. He did some breathing exercise till he was calm again.

"At least I didn't break my head", he mumbled to himself.

He smiled while remembering the look on his best friend's face. He was so calm and collected. But as soon as he woke up, he looked like he might cry.

He had always been like that - prone to crying as well as acting cool to shake it off.

While Kishor was lost in his thoughts, his mother and Ishika arrived.

"Maa... Ishi", Kishor smiled at his mother and Ishika.

His mother furrowed her brows and stared at her dumb smiling son.

Meanwhile, Ishika looked like she might burst into tears at any moment. Still, she tried her best to hold them back.

She stood at the corner of his bed and stared at him in guilt.

"This happened because of me...", she uttered in a low voice.

"Why would you think that..", Kishor asserted. "Just buy or make me my fav foods for a month."

Ishika looked up in shock. Seeing Kishor's grin, she finally smiled.

His mother let out a long sigh. But she was really reassured on seeing him still happy and smiling. She was also relieved to see Ishika let go of her guilt.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and walked towards Kishor.

He turned towards her and replied, "Quite alright."

She ruffled his hair and checked him.

"Actually no, I don't feel so good", Kishor uttered.

"Are you hurting somewhere?" She questioned in worry.

"Ouch... I think.." Kishor blinked before looking at his mother, "I think I need a hug."

His mother closed her eyes and scoffed at his acting.

"Pagal", she said while smacking his head. Still, she hugged him.

She glanced at Ishika and motioned her with her hands to join in the hug.

They held each other for a while longer. It felt peaceful and calming.

Somehow, it pulled away all the stress and worry caused by that accident.

Just then, Ansh's mother bragged into the room.

"Kittuu... what happened?" She exclaimed.

"How did this happen? Who did this? Just let me find that guy. Moreover, where's Ansh? That boy didn't even tell me THIS happened to you. I will smack him when I see him."

She glanced at Susmita before continuing, "I wouldn't even know if Susmita didn't inform me."

Susmita simply smiled at her.

"Ishikaa... my cute little baby", she found another target. Anita became fond of her in just one meeting.

"Are you okay? Thank god nothing big happened to you. But I heard you sprainked your ankle and also have some scratches."

The little 5'1 figure of Anita caressed Ishika's head. Kishor and Ishika blushed at her actions.

Ansh's little brother simply stood at a side and watched his mother shower her love over grown up people.

Ansh returned to the room with the doctor.

Anita wanted to scold her son but she wasn't dumb. She knew that wasn't the moment for such stuff.

'I'll smack his ass when we get home', she thought to herself while staring at him.

They checked Kishor thoroughly.

"You will have this plaster for a month", the doctor explained. "Do not move your left arm a lot."

The doctor kept on blabbering while glancing between the four people in thr office.

Anita and her little son were sitting outside while waiting patiently.

Susmita and Ansh were listening attentively to each advice he gave.

Meanwhile, Kishor and Ishika simply nodded without even remembering the last word that left his mouth.

They glanced between each other and realized they were thinking the same thing - 'How much will he speak?'

Just then, his voice cracked.

Kishor pressed his lips to suppress the laugh and Ishika too was infected. They both looked away from each other, in case they start laughing on eye contact.

Ansh glanced at Kishor and seeing his expression, he too felt like laughing.

At last, the doctor ended his never-ending speech.

"Eat healthy for a while and you'll regain your health."

"Thank you doctor", Susmita replied and stood up from the chair.

They parted ways when they reached the ground floor.

Susmita drived as Kishor and Ishika sat behind.

Meanwhile, Anita had arrived with a driver. She and the little boy said behind. Ansh sat on the front seat.

He leaned against the window as he wondered, "she'll leave tomorrow... right?"


You guys after seeing me update the chapter a little late ---

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄皿 ̄///)

I am late again...ヽ(゜▽゜ )-

Don't get angry though... ( ̄ε(# ̄)('・ω・')?

My exams were over recently so I am chilling at my Nani ghar (*  ̄︿ ̄)





Did you enjoy reading this chapter? Let me know, please.

(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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