Chapter 18 [My best friend's sister]

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|Ansh's POV|

She jumped away from me because of the loud noise outside. She was astonished and looked around to come back to reality.

She stared at the huge window. The sky was filled with gloomy clouds, making the already dark sky darker. Rain poured in violent showers and there came another flash of light.

Ishika flinched and grabbed my arm as the sound of a loud thunder echoed.

I stared at her – slightly trembling hands, tightly shut eyes and knitted eyebrows.

When the sound ceased, she looked up and met my eyes. My eyes widened on meeting her doe eyes. A hint of blush spread across my cheeks and my heart banged against my chest.

I couldn't break the eye contact. But she didn't either.

'Her eyes are brown... deep brown', I noticed. 'A sun-kissed complexion... that was just enticing'

My eyes drifted to her lengthy black hair. I was tempted to run my hand through it, play with it and pat her head.

Just then, someone dropped something and the sound of it echoed through the hallway. Ishika jerked away from me and looked in the other direction.

My eyes widened when I realized what I was doing. She was my best friend's sister. I tried to calm down my nerves and shoo away all these irrelevant emotions. Kishor was lying unconscious in the room and there, I was flirting with his sister.

Guilt took over at me but I tried to act normal. "Let's go", I said and got up from the bench.

"Where?" Ishika questioned in confusion as she sat still. I pointed towards the room Kishor was in and she immediately got up.

'It had been twenty minutes so it must be fine to go there now', I thought to myself.

We entered there only to see Susmita aunty asleep on the chair. Her arms were folded as she rested her head on the bed beside Kishor. Meanwhile, he remained unconscious on the bed.

I walked to aunty and tapped my shoulders. She woke up due to the slight movement and sat back straight.

"What happened?" she questioned in a still sleepy tone. I remembered Kishor telling me that recently she had to wake up till very late because of her work. Maybe the sleep finally caught up to her.

"You should go home Aunty", I urged which of course she denied.

"No no. I will go with him when he wakes up. Ansh, you should go and also drop Ishika home. You guys have been out since a very long time. You must be tired." She said in one go.

"Ishika, you need to be energetic when Kishor wakes up, not sleepy and tired. How will he feel when he sees you like this?" I countered. "Moreover, Ishika will be alone if I drop her home."

She looked like she was looking a counter attack but at last, she gave in.

"Okay... I will return in an hour or two." She said and got up.

Ishika pressed her lips as she looked down. Now that Aunty was going back, she would also have to. But I was sure that she wanted few minutes alone with her brother.

"Aunty, can we talk alone for a minute", I urged even though I didn't have anything to say.

She knitted her brows slightly but still agreed, "...Okay."

I turned to Ishika and said, "You stay here. We will be just out of the room."

She gave a light nod and we exited the room.

"What is it, Ansh?" she questioned with worry writ on her face.

I glanced at the door of the room before turning to Aunty, "Ishika... this whole incident was in no way Ishika's fault."

"I know", she replied.

I looked at her in a little shock but then I remembered this was Susmita Aunty.

"Aunty, she might be thinking that it is", my eyes turned back to the door as I continued, "She was so worried when we excluded her and left her alone. She herself has a sprained ankle and her palms were scratched on the rough road. Even her knees were bleeding. She cannot even walk properly but she thinks this was all her fault. She..." I looked backed at Aunty, "she was almost about to cry."

Aunty looked at me with widen eyes as she patted my shoulder. I hadn't even realized that I was breathing heavily until her touch.

She looked at with the gentlest smile I had ever seen before pulling me into a hug. She rubbed my back with her hand as I stood still and frozen. My breathing slowly returned to normal. I felt calmed down. The whole while, I didn't dare to hug her back.

I was about to pull back when Aunty said, "You are the Best friend he could ever have." Water sprang to my eyes and I finally hugged her back. But I held back my tears.

After some while, I finally let go of her. "I'll be getting the car out. You tell Ishika to stay at the main gate", she said and I nodded while looking down.

I watched as she walked away towards the stairs.


I know this chapter's late... in fact, 2 weeks late.( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄皿 ̄///)

But, I had my exams going on and I simply had no motivation to write.ヽ(゜▽゜ )-

But here we are, finally the next chapter.(*  ̄︿ ̄)





Did you enjoy reading this chapter? Let me know, please.

(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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