Chapter 21 [The Worst Day of My Life]

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|Ishika's POV|

"Bhaiya so gaye hai", I informed Mausi. She was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed.

But she opened them when she heard my voice.

"Ohh.. ok", she responded with. "You should also sleep."

"Hmm", I hummed in a low tone and walked to the stairs. My bedroom was right in front of Kishor bhaiya's.

As I lied on my bed, all the stress and fatigue kicked in.

All the memories replayed in my mind. First that creep and then, bhaiya's accident... today was the worst day of my life.

Moreover, I couldn't do anything except sitting like an idiot.

I stared at the ceiling as my mind went blank.

My heart was tied in a knot. My head was pounding. I... felt like crying.

Few drops of tears escaped my eyes. I was never a crybaby still I couldn't stop these tears from flowing. I didn't know what had happened to me.

I felt anger streaming through my blood. The anger was totally concentrated on me.

Why wasn't I more careful? Why didn't I see that biker coming? Why couldn't I fight back? Why couldn't I just slap that man? Why was I always just crying? Even now... all I was doing was crying, crying and crying.

"Damn it", I muttered as I shut closed my eyes. I thought that would stop the tears but it didn't.

Instead, the tears only increased.

Why couldn't I control them!? I didn't want to cry, not now and not back in the hospital. Still, they just wouldn't stop.

'Why!? Why!? ...just why?', I spoke in my mind. My breath hitched but I tried to stop it.

It didn't stop. I got up and walked to the bathroom.

I splashed cold water on my face and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes were red and puffed. My face was swollen. I looked like a mess.

But finally, I had gained control over my tears.

"I won't cry uselessly", I affirmed while looking into my eyes in the mirror.

I returned to my room and lied down again.

I scheduled in my mind the things I had to do the next day.

'Ohh.. and one more thing, I won't return to Patna. I will stay here till Kittu bhaiya's plaster is removed.'

I stated in my mind.

My eyes were slowly closing and some while later, I drifted to sleep.


"Hmm", I mumbled and buried my face further into the pillow. The alarm on my phone kept ringing nonstop.

'I didn't put an alarm though', I thought to myself.

'No wait! I did put an alarm!" I remembered my resolution from last night.

I checked the time to be 8 a.m. already.

"Ughh", I groaned and mentally slapped myself.

I limped downstairs, since my ankle still hurted, only to see Mausi cooking in the kitchen.

She had already cleaned the whole house, except for my room. She had also put the clothes in washing machine.

Moreover, even her cooking was almost done.

I furrowed my brows as I stood by the kitchen's door. Again, I failed.

"Ohh Ishika, you're up", Mausi said as she looked over at me.

I nodded and hummed in yes, "Hmm."

"How's your ankle and those bruises too?" She questioned as she turned towards the stove again.

"Just fine", I replied.

"That's good", she said.

"Mausi.. is there anything I can help with?" I truly wanted to do something to aid her.

"Hmm..", she pondered for a while before continuing, "Yeah.. go wake up Kishor and tell him to freshen up. You also take a bath."

These were casual stuff. "Anything more?" I asked.

"She glanced at me before saying, "You can clean your and Kishor's room. But don't move around too much."

"Sure", I chirped before going back to my room.

I cleaned my room first before waking bhaiya up. When he went to toilet, I cleaned his bed.

"I swear, his room is always messy", I uttered as I limped around.

"Change your clothes. You cannot take bath." I said to him when he exited the bathroom.

"Yeah..", he muttered before yawning.

By the time he changed his clothes, I had broomed his room.

"Let's go", he said and walked out of the room. We walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Seriously... roti and kaddu", bhaiya said while making faces. But one glare from Mausi was enough to stup him up.

We prayed for the food before digging in.

"Ishi, I'll have to leave early for some work. But I'll return by 4:00 p.m. Just feed this child around 1 p.m. and give him his medicines."

Mausi said as she completed her food.

"Okay", I said and took another bite out of my roti.

"I don't like medicines..", bhaiya mumbled but Mausi heard him.

"But you will eat", she said in an ordering tone.

Bhaiya pouted as he continued eating.

"Ishi, you be ready by 4 p.m. When I come back, I'll drop you to the station." She said.

But I defied her, "No, I won't go back to Patna."


I was wrecking my brain over this chapter but I completed it just fine.😌😌

After seeing Ishika stay, Ansh will be like ---
I like it, I want it. I want it, I get it.





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(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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