*Lil Announcement*

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Dear Readers,

Most of you probably don't know of the recent announcement since you don't follow me. This announcement is regarding that.

So, my exams were over recently and I am finally free (at least for a while).

I wanted to update right after it was over. But... I have been sick for a few days so I couldn't.

Anyways, I would like to apologise for disappearing for almost two months... That's a long time..It's just that I couldn't concentrate on writing.

And I don't continue writing when --

• I don't feel like writing .

• I cannot find the right words.

Otherwise, my writing turns out to be quite messy and it doesn't express what I want it to.

Also, a lot of thanks for those who stayed and didn't drop this.

Anyways, the MAIN Announcement was that I'll try to update everyday 'cause my summer vacation is going on.

Also, I have re-edited Chapter 26. So, you might want to re-read it.

Your Bootiful Author,


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