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<Geno's POV.>

I was peacefully sleeping.. having a weird Dream..

~ in the Dream relam ~

I was standing in some kind of Forest.

it looked like a normal forest but it didn't feel normal.

i was comfushed on where i was and why i was in a forest..i didn't even realize that i was Dreaming.

i decided to walk around for a bit to see.

i suddenly walked over to a big but Dead tree.

i was comfushed on why was there a dead tree.
I stared up at the Tree as i noticed a Figure sitting up in the tree.

the person had a dark black long coat. And had his bacm facing me..i also noticed a pair of Long black Wings.

my eyes went wide open in shock as i quickly reached behind my back to grab my bow but it was gone.

i started trumbling in fear because my weapons were gone..i didn't even have my uniform on.

i slowly stepped back as a branch under me broke startling the creature sitting on the tree.

The creature quickly spread there wings as it flew up into the sky..dissapearing between the clouds.

i sighed in relief from knowing that the creature was now gone

i backed away a bit more with a sigh before turning over as i bumped into the same creature that now stood in front of me, staring down at my now trumbling body..

i kept my eyes on the ground in fear while the creature just inspected my body..it started sniffing me..i just stood still, not even moving an inch, i was like a frozen statue.

the creature hissed a little before pushing me over at my back..

I quickly shoot my eyes wide open in shock as i sat up quickly while sweating like hell..

I tried to calm down my beating soul while i was sweating badly.

suddenly there was a loud and intensive knocking on my front door.

i sighed as i quickly took off my blankets that were covering me.

as soon as i did so the coldness of the room hit my bare bones..

"so cold.."

i sighed as the knocking could be heard again which startled me as i quickly shoot up and went over to the door.

i grabbed the handle and unlocked the door with my key .

i opened the door to see Capital Undyne standing in front of my door covered in snow .

she seemed a bit annoyed, probably because it looked like she had stood there for quite a while-

"uhm, may i help you caption?"

"Took you long enough to open one stupid door."

"oh, my bad i was sleeping."

"i don't care if you were sleeping or not. You should be always on alert for any emergencies like now."

"wait what emergency?"

"ugh geno you're always behind. Well anyways we got a Message from king Asgore."

"what's it about?"

"well we had a meeting earlier and-"

"wait. What time is it?"

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