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<Geno's Pov>

It was just a day after the incident that happened with Raichel in the kitchen.
Science has already sent me back to doing my chores as I was supposed.

I was currently doing the laundry down in the basement.
It felt really cold but I was trying to ignore it all so I could just be done with the work.

I threw the big weird clothing into the washing machines and closed them, turning them on afterwards.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead and smiled proudly.

"Hah. Finished early. Heh.. Now what's the next chore.. "
I looked down on the paper that I took out from my pocket to check my next chore I had to do.

"..Great. I have to serve the prince.. On the Black moon. How unsurprising.. "

I sighed annoyed, but I was glad that I had free time for myself since the Black moon dinner was in a few hours, let's just hope that I won't be forced into the kitchen again.

I got an idea of going on a little adventure.. Around the castle.
I smiled at this idea that popped into my mind, and since I finished laundry I could sneak out.

I quickly went to the door and exited the basement, walking up the stairs, opens the basement doors and slowly closes it as quiet as possible.
Once I was out of the basement I looked around myself to make sure no maid is near as I quickly sneaked over.
I decided to take some random route since I don't really know where in the castle I was.. After all this place is huge.

In a while I realized that I have been walking for a while and I haven't seen a single maid come by.. Strange.

Suddenly I froze from hearing some strange.. Noises.. Almost sounding like painful sobs..
I was hesitant to either I should go check it out or keep walking..
I wanted to keep on but.. Something made want to see what was going on.

I took a deep breath before quietly and carefully walking over into the Hall way it was coming from.
There i noticed a door being slightly open at the end of the Hall way.
I quickly sneaked over to the door and peeked in a little. I was shocked from what I saw.

Raichel.. The maid who had poured the soup on me a day before was there chained up with one of her wings missing.. There was blood on the floor under her..
I gasped slightly when she started sobbing in pain even harder, I decided to quickly back up before suddenly bumping into someone..

I froze in fear before daring to slightly look over at the person behind me.. And of course there was the one and only..

Prince himself.

"O-oh uhm.. your h-highness! W-what are you doing here haha?.. "

"You're saying that as if I was not allowed to be here. "

"O-oh! My bad.. Uhm may I help you your Highness?. "

"Actually yeah, but first tell me why are you in this part of the castle? "

"Uh oh, I kinda got lost.."

"I understand that.. But why aren't you doing your chore. "

"I.. I. I.. I finished early.. I wanted to explore.."

"Did.. Anyone give you permission to do that hm? "

"No your Highness.. "

"Hmm.. Alright, I will let this slide. Since you finished all your chores. Now, come with me little hunter. "

"Yes your Highness. "

I heard the prince back up a bit so I turned over fully, he was looking at me with a blank expression before starting to walk to the other Hall way.

I quietly decided to follow him without a word as I was told to..
He was walking more deeper into the dark Hall ways, I know that I have definitely not been here before..

"Uhm.. Your Highness, if I may ask.. Where are you leading me? "

He didn't respond, just quietly keeps going and going more into the dark. I had to speed up a little to catch up with him properly

"Your Highness please- where are we going-"

He stopped and spoke up.
"Little hunter. Did you forget the rules? "

"I uhm.. My bad your Highness.. "

"Good.. Now stop asking questions and keep on. "
He started walking forward once again before soon enough stopping in front of a huge Wodden door covered in black roses.

He opened the door and waited for me to get inside, I didn't question as he ordered me to.. I entered the large room that appeared to be a beautiful library

"Wow.. "

"Beautiful isn't it.. "

A light red blush appeared on my cheek bones from embarrassment
"O-oh you heard me. Sorry your Highness. "

"Pfft. It's alright little hunter. "
The prince closed the door behind as he walked besides me

"So.. Why did you bring me here your Highness? "

"Just wanted to show you this place, it's where I go when I need to think. "

"Oh.. That's nice"

"Yeah. You could say that."

I was looking around a bit, it was a really beautiful library.. Suddenly I thought of something I needed to ask the Prince, so I quickly turned over to him

"Uhm your Highness?"

"Yes, hunter? "

"I have a few questions about the Black Moon.. "

"Oh, I mean sure go ahead and ask. "

"Well.. Is it true that the other kingdoms come to have a dinner together, and share the news about what happens in their grounds? "

"Well yeah, but it also celebrates me since it's the time when I was born."

"Is that why your wings are black? "

The prince suddenly became quiet and looked away
"That is none of you business. "

"My bad.your Highness. "

The prince looked out of the window suddenly realizing how much time has passed already, he then turned hi attention on me

"Well it seems like it's already time for the big time. And since your next chore is to serve me.. Your coming with me. "

"Oh right. "

The prince walked over to me and stared at me with a slight smile.

"So, are you Prepared to Serve me.. Geno? "


Sorry for mistakes!
A little shorter chapter, I hadn't had the time to write much which I apologize!!
I hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a vote if you enjoyed!

I hope you all have a nice day/night!


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